Chapter 376 Braised Shark VS Fried Fish Balls!!

Huarong Road finds mistakes, the heart of Shura paves the way, the gourmet regeneration improves freshness, and the heart of phantom processes ingredients to cook dishes.

When Caibo Chaoyang, who went all out, made this deep-fried fish ball, he actually used these four kinds of cooking hearts.

Others may not have found out.

But Chu Feng's spiritual power filled the audience.

No detail escapes his eyes.

Chaoyang makes dishes from the beginning.

Those eyes shone with a faint luster.

No doubt~

Having just successfully captured the 'Huarong Dao', he was already able to use it flexibly.

Not only that~

His usage is more flexible than the original owner, Yue Huadeng.

Think of it here~

Chu Feng couldn't help but glance at Yue Hua Deng, who had lost his soul.

This guy deserved to lose the halberd, and Huarong Dao was actually imitated by him in another way, and he went the wrong way.

With Caibo Chaoyang, pinch the fish balls and put the oil pan.

The sound of "Zizi" suddenly reached everyone's ears. Suddenly!

An alluring scent filled the audience. The Dionysian shark is a dream ingredient.

Just this strong fragrance...

It's far from being comparable to ordinary ingredients.

"So fragrant! More fragrant than the shredded fish just now! "

"Of course, this guy didn't do his best just now."

"Hiss~ This taste is simply amazing, instantly covering the dish that Chu Feng is making18."

"I want to eat it so much, it's so hungry that I'm drooling."

"Look, it's time for the pot to serve the plate..."

"Nima, if you want to be so fast, Lao Tzu has not seen the appearance of the fish balls clearly."

"He walked to the judges' table with his plate, really wanting to see the finished product quickly."

"The lid can't block the aroma of this fish ball, I really want to taste it."

"Come on, the thought that the judges can eat so delicious is worse than fantasizing that I will starve to death."

As everyone watching the battle said, Caibo Chaoyang held the dinner plate with one hand and stood in front of the judges' table.

Without slowing down on the plate, he did not hang everyone's appetite, and directly uncovered the lid.


A dazzling golden light emerged from the plate, shining on the audience, almost blinding everyone's eyes.

Setsunai and others are naturally not affected.

With their current strength.

Even if you close your eyes, you can know what this dish looks like.

Ten fish balls fried until golden brown.

At this time, a golden light is shining.

Like ten small suns, hanging between heaven and earth.

That's right!

Fish balls made by Caibo Chaoyang.

Floating on a dinner plate against the laws of physics.

And it's still rocking up and down rhythmically.

"This is???"

Xue Che was really shocked.

On top of the fish balls.

She did not see any possibility of human manipulation.

Other words~

The dishes made by Caibo Chaoyang float in mid-air entirely by virtue of their own characteristics.

"It's air pressure!"

Jiunai's mother-in-law glanced at Caibo Chaoyang and spoke, "Although the internal structure of this fish ball is not clear, there is no doubt that only the heat generated by the fierce frying is completely concentrated in the fish ball, which can produce this incredible centrifugal force. "

"It's a magical dish, and the old man hopes that its taste will be as good as your creativity."

Xianzuoemon nodded slowly, and a trace of appreciation flashed under his eyes.

He has never denied Caibo Chaoyang's talent, and he can be promoted to special chef at a young age, and he must have a few brushes.

It's a pity that such a genius embarked on the road of plunder, and finally joined the food party.

"Don't worry, you will definitely not disappoint Mr. Xue Che."

Caibo Chaoyang was full of confidence, and when he said the word 'old', his tone was slightly heavier.

Obviously, it was mocking Xianzuoemon for being old.

Stargin and Karyu did not comment much.

This kind of little trick can't amaze them.

The two were the first to take away their share of fish balls, two per person. When the light gradually dissipated, the fish balls were charred and tender on the outside.

Xue Che Zhenji and the others no longer hesitated, and picked up their chopsticks one after another.

It's just a little strange, obviously the fish balls after high temperature frying, the surface is not hot at all.

Karyu took the fish balls and looked at them, and before he could eat them in his mouth, he had already noticed this.

There was a burst of doubt under his eyes, but he didn't think much about it, and now tasting the taste is the focus.

Take a hard bite.

The moment the teeth come into contact with the fish balls, there is a 'snap' sound.

Then came an amazing elasticity.

The charred coating on the surface of the fish balls is thin.

Almost shattered at the touch.

The teeth instantly feel the delicacy of the fish.


This moment.

The sound of a fish bubble bursting in Karian's mind sounded.

Next second.

Only then did the explosion of fish balls come from the mouth.

A powerful stream of heat exploded and filled his mouth in an instant, constantly washing his tongue, teeth, and taste buds.

The heat flow is not hot, on the contrary, it is mild.

The air pressure produced may seem strong, but it is just right and cannot cause any pain

Karliu even felt a little comfortable and narrowed his eyes pleasantly.


The five tastes of sweet, sour, spicy, fresh and salty burst out in the mouth instantly, except for the lack of a bit of wine taste.

Meatballs with caviar and egg white.

With amazing elasticity and delicate taste at the same time.

The five flavors are blended together indiscriminately.

Delicious! Really delicious!

Karyu suddenly opened his slightly narrowed eyes, and his gaze flickered to look at Caibo Chaoyang standing proudly in front of him.

At this moment he had to admit.

The same special chef, the other party is much stronger than him.

At least~

Karyu asked himself if he could make such delicious fish balls.

"Si Guoyi, there really is no wine aroma at all!"

Xue Che was really shocked.

Can't help but let out an exclamation. Although do not want to admit it.

Although it belongs to the hostile camp.

But the dish of Caibo Chaoyang is indeed very perfect.

At least the information that God's tongue feeds back is only one or two unsatisfactory places.

To know ~

Now the true tongue of God has evolved to an extremely high level.

Even with the chef's dishes, she can point out a lot of mistakes.

For example, Yue Hua Deng had at least five defects before.

But now ~

No matter how much Zhenji looks for thorns, he can only pick out one or two trivial shortcomings.

Xianzuoemon was silent, but the clothes that exploded by an inch were enough to explain everything.

Although the fish fragrant shredded meat before has already made his clothes explode once.

It was also 440 Caibo Chaoyang's dish, but this time it came more violently at the moment of biting the fish ball.

Xianzuoemen's clothes were like being thrown into a shredder, and they turned into countless fragments in an instant.

Setsunai glanced at the 'shameless' Senzoemon with a bit of disgust.

"You're a lot older now, and you like to go shirtless at every turn as you did when you were young, and you don't know how to pay a little attention to your image."

Xianzuoweimon smiled awkwardly and bitterly, and quickly beckoned the bodyguard to bring clothes and put them on.

In fact, Setsunai also knew that this was the bloodline talent of the Kakuki family, and the other party could not control it at all.

After smiling and complaining about the other party, she turned her head to look at the young man in black in front of her and nodded: "Very good cuisine, several ingredients are matched to offset the original taste of the Dionysian shark, and the fusion of the five tastes is also very high, in the special cuisine, this is already the best." "

"Master Setsuno is too praised."

Facing one of the five great Lin chefs in the world, Caibo Chaoyang behaved quite politely.

He is not stupid, and his sanity has been fully restored.

It is impossible to sit idly and do nothing, provoking this senior.

And the evaluation of Setsuna.

At the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The best special cuisine!

It's almost a chef's ceiling.

Caibo Chaoyang didn't believe it...

As a special chef, can Chu Feng still make better dishes than himself? It's impossible to think about!


Chu Feng, who had previously found a brand new chef's uniform on his body in Yuejialou, walked towards the judges' table step by step.

Beside him, the dinner plate shrunk to half a meter square flashed with a strange light, gliding with him in mid-air...

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