Chapter 375 Braised Shark VS Fried Fish Balls!!

"Flame power? Boss Chu will still do this? "

"Can the Food Demon Derivative Produce Manifest Food Skills at the same time?"

"I don't know, it seems that there is no such precedent!"

"With realised kitchenware and flame power, this is simply void cooking!"

"Ah~ what an amazing skill~~ Boss Chu is awesome!"

"Under the dinner plate wrapped in flames, I seem to have smelled the fragrance of the Dionysian shark."

"Strange? Why is there no wine aroma at all? The ordinary massage technique just now can really completely remove the original taste of the Dionysian shark? "

"It's unbelievable, the characteristics of the dream ingredient, is it so easy to change?"

"It's not that the characteristics are easy to change, but that Boss Chu is highly skilled, and we can't understand it."

"Anyway, I don't know anything about cooking, I only know that Boss Chu is a cow Klaas."

"Roll the calf, don't know how to cook, what is the excitement?"

"Lao Tzu just likes to eat, can't he?"

When flames appeared out of thin air in front of Chu Feng, completely covering the meal on the plate.

The people who were staring at the countertop finally let out a burst of exclamations.

There are very few cooks in the world who awaken the power of flame.

It is as rare as usual.

Generally speaking~

Even if there is more than one food meaning derived from the combination of the chef heart and the food demon, the characteristics are basically the same.

For example, the first is to have a realized food technique, then the second probability is also the same.

If the first is organ strengthening, it means that the road of organ strengthening will be taken in the future.

It has both a realised food technique and a flame power, which has never been seen before.

Even Jie Nai's mother-in-law looked at Chu Feng with a surprised face.

At this time, her face was full of red light, as if she saw something rare. The existence of the same realm has an inexplicable induction in the underworld.

Just like the first time Chu Feng saw Jie Nai.

I felt the other party's cooking realm and the powerful surging vitality.

The same is true of Setsuna's mother-in-law.

In fact, she was wandering around looking for inspiration, and only occasionally heard about the chef's halberd, so she suddenly wanted to come and take a look.

In order not to be recognized, she also deliberately used the 'jellyfish airship' to hide her figure.

The first time he saw Chu Feng, Jie Nai was also very shocked, but he didn't expect the other party to reach the realm of Lin Chef at a young age.

When Caibo Chaoyang was preparing to eat a halberd with Chu Feng, she finally couldn't help but appear, just to taste the dishes of the chefs of the same level.

After all~

There are too few chefs above the grand level in the world.

Leave aside the two dragon chefs who are usually not easy to find.

In the huge world, there are only five Lin chefs.

Setsunai is familiar with the other four, and they have all tasted a lot of each other's dishes, and everyone knows each other's depths.

Now that a new chef has appeared, and she is so young, she is naturally full of interest.

Perhaps, the two can also communicate.

At least Setsuna's mother-in-law had that in mind.

Therefore, he was extremely friendly to Chu Feng from the beginning.

Of course~

If you let Tianyu know what the other party thinks.

It is estimated that she will jump out in anger and let Jiu Nai stay away from the man she pursues, so that Chu Jun will not exchange cooking skills with the old woman.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared intently at Chu Feng.

Flame powers or something, not worth her attention at all.

The focus of Tianyu's slashing was always on Chu Feng's side face. Chu Feng, whose expression began to become serious, was simply handsome at the moment.

The corners of Tianyu's mouth gradually raised, and soon a silly smile appeared.

Subconsciously wiped the saliva that spilled from the corner of his mouth, looked around left and right, fortunately no one saw it.

After all~

All eyes are now on the flaming plate.

Chu Feng began to brush the oil.

All it was used was butter.

The hand waved towards the void.

The whole butter slowly floats into the plate.

And quickly turned into liquid under the scorching flames.

And then~

I saw that the light yellow oil seemed to have life.

Automatically rotated around the Dionysian shark meat a few times.

With each revolution, the oil decreases by a fraction.

It didn't take long for the whole butter to spread evenly over the meat.

"You actually use only the most ordinary butter?"

Starkin, who had been silent, suddenly spoke, his tone quite puzzled.

Butter, also known as milk fat, is just a liquid formed by separating the cream in milk and skimmed milk, ripening the cream and stirring.

The biggest difference between butter and cream is the composition, butter has a higher fat content, and in simple terms, it is a compound between oil and milk.

High-quality butter has a light yellow color, uniform and delicate texture, no moisture seeps out of the cutting surface, and the smell is fragrant...

Chu Feng used high-quality butter.

But in the eyes of Starkin and others, it is indeed too ordinary.

He couldn't figure out what role this ordinary ingredient could play?

Karliu pouted disdainfully, and snorted coldly: "It's just grandstanding, anyway, this halberd, the wave of Chaoyang won." "

If the halberd began, he could not guess the final victory or defeat.

When the two sides began to cook, Karyu already had a judgment in his heart.

In addition to the flame power, Caibo Chaoyang seemed to 'surpass' Chu Feng in every aspect.

Four chefs, many top kitchenware, and a variety of precious ingredients... And if none of this wins?

Caibo Chaoyang simply sepuku and committed suicide! That's right~

When Chu Feng used his food skills to cook the ingredients. Caibo Chaoyang has already taken out the top caviar.

Great white sturgeon caviar!

The secular world produces less than a hundred tails a year.

And only great white sturgeon over sixty years old can make caviar.

The uniformly sized caviar resembles black pearls.

The color is dark and the brilliance is charming. Just such a small bowl of caviar. The value is more than millions of yen.


Caibo Chaoyang just mashed it and put it into the meat.

When Senzoemon heard Karu's words, he couldn't help frowning: "It's a little too early to draw conclusions, caviar tastes fishy and salty, although it can offset 3.9 part of the wine aroma, but if one is not handled well, it is easy to affect the taste of the whole dish." "

Xue Che Zhen also opened his mouth: "Caviar, a craft pickled product, has a slightly astringent and salty taste, although it is a perfect match with seafood and river fresh, but it is also very exquisite, and it is not necessarily suitable for the Dionysian shark." "

"You'll know when they're done, and the cuisine depends on the taste after all."

Karyu glanced at the father and daughter of the Xue Che family, one enemy and two, knowing that he couldn't talk about them, so he simply shut up.

However, from his determined expression, it was not difficult to see that he had already determined Chu Feng's failure in his heart.

It's just that Karyu doesn't know.

Chu Feng didn't do his best at all.

Just a little more serious.

Although it will not release the sea, there will always be water.

Deal with Caibo Chaoyang?

Not enough to make him go all out...

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