Chapter 384 IGO Winging Branch, swarming diners!!

Six o'clock in the afternoon.

Opposite the IGO Chaojing branch building.

A dark blue food truck is parked smoothly on the stall.

As soon as Thor and Alice set up the tables and chairs, many people poured out of the building opposite and went straight to the food truck.

"Oh, fortunately I was smart today and brought ten tables."

Alice stroked the silver hair that covered half of her eyes, and looked 'Miss Ben was very prescient'.

"Uh~ what's going on today? Don't IGO people usually have enough to eat? "

Thor was a little surprised.

These people who rushed wildly.

It's like a pack of wild ~ wolves who have been hungry for three days and three nights.

This battle, simply not too exaggerated.

Alice swept the dragon maid strangely, and said strangely: "Didn't Boss Chu tell you?" In the morning, he won a special chef in Yuejia Lou, and the identity of Chef Lin was also exposed. "


Thor looked at Chu Feng in the fast food truck with a look of pity.

She was a guest at Lukoya's house last night, and only came back this afternoon, and she didn't know what Yue family building the other party went to this morning.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a matter of watching the halberd in the past, and talking to people by the way."

Chu Feng's face was flat, and he was only a talented wave, which was not worth mentioning at all.

At most, it was a little unexpected, the other party lost a halberd, and he was actually crazy.

Most of them are still too smooth on the road to cooking, they have not been beaten by society, and their willpower is too weak.

Anyway, since Caibo Chaoyang was taken away by IGO, Chu Feng hadn't paid attention to the other party.

Thor snorted and continued to wait for the incoming diners.

What Chu Feng usually does, she has never bothered, just curious.

"Read it, you guys look like a special chef without noodles?"

Chu Feng and Thor's reaction immediately left Alice speechless for a while.

Although in front of Chu Feng, the Lin chef, the special chef did have some noodles.

But that was the realm Alice dreamed of.

Now the whole Xue Che family.

The special chef is also only Senzoemon alone.

I have been getting along with Chu Feng and Thor for a long time.

Alice increasingly felt that her dreams were worthless.

Good heart!

But soon~

Alice didn't feel stuffed, she just felt so tired.

"Boss Chu, come ten snowflake crabs."

"オ 10,000 pieces each, I'll come two first!"

"I didn't expect that one day, I would also have the opportunity to taste the craftsmanship of Linchu."

"Snowflake crab, is it a snowflake crab bucket with the traditional snack of Shoulong Guojiangzheng?"

"It's really exciting, I have to eat anything today until I can't hold it!"

"Why don't you die? Chef Lin's cuisine is comparable to those junk foods that can only fill the stomach. "

Just when the crowd was cluttered.

The two women walked slowly towards the food truck.

IGO employees automatically separate a lane for them to pass through.

Anne is still wearing a white dress studded with simple flowers! The 'X' shaped headband on the bangs is particularly conspicuous.

She has blonde hair and a shawl, bangs on her forehead that cover her forehead just right, and a tight black leather skirt that highlights the charm of a mature woman.

The last sentence just now.

It was from the mouth of Krachi.

The moment IGO employees heard her voice.

It suddenly became silent, almost more obedient than a circus animal.

Frowning dissatisfied, Krachi said in a deep voice: "Don't hurry up and line up, don't bother Boss Chu here." "

IGO employees trembled and hurriedly formed a long queue.

Kracky is in the executive department and has a notoriously eccentric personality.

Sometimes she looks like a queen on top, exuding a daunting power

Sometimes like an eccentric girl, the whole person's method that pops out of her mind makes the employees of the executive department miserable.

With such a changeable top boss, it is difficult for employees to disobey.

Chu Feng glanced at Krachi more curiously, Yiping did not expect that the other party still had this kind of momentum.

Last time he was at the Far Moon Resort Hotel, he thought it was just a gluttonous little woman.

"Boss Chu, we met again."

Krachi came to the front of the fast food truck, and Chu Feng, who appeared on his cold and frosty face, smiled and nodded, but he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Women are indeed complex creatures.

This face changes when it is said.

There was no sense of contradiction between the starting and ending.

At this time, Annie also smiled and greeted: "I'm sorry Boss Chu, the people below heard that you are coming here to set up a stall, and they are all very excited, in fact, they usually know the rules." "

"It's okay, as long as it doesn't affect the order."

Chu Feng said with a smile.

The enthusiasm of IGO employees was to his expectations.

IGO Huangjing branch address is relatively remote, and there are not many pedestrians passing by.

Today's main diners are the employees here.

Gracefully stroking a handful of long hair that fell to her ears, Annie fell and said generously: "Boss Chu only sells snowflake crabs today?" If everyone orders too much, will it be too troublesome? "

He didn't ask Chu Feng if he was busy.

With the strength of Chef Lin, it doesn't take much time to make this simple dish.

She just didn't want the people in the division to cause trouble to the other party.

Chu Feng swept his eyes at the series of heads lined up with dragons.

It is estimated that there are at least five hundred people.

"Then one each, Alice, and take the crab powder."

IGO Division!

But there is more than one executive department, there are other doors.

It's just that the first batch to come out, most of them are people from the executive department.

In order not to increase the workload too much, and in order to maximize the effect of the system crit, Chu Quan still decided to sell it in limited quantities.

IGO people, there is no opinion.

As long as they can taste Linchu's dishes, let alone only one portion, even if they can only eat one bite, they feel that it is worth it.

After Annie and Clarci sat down in front of the window, Chu Feng and Alice began to take crab powder.

Crab flour is crab meat!

To make snowflake crab, stir-fried crab flour is better to peel and stir-fry.

If left for too long, the meat will lose its original taste.

Crab flour is a delicate job that completely separates the crab roe from the crab meat without destroying the integrity of the crab meat.

The whole process must be focused, which is definitely a time-consuming and labor-intensive task for ordinary people.

But Chu Feng and Alice are obviously not ordinary people.

After this period of time in the stall, Alice is also about to be promoted to seven-star chef

The little thing of taking crab powder naturally did not bother her, but the speed was far less than Chu Feng.

Anne and Clarge sitting in front of the framed window.

I saw a silver-white shadow flash every time. A big smelling crab was decomposed by Chu Feng.

Crab shell, crab meat, crab shield.

All fall into different vessels.

Unmatched speed.

Extremely accurate spin-offs.

Even the most basic processes.

Chu Feng's movements are still full of freehand beauty, which is breathtaking.

It was at this time that Annehok noticed...

Chu Feng actually used river crabs, and they were all dried female crabs.


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