Chapter 385 Snowflake Big Crab, Indescribably Delicious!!

Snowflake crab is also known as snowflake crab bucket.

It is a famous traditional snack of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

This dish is made of crab shells as a container, and the white egg bubbles are slightly embellished, and the color and aroma are combined.

After noticing the ingredients used by Chu Feng, a hint of surprise flashed under both Annie and Krachi's eyes.

In fact, both river crab and sea crab can make this dish.

It's just that Westerners generally only eat sea crabs, and they would rather sell the caught river crabs to Chinese restaurants than eat a bite.

Anne and Craci grew up in the West and naturally developed this habit.

Although as an IGO executive, I can taste dishes made with various ingredients, but to river crab~

There is always some diaphragm in my heart.

There is no other reason ~

This is related to the body constitution of river crabs.

Due to the different growth environment, after the death of river crabs, bacteria will rapidly multiply in their bodies, and then produce enterotoxin, which has a certain impact on human health.

Westerners have always liked to be fastidious, and it is inevitable that there is some natural aversion to such ingredients.

Kelaki is an impatient person, and he couldn't help but ask first: "Boss Chu, why do you use river crabs?" "

To be honest, if she had a choice, she would choose sea crabs without hesitation.

Chu Feng, who was still processing the ingredients, raised his head slightly, how could he not understand the other party's thoughts, and smiled lightly: "Don't worry, the river crabs I selected are all alive and will not produce enterotoxin." "

As long as the crab flour is taken fast enough, there is no chance of bacteria being produced. Of course, Crachi understood this, but she always felt a little confused.

However, the opportunity to taste Rincho's cuisine is rare.

She won't give up because of this little thing.

Brush the crab shell inside and out, dice the pomfret and trout, a little egg white, fine salt, MSG and mix well to syrup, and place at a low temperature to rise.

Heat the pan, slide it with cold oil, pour it out and add the lard.

Heat the oil until 30% hot, stir-fry the diced fish until it changes color, then pour out the drained oil.

Leave a little oil in the pot, put chopped green onion, minced ginger fragrant, add crab flour and stir-fry to remove fishy, and then put eggs to continue stir-frying.

Every step of stir-frying crab flour was completed by Chu Feng's personal ministers.

Although cumbersome, it is extremely ordinary.

As long as the chef who can make this dish, I believe it will be no stranger.

It's just that Chu Feng seems to have pressed the accelerator key.

The whole set of movements is flowing and flying.

After all, so many diners are waiting.

He doesn't want to cook slowly.

Alice kept putting the fried crab powder fillings into the crab shells, and then put the stirred egg white liquid on top of the crab meat filling.

Don't look at the simple work, but how fast Chu Feng fried crab powder, when she gradually couldn't keep up, sweat had already appeared on her forehead.


How tired!

Alice never thought that just pretending to be stuffed could be tired to this extent.

Glancing at the spatula that had turned into an afterimage, Alice pouted, Boss Chu really treated her as a donkey.


Serve on a plate and steam.

Snowflake crabs don't need to be steamed for long.

As long as the snowflakes are formed, white and smooth.

Anne and Craci, naturally, were the first people to see this dish, who made the two of them present the highest positions.

The orange-yellow crab stands quietly on top of the green fragrant leaf vegetables, surrounded by a rich sauce that exudes a strong fragrance.

On top of the crab shell, snowflakes tightly wrap the crab meat filling inside.

It looks like a crab carrying a small snow-white house, which looks quite beautiful.

Seeing this delicious dish, smelling such a tempting aroma.

The person closest to the window was beaming and salivating.

Even Anne and Craci, who have always disliked river crabs, looked impatient at this time.

"Please use it slowly!"

Pushing the two dinner plates in front of the two first-class executives, Chu Feng had a faint smile on his face.

"Then I'll go!" x2!

Anne and Craci said in unison, and their movements were surprisingly consistent.

Putting on the gloves provided by the food truck, the two uncovered the crab shells with their bare hands at almost the same time.


A fragrant smell gushes out of the crab shell.

Just smelling the sweet fragrance, the two of them were shocked.

Anne and Craig looked at each other, and both saw a touch of shock under each other's eyes.

"So fragrant!"

"I really don't know what it tastes like to eat in your mouth?"

"So what are you waiting for?"

"Hurry up and eat!"

The two spoke again.

Although it is clear about the level of this chef in front of him.

But they couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The meat hidden in the crab shell is not completely covered by snowflakes, nor is it as white as snow as traditional crab meat...

Instead, it's like it's soaked in a thick sauce, with chopped green onion, minced garlic, diced fish and other auxiliary ingredients.

These are not sauces on the plate, but thick soup that spills from the filling when steamed.

Anne used a spoon to rip open the crab meat, which turned out to be extremely loose.

Without hesitation, he scooped up a spoonful of crab meat and sent it to his mouth, and immediately felt a tender and smooth taste.

Fatty umami.

After mixing the green onion and ginger paste soup with diced crab meat. It suddenly creates an indescribable delicacy.

Chew subconsciously for a while.

The sweet and refreshing crab meat seems to be full of life.

It spreads around the mouth and gradually spreads throughout the body.


The strong impact almost made Annie subconsciously cry out.

"It's incredibly delicious, including the ultimate umami crab meat, mixed with egg whites, ginger and shallots, and rich and mellow stock, giving this dish a sweet and smooth dish without losing a strong sense of layering."

Just after eating a bite of crab meat, Annie's eyes already lit up.

At her current level, it is impossible to tell how many layers exist in this dish.

But the continuous impact of the taste of tongue moss stimulated her taste buds like a sea of mountains.


This dish is far beyond her tasting.

Kraki nodded repeatedly: "Yes, after so many years in the industry, for the first time, I can't find any words to describe a dish, this snowflake crab, it's just perfect..."

After a pause, she looked at Chu Feng and continued, "Boss Chu, are you really using river crabs?" How does it feel hundreds of times tastier than sea crabs? No~~ is thousands and thousands of times! "

She has been tasting various foods under the arrangement of IGO since she was a child, and now in her thirties, Crachi is extremely experienced.

A few years ago, when she was a second-class executive, she hosted a six-star chef's halberd.

The theme of that time was crab, and it happened that the two chefs chose river crab and sea crab respectively, but the finished product was a complete taste of river crab.

Although there are also factors of the chef's own level, the different growing environment of the ingredients creates the deliciousness of sea crabs.


The deliciousness of Chu Feng's dish made with river crab was simply like a taste explosion, instantly shattering Keraki's previous cognition...

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