Chapter 387 System Upgrade, Binding Maple Leaf Pavilion!!

Did Chu Feng enjoy the cooking process?

Maybe it is, or maybe it isn't!

It's more about enjoying the system tones that keep ringing in your head.

Points, good reviews, physical abilities...

All kinds of crits can be extremely enjoyable.

I didn't care about the admiration in Anne and Crachi's eyes.

Similar eyes, Chu Feng had seen too much, and now he had no feeling at all.

IGO is truly one of the largest organizations in the gastronomic world.

In the Yongjing branch alone, there are already more than a thousand people stationed.

And that's not counting those who went out on missions.

What happened in the Yue Family Building in the morning.

It spread throughout the entire Wanjing branch at an extremely fast speed.

When he learned from Anne's mouth that Chu Feng would set up a stall opposite the branch at six o'clock in the afternoon, the in-service staff was boiling.

Their enthusiasm can be seen from the crowd that poured out of the building at the beginning.

Lin Kitchen is the myth of the world.

Look at the long line that is still standing.

Listen to the constant sound of prompts in your head.

Chu Feng's hand was like electricity, and he was making dishes with ease.

I can also make time to chat with the two women in front of me without a ride.

"Why didn't Erina, her mother come?"

The time was close to seven o'clock, and Chu Feng asked casually.

It's a bit strange indeed.

As the boss of the IGO executive department, he has not appeared until now.

Could it be that Xue Che had already lost interest in fast food truck cuisine?

No one will get tired of his food, unless the person has a brain problem.

Annie picked up a tissue and wiped her small mouth, and said with a smile: "Lord Zhenji personally escorted Caibo Chaoyang to the TSD Research Institute, and it is estimated that he will not return today." "

"TSD Institute?"

Hearing the unfamiliar term, Chu Feng couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

"The abbreviation of The~Transcender, translated as Transcendent!"

Anne explained patiently.

Chu Feng nodded slowly, but muttered secretly.

It seems that IGO has not concealed its purpose of hosting transcendent people at all.

This Nima is directly called the research institute.

The exact location of the TSD Institute was not asked.

If you think about it with your toes, it must be IGO's secret.

Chu Feng had never been interested in inquiring about other people's secrets.


It was a bit intriguing that he personally escorted him.

Caibo Chaoyang, who has already been captured, should not look at the special executive officer to personally king

Could it be that Xue Che Zhenji discovered the life of Caibo Chaoyang?

After meeting several times, Chu Feng found that Xue Che was really a shrewd woman.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to stand out from several special ranks and become the BSSO of the executive department

Secretly shook his head.

Chu Feng was too lazy to think about this question again.

Anyway, he didn't plan to tell Erinai the truth.

As for Tsutsuki Zhenji, don't you say?

That's their own business.

Busy times always fly by.

When the clock pointed to nine o'clock, Chu Feng closed the stall on time.

Basically, the people who arrived ate a large crab with snowflakes. Although it is impossible to eat, it is also extremely satisfying for everyone.

After all, before Chu Feng appeared...

They may not be able to eat Linchu's cuisine for the rest of their lives.

After closing the stall and starting the food truck, Chu Feng returned to Sakura Apartment with Thor and Alice.

At ten o'clock, Chu Feng was ready to sleep, and next to him lay Thor, who had changed into a nightdress, with his head resting on his arm, looking like he was sleeping soundly.

Chu Feng didn't feel sleepy because the system was asking him if he had upgraded.

Click on it, and sure enough, the number of positive reviews has exceeded five thousand.

[Name]: Chu Feng.

[Age]: 21 years old.

【Positive rating】:5230/10000.

[Comprehensive Index]: 6500 (the average average of ordinary people is 10) [Chef Level]: Lin level.

【Chef Heart】: Harmony is precious, grand avenue (Asura Heart, Phantom Heart, Gourmet Regeneration)

【Food technique】: A meal on a plate.

[Kitchenware]: Eternal Spirit Knife, Dragon Kettle, Demon Saint Bronze, Garulo Knife, Seven-Star Knife Breaking Army.

【Points】: 120,000.

[Skills]: God's Vision, God's Taste, Chinese Cuisine, Western Cuisine, Knife Work, Carving, White Case, Dessert, Fire Gong...

[Secret Technique]: 100% empty-handed white blade, do not cut to death and do not pull out the sword, holy sword Excalibur, super S sacrifice aura, straight death demon eye, divine walk, breath of the sun, divine blessing, dragon slaying mysterious red lotus explosive flame blade...

【Recipe】: Concubine smile, soul noodles, Shenglong dumplings, golden egg fried rice, big magic panda tofu...

Chu Feng's cooking heart increased to five.

The chef heart won from Caibo Chaoyang, the system is specially marked with parentheses, and I don't know what the purpose is?

But before he could think about it, a row of golden text appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations on your praise exceeding 5,000, the system is ready to upgrade, do you want to upgrade?]


Chu Feng did not choose [Yes] for the first time, but asked in his heart: "After the upgrade, what changes will the functions have?"

In fact, it was just a casual question, and he didn't have the luxury of asking the system to reply.

After all, his system is sometimes relatively cold, and he can't let out a fart for half a day, however~

This time, the system responded quickly.

[After this upgrade, you will enter the independent business mode, you can bind to the restaurant, you can freely set the menu, and all dishes can be returned by critical hit...] See this sentence.

Chu Feng sat up abruptly.

Staring incredulously at the golden text in front of him.

Rubbed his eyes.

He seemed a little incredulous.

System, when did it become so generous?

Bind the hotel!

Every dish can be used for critical hits!

"How can there be such a good thing?"

The first thought that came to Chu Feng's mind was not to believe. Although each time you upgrade, the system will open a part of the permissions.

But this is the first time since the crossing has been completely opened.

Just like playing a game, only a little map is officially opened each time, and players can only continue to upgrade and expand a larger movable area.

Then one day, the official suddenly opened the whole map, which was really unreal.


Thor opened his eyes in a daze and looked at Chu Feng, who sat up blankly.

"It's okay, it's just a little sleepless. "

Chu Feng glanced at his girlfriend strangely and found that Thor seemed a little tired today.

With the physical fitness of the dragon clan, even if he doesn't sleep all the time, Thor is very sleepy tonight.

This nizi, I won't go to Lukoya last night to 'discuss', right?

The competition between the dragon clan, Chu Feng is very clear, even if he does not change his body, it is two humanoid self-propelled cannons against each other.

As one of the oldest dragon species, Lukoya's strength must be far more than Thor's Niko to fight with Lukoya, and it is strange that he is not tired.

But what the truth was, Chu Feng didn't ask.

What Thor wanted to say, he naturally spoke.

"Go to bed early when you're tired!"

Gently touching Thor's side face, Chu Feng lay down again, still staring intently at the golden words in the void.

It didn't take long for the text to change again.

[The price of all dishes is set by you, and each dish ordered by each customer every day can be returned by critical hit, but only in cash and points, I wish you a happy business in the future!】

The last line of text is extremely simple, and the dishes and prices are set by Chu Feng.

When a guest orders multiple dishes at the same time, cash and points are returned for each dish.

But there is only one chance to brush out skills or secret techniques at most!

Except for the skill crit, which is still the same as before, the other modes have changed dramatically.

Especially the open hotel model caught him off guard.

In the past, I had a vague feeling that I would own a restaurant one day, but I didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

I can't tell what kind of mood I'm in now.

Excited? Rejoicing?

Maybe both!

A smile couldn't help but appear on his face, and Chu Feng decisively chose [Yes]!

【Ding! Start upgrading!】

【I found a restaurant under your name, is it bound?】


[Bound to Yuejialou Weijing branch, will I change my name?]

[Yes, Maple Leaf Pavilion!]

[Have successfully bound Maple Leaf Pavilion, for your personal safety and higher business experience, do you need this system to upgrade the restaurant?

"Uh~ upgrade the restaurant also has to be charged?"


"What are the benefits after upgrading?"

"The restaurant will have many functions such as automatic defense, automatic cleaning, unlimited subspace and space door, so as to bring you the best business experience. "

The system's words immediately surprised Chu Feng. Although there is no detailed description of each function.

But just look at the name.

Just know that these features are not simple. I looked at the points that had just been made up to 120,000. Chu Feng did not hesitate to choose to upgrade the harvest. When the points are gone, you can earn them again.

Anyway, there is a system.

There will be no shortage of this thing in the future.

After the system deducted 100,000 points, no golden text appeared again, presumably to upgrade the restaurant.

I wonder what the Maple Leaf Pavilion will look like in the end after the transformation?

A powerful system takes a night to transform, shouldn't it be bad?

With ups and downs and excitement, Chu Feng gradually fell asleep.

This night, he slept deeply...

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