Chapter 388: These 100,000 points are worth it!!

Eikyung, Ginza!

The three-storey Chinese restaurant has not changed much in appearance. The only thing that has changed is the mahogany gold painted plaque.

There are three big golden characters written on it - Maple Leaf Pavilion! Dragon flying phoenix-like cursive writing.

It suddenly gives people a sense of majesty. Actually, the name 'Maple Leaf Pavilion'.

There is no special meaning.

It's just that the system suddenly asked when the name was changed.

These three words just happened to appear in Chu Feng's mind.

"Kaede, this is your shop?"

Thor looked at the restaurant in front of him stunned. Suddenly there was a very unreal feeling.

How long had she and Chu Feng been setting up a stall together? A maximum of two or three months is counted.

Now I somehow have a storefront.

Yue Hua Deng presented Chu Feng with a luxurious restaurant.

Of course Thor knew about it.

It's just that she never expected it.

My boyfriend was ready to open the store so soon.

Moreover, even the plaque has been replaced.

"Well, though, there's something wrong with your statement."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and then gently scratched Thor's nose.

The latter was slightly stunned, and asked a little unclear: "What's the problem?" "

Chu Feng smiled and said, "This is our shop." "

Thor was stunned again, but in the next second, he showed a bright smile.

Oh, yes!

This is their shop!

She is also a member of Chu Feng's family now.

Before Thor 097 could react, Chu Feng had already pulled her into the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

The classical-style interior furnishings have not changed much, and the interior decorations are mostly dragons and phoenixes.

But Chu Feng obviously felt that the seemingly little changed picture decoration was more vivid and magnificent than before.


The system only made a small change to the furnishings. It makes the overall style more natural and more classy.

The first floor of the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

The area is about 200 square meters.

In addition to the kitchen and bathroom, there are thirty-two tables in the hall, and there are still many empty spaces.

The kitchen is not small, it is a semi-open kitchen, and everything inside can be seen from a specific angle.

Chu Feng and Thor walked into the kitchen.

Stovetops, hoods, cabinets, sinks and other facilities are available.

There are two cabinets.

One is a silver-white cabinet standing next to the stove, with a total of five floors, which looks relatively ordinary.

In addition, there are two layers of cabinets under the stove, similar to the design of a food truck.

Chu Feng did not open the cabinet.

You don't have to try to know it, it must be unlimited space. Even the cabinets of food trucks have sub-space technology. He didn't believe that the restaurant after the system transformation did not.

The good villain also spent 100,000 points.

This simple function should be the minimum standard.

Went straight up to the second floor.

After the corner of the stairs.

A long corridor comes into view.

On both sides of the corridor are rooms of the same size.

Open the door casually.

Inside is a small private room with one bathroom and one bathroom. (000)......

Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Do I open a hotel and provide accommodation services? The blind operation of the system, Chu Feng directly looked confused.


The system over the two days was particularly positive.

The introduction to the functions of the second floor instantly appeared in his mind.

Simply put~

The restaurant has sub-space and similar techniques such as space folding.

Although the area of each floor is only about two hundred square meters.

But in theory~

Unlimited rooms are available on the second floor.

And the furnishing layout of each room.

You can change your own ideas as you like.

"Huh? And this amazing feature? "

Chu Feng's heart moved, and the surrounding scene instantly changed, turning into a private room only for eating.


Thor looked at this scene in surprise, and when he was sure that the change in front of him was not an illusion, he was shocked: "Chu Feng, when did you learn transformation magic?" "

Changing matter, that is very high-level magic, belongs to the realm of the gods.

Thor is very powerful, and the dragons are born with a lot of magic, but she does not have the ability to change matter.

"I just learned it recently."

Chu Feng casually said perfunctoryly.

It's not that you are deliberately hiding something about the system.

It's just that this thing is not easy to explain, and it is not clear for a while, so it is simply regarded as your own little secret.

Man, who can't have a little secret.

Fortunately, Thor is not the kind of person who has the root cause and does not take this matter to heart at all.

The two went up to the third floor again.

Four-bedroom, two-living apartment-style design.

Apparently this is where the owner lives.

Walked around.

The house is fully equipped with furniture and appliances. You can simply check in with your bag. Thor seemed pleased with the house.

There is always a smile on her pretty face.

It seems that this place has been regarded as a den for her and Chu Feng.

See that his girlfriend is satisfied with the layout of the house.

Chu Feng didn't bother to change it.

The entire Maple Leaf Pavilion walked down.

Except that the ground floor kitchen and back door cannot be changed at will.

Everywhere else can be transformed into the shape you want.

"The 100,000 points for upgrading the restaurant are worth it!"

Returning to the hall on the first floor, Chu Feng secretly sighed, very satisfied with the performance of the system this time.

He and Thor looked at each other, and the two looked at each other and smiled, both looking forward to the day when the Maple Leaf Pavilion opened.

When Chu Feng and Thor returned to Sakura Apartment.

Only then did he realize that he had forgotten to post announcements in the group in the morning.

Generally, when Chu Feng came back from running in the morning, he would announce the time and place of the day's stall in the food group.

But today, I was attached to Maple Leaf Pavilion, but I forgot about it.

Open the food group, unsurprisingly, all of them are @Boss Chu.

Tianyu Slash: What happened to Chu Jun? Isn't it out today? If you feel tired, take a day off, your body matters!

Famous Sword Liuzi: Don't make trouble, with Chu Jun's strength, how can you be tired, there should be something important to delay, right?

God's Tongue: Miss Ben wouldn't be so unlucky, would she? It's my turn to come out of the stall, but the boss of the stall has something wrong?

Alice: Erina, go knock on Boss Chu's door, what if he just oversleeps?

God's Tongue: That guy wakes up earlier than anyone else every day, and at six o'clock I hear the sound of him closing the door when he goes out for a morning run.

Miss's secretary: Uh-uh-uh... Miss Erina, Boss Chu went out for a run, why do you know so clearly???

Tongue of God:... (She won't say that she woke up early, and she has been waiting for Chu Feng to send a message, so that she can go over early to help)

Suzuki Sonoko: Eh, isn't Boss Chu setting up a stall today? I just have time today, and I'm going to eat.

Food expert: Chu Feng, this guy is actually lazy? Can't hold on for three hours a day? It was so disappointing.

Snowy sun: There is no news yet, and today is probably out of drama

In addition to @Boss Chu, the food group was particularly lively, and the group members chatted hotly.

After all, Chu Feng had never missed a day since he set up a stall.

Even if there is something, try to finish it when you are not setting up a stall.

But today, he suddenly had no news, as if the stone sank into the sea, and Aite he would not return.

Don't look at the online group members chatting hotly, but their hearts are empty, and they always feel that something is missing.

And then~

A message prefixed with the three words 'Boss Chu' directly made everyone stunned in place, and did not react for half a day...

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