Shijie office building, the top floor.

"The commander has decided that this accommodation study will be held at the Far Moon Resort Hotel."

The white-haired and gray-eyed Si Yingshi sat up straight, solemnly like a knight, and presided over this meeting.

"We don't participate in the accommodation study assessment for first-year students, why did you call us here?"

Kobayashi Gentian sat listlessly in his seat, his tone filled with strong dissatisfaction.


Si Yingshi just wanted to explain, but heard the other party, 'Huh? He quickly changed his words

"Miss Xiaolin, although we don't have to go to the resort, we need to do all kinds of mobilization work, including contacting the bus."

Looking at Xiao Lin Gentian with a displeased face, this first seat of the far moon was like a little white rabbit facing the big bad wolf at this time, and he broke out in a cold sweat nervously.

In fact, he has never been bold.

In addition to being able to stay absolutely calm when cooking.

It is easy to get nervous in normal times, not to mention that now he is facing the fierce Xiaolin Gentian.

The two have a good relationship, like brothers and sisters, and he is usually beaten by each other.

"Hmph, then discuss it quickly, anyway, don't find me something to do."

Kobayashi Gentian issued a fierce 'warning'.

Others pretend to be deaf and dumb

As if this scene was not seen at all.

It's just that someone has already found out,

Erina's state seems to be a little wrong.

Change to her usual her,

He will never let Xiao Lin's gentian style loose.

In particular, accommodation study is an annual event in the distant month.

There is no room for sloppiness.

Today's Erina,

Looks a little absent-minded.

Si Yingshi also discovered this

It's just that it's hard to ask about the private affairs of the eldest lady of the Xue Che family.

At the moment~

The eldest lady was indeed in a bad mood.

Since eating takoyaki from the fast food truck.

What you eat these two days doesn't feel right.

The sudden evolution of the tongue of God....

It used to be a decent dish

Now it feels hard to swallow.

Even Crimson is the most proud medicinal porridge

She was also able to pick out more shortcomings than before.

Yesterday it was Erina's own dinner.

She was even a little scared.

Once your cooking skills can't keep up with the evolution speed of God's Tongue.

It is estimated that it will not be long before he falls into an endless food desert like his mother, and he is becoming increasingly depressed.

In fact, she herself knows it.

Just find that food truck.

All problems can be solved.

Never worry about this again.

The taste of that perfect takoyaki is now remembered.

Erina had no doubt that the man could definitely make better and more advanced cuisine.

She is arrogant, but not stupid, and it is not difficult to recognize the excellence of others.

Using the most common ingredients, the simplest method, to make absolutely perfect cuisine.

To that extent, it is estimated that her grandfather Xianzuomen can't do it.

Just, go to a roadside stall to eat civilian food?

Erinella couldn't take that face.

She couldn't look at those things all the time.

Moreover, even if she is willing to put her head down, she will not find anyone now.

That Chu Feng, there is no place to spread out at all, God knows when he can run into it?

For a while, Erinai was both entangled and depressed.


A cell phone rang in the conference room.

I saw Xiaolin Gentian skillfully took out his mobile phone, and pulled it up if no one was around.


Erina, who was troubled in her heart, suddenly became angry.

Are you in a meeting, don't you know to turn off your phone in advance?

Just wanted to reprimand two words, but saw Kobayashi Gentian excitedly crouching in Akane Kubo's ear and saying, "Tonight at nine o'clock, Mimachime Night Market!" "

Akane Kubo Momo, who was about to fall asleep listening to Si Yingshi's 'lullaby', was shocked, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"Huh? Boss Chu's news is coming? "

The little peach was instantly resurrected with blood, and there was no sleep.

The two spoke quietly and a little slurred.

Even if others hear it, they probably won't care.

But Erina, however, is different.

When the time, place, Boss Chu ...

These three words appear when they are together.

She subconsciously thought of Chu Feng's food truck.

Nine o'clock in the evening!

The other party is very likely to set up a stall there!

Only, how does Senior Sister Gentian know?

Could it be that she had the contact information of the other party?

Erina took a deep look at Kobayashi Gentian.

But he didn't ask much.

Anyway, when the time comes, you will see for yourself.


Megumi Tasho also saw the news in the food group.

Call Kohei Sojin, Yoshino Yuhime, and Ryoko Sakaki.

Several people plan to go to the night market together in the evening.

"Golden section roasted wheat, I don't know what kind of dish it will be?"

It's just noon.

Tian Suohui was already looking forward to Chu Feng's cooking.

There are still nine hours left until night.

If you know early, you won't open a food group early.

How did she survive such a long time?

Tasho's little face began to get tangled.


PS: The data is a little poor, ask for collections, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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