The night market of Mimachime.

It is famous throughout Kyoto.

It consists mainly of izakaya and various stalls.

Whenever night falls.

You can see the whole row of tents erected.

Or someone pushing a wooden food truck parked at a fixed stall.

Hakata ramen, oden, beef miscellaneous pot, kebabs, takoyaki ...

Complex staggered night market neighborhoods, neon snacks are available.

Just today....

A strange food truck appeared here, looking a little out of place.

The dark blue food truck is high-end and contrasts with the surrounding wooden stalls.

It's like a modern man holding a submachine gun who travels back to primitive times and is surrounded by a group of natives with wooden sticks.

The air suddenly quieted down.

The nearby stallholders were speechless.

He looked down at his slightly messy stall.

I looked at the luxurious and high-end food trucks again.

They all fell into autism.

This competitor... It's a bit strong!

Modern food trucks, neat and clean cooking environment, handsome young and stylish boss...

They don't seem to be comparable.

The surrounding stall owners suddenly felt that they were defeated dogs, or the kind that were crushed in all aspects.

With such good conditions, why come to the night market to rob us of business and go to the city center to set up a stall?

The stall owner secretly slandered, and he was so anxious that he scolded his mother.


When they saw the LCD screen on the food truck light up, they instantly put down the big stone in their hearts.

【Golden section roasted wheat / 10,000 yen per piece】

【Ryūoki seafood porridge / 5,000 yen per piece】

"It's so expensive, you think you're a star chef?"

"When you come out to set up a stall, you don't know to investigate the market situation, and you actually learn to do business?"

"Only if such an expensive thing can be sold can there be a ghost, there are not so many wrongdoers in the world!"

The few stall owners closest to the food truck muttered and then continued to bury their heads in their business.

They simply don't believe that the other party's cooking is worth the price.

Star chefs all have their own restaurants, which will be as bitter as them.

Nine o'clock in the evening.

There are more and more pedestrians in the night market, and they don't have the heart to pay attention to others.


An energetic voice sounded.

"Haha, Boss Chu, I'm here, have you missed me?"

Xiaolin Gentian in sportswear skillfully pulled up a plastic stool and sat down, his mouth was unobstructed.

"Nope! But glad you came to patronize my business. "

Chu Feng still looked cold.

"You don't want a big beauty like me, you want to make money all day, I see you just drill into the eyes of money."

Xiaolin Gentian glanced angrily, and then tilted his head to look at the LCD screen of the fast food truck.

"Today's main dish is Golden Section Roasted Mai, right? Hurry up and give me a copy! "

Teasing Boss Chu is just by the way, tasting food is the right thing, Xiaolin Gentian 'hehe' laughed twice and began to order Mali.

"Little peach is the same~"

Akane Kubo Momo is even more direct, and she doesn't even bother to look at the price.

It doesn't matter if it's good or not.

As the young owner of a national chain of dessert houses....

She is a little peach, not bad for money.

The two 'trenched' money, waiting for the upcoming delicacies.

This scene directly made the nearby stall owners look stupid.

Nima ~~

Does anyone really come to eat such an expensive snack?

These two little girls don't look like fools.

Several stall owners nearby couldn't figure it out at all.

Finally, he fixed his eyes on the food truck owner.


They must be hungry for each other.

It must be so!


Open the steamer.

A fiery steam came into the eyes of Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo.

Immediately followed by a strange aroma, which outlined the insect in the throats of the two ten masters.



I couldn't help but swallow.

The two girls were looking forward to it even more.

"Golden section roasted wheat!"

"Please use it slowly!"

Chu Feng handed over two palm-sized paper trays.

On each round lace paper tray, only a strange roasted wheat was placed.

The irregular petal shape is deliberately wrapped into a large and small four-frame frame, and there is no seal.

The four fillings are distinct, and the rich aroma reaches the nose.

Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo, who have not yet tasted and have been dealing with ingredients for many years, already know the ingredients that bloom in each grid.

Pork, shrimp, greens, egg yolk.

"Boss Chu, is a roasted wheat just like that? You're too petty too, aren't you? "

Kobayashi Gentian looked at the only roasted wheat in the paper tray in disbelief.

Such a small one, it feels like it can be dried up in one bite.

"Can't you pack six on a plate like takoyaki?" That's too little, isn't it? "

"Today's ingredients are a bit special, and the purchase price is a little more expensive."



"Well, I'd rather see what's special about this thing?"

"Little Peach is also looking forward to it~~"

Chu Feng smiled and said nothing, his thoughts no longer knew where to float.

The ingredients prepared today are indeed special, and the main material of the Golden Section Roasted Mai comes from the Points Mall.

In fact~

He spent the whole day preparing ingredients for his evening stall.

He even spent 300 points to buy a three-star residual recipe dragon emperor seafood porridge from the mall.

After all, selling roasted wheat, no porridge looks a bit monotonous.

He has always been very attentive to the feelings of his guests.

Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo were also happy.

Boss Chu was a little cold, but he wouldn't lie.

Even he said that today's ingredients are a bit special.

Then there must be something extraordinary.

The two are now looking forward to it.

And then ~

They began to study the roasted wheat in front of them.

"What a strange roasted wheat, the so-called golden section, simply refers to the proportion of ingredients?"

Xiao Lin Gentian looked strange, and his eyes were full of confusion and puzzlement.

In this way, will the flavors between the materials not cancel each other out?

The ingredients are not fully integrated, how to stimulate the ultimate taste?

If you don't understand, then eat it first.

Xiao Lin Gentian did not doubt Chu Feng's craftsmanship at all.

A man who can make perfect cooking casually cannot make such a low-level mistake.

I can't think of a reason, it's just that the level is not enough.

Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo, almost at the same time, picked up the roasted wheat and put it in their mouths.

The toughness of pure white shrimp is strong

The green vegetables are tender and lively

The egg yolk is soft and refreshing and sweet

Plus red pork with a lean and explosive taste.

The moment the taste of each other touched the tongue, suddenly the whole burst out.

Time seems to freeze, and the wonderful fragrance seems to reach the depths of the soul at this moment.

The wonderful taste made the bodies of the two girls tremble.



The two girls were flushed, and they couldn't help themselves from being excited at this moment.


PS: The data is a little poor, ask for collections, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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