A wonderful taste exploded on the tip of the tongue.

One after another storms of umami that resembled the waves of the sea, directly and unreasonably occupied the entire mouth.

Kobayashi gentian and Akane Kubo Momo,

At this moment, it was as if the taste of the food I had eaten before was completely forgotten.

All that remains in my mind is the taste of this 'golden section roasted wheat'.

The smooth yolk seems to be infused with spring.

Q: The smooth and tender shrimp are like dancing elves.

Crisp and tender greens pave the gorgeous stage under the elves' feet.

The delicious pork that is stormy turns into a wonderful symphony.

The taste of each ingredient is particularly distinct

But inexplicably entered a state of inexplicable harmony.

The four flavors are intertwined

It is like the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

It was as if a gorgeous concert was played on their tongues.

Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo's eyes widened suddenly

Staring at Chu Feng in a white chef's uniform in disbelief.

Even when the roasted wheat in their mouths will go down, they are not quite sure.

"Oh my God, this dish is amazing~~"

"When the roasted wheat is not sealed, the flavor of the ingredients is not lost in the slightest."

"The four flavors burst out immediately between the mouths, leaving no reaction time at all."

Xiao Lin Gentian cuffed a handful of hara at the corner of his mouth, and said a little incoherently.

Such roasted wheat, she can eat until she dies.

Akane Kubo Momo directly gave a thumbs up and praised: "The cuisine is as good as ever, and Boss Chu is also very cute today!" "

"But why don't the four flavors mask each other?"

Kobayashi Gentian questioned.

She never figured it out.

How is it possible to make such a perfect roasted wheat in this way?

"Because I used the golden ratio."

Chu Feng explained with a smile.

Somehow ~~

The two girls felt that he was in a good mood today.

"Such a combination of one big and three small, what is so special?"

Xiao Lin Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo stared at Chu Feng in unison.

This moment is like a student with a strong thirst for knowledge.

“0.618! Shrimp, greens and egg yolks, the ratio to pork is 0.618! "

"The Golden Section of Pythagoras?"

As a top student, Xiaolin Gentian instantly thought of this.

"Yes, as long as the four ingredients are in this proportion, the tastes of the four ingredients will never collide and will be perfectly harmonious."

Chu Feng explained it rarely.

After the points mall opened, he was indeed in a good mood.

At this moment, the second and fourth seats of Yuanyue suddenly fell into deep thought.

They didn't think about it.

Making a meal also involves these strange knowledge.

Are the basic requirements for chefs so high now?

The two pairs of beautiful eyes were full of amazement.

Now they admired Chu Feng's quality and cooking skills even more.

Each ordered two more portions of roasted wheat, and the two girls entered the loop again.

His face was flushed, his delicate body trembled, and he was intoxicated with delicious food....

"Senior Sister Gentian, Senior Sister Tao, you guys are here so early."

I don't know when, Megumi Tasho also appeared in front of the food truck.

"Xiaohui, come and try Boss Chu's skills, it's really comfortable~"

Tankou let out a wisp of heat, and Xiao Lin's gentian, whose face was flushed, groaned comfortably.


How do I feel that today's senior sister gentian is a little strange, and the way of speaking is also very strange.


It must be that Boss Chu's cuisine is too delicious, which will make the two Shijie so forgetful.

Then ~~

Tashoe quickly pulled Yoshino Yuhime and Sakaki Ryoko to sit down

It seems that he completely ignored Kohei Sojin, who was hanging at the back.

"Boss Chu, bring us three portions of golden section roasted wheat."

Megumi Tasho is very skilled in ordering food.

Although the appearance of Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo is a bit strange.

But her mind was already occupied by a sense of expectation, and she didn't think so much.

"Xiaohui, let's pay for each other, the price here is not cheap."

Seeing that Tashoe was about to swipe the card, Ryoko Sakaki hurriedly stopped it.

Although she didn't quite believe that the food here was really that magical.

But you can't let Xiaohui, who has always been thrifty, pay this money.

The conditions of her home do not seem to be very good.

Ryoko Sakaki doesn't want her friends to spend money.

In fact, before she came, she had already made up her mind that she must expose the true face of this man today.

Don't think that if you look good, you can deceive the simple and kind Xiaohui.

I just didn't expect to see Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo here.

Ryoko Sakaki was surprised.

How did Megumi know the second and fourth seats?

It looks like it's still familiar.

These two are people who stand at the top of the Far Moon Pyramid, and they are two sessions apart, and it is impossible to intersect in normal times.

Looking at the two Shijie, they had an intoxicated expression.

Ryoko Sakaki quickly straightened her mind.

Don't dare to underestimate the man in the fast food truck anymore.

In fact, Yoshino Yuhime is also looking forward to the food truck food.

It's just that it doesn't show it for the time being.

Because I'm not sure if the food here is really as amazing as Megumi Tashita says?!

She has always been lively, but tonight seems a little silent, her mind is inexplicably complicated, both expectant and worried.

The trio paid quickly.

Forget that there is a person behind it.

Kohei Sojo stood pitifully behind them, took out a 'Fukuzawa Ji' from his pocket, and handed it to Chu Feng from far away.

"Boss, bring me a copy too."

Tian Suoe suddenly turned around at this time and said a little embarrassed

"I'm sorry, Kohei-san, I was so excited just now that I almost forgot about you."

Ryoko Sakaki and Yuhime Yoshino quickly turned around, with a hint of apology on their faces.

The three girls had different thoughts, and they didn't expect Kohei Sojin to follow.


You must have completely forgotten about me just now!

Snowflakes fluttering, cold wind Xiao Xiao ~~~


There seems to be an extra strange BGM around?

The forgotten Kohei Chuangzhen suddenly felt a pang of sadness.

Is this still Megumi that he knows?

Seeing a food truck is like a different person.

Is the stuff here really that delicious?

Kohei was genuinely skeptical, and at the same time a little inexplicable.


PS: The data is a little poor, ask for collections, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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