Chapter 396 Boss Chu is also so good at playing with guns?!!

Just hesitated for a few seconds.

Namura took over the Fukuzawa ekichi without saying anything. After all, it was he himself who proposed Chu Feng to play a game.

People really wanted to play him, but they were instigated.

This greatly affects the business of the shooting house.

And Namura is also very confident.

The game of whack-a-mole-playing was designed by him, and he knew very well how fast the gopher could get in and out under the difficulty of hell.

It is difficult for anyone who has not touched the game and has not tried it to understand the rules of the game.

Namura didn't believe at all that someone could get into the soul at once.

Chu Feng took the gun from Inhata Yueye and loaded a bullet.

He did not hold the gun with both hands like everyone else.

He just held it in one hand, looking very casual.

Namura didn't even know if the other party was aiming at the target? Pretend!

Now this is the only thought left in his mind.

I only felt that Chu Feng was too conceited.

This gun has been specially modified, and it is difficult to stabilize the alignment even with both hands.

And the man in front of him is holding it in one hand?

Who gave him confidence? Scold~

10,000 yen in hand!

Namura smiled and stuffed the money he had just collected into his pocket.


Just when he seemed to have seen Chu Feng's failure. A gunshot reverberated without warning in the shooting room.

Namura was a little confused.

He had just started the machine, and he didn't even know if the gopher behind the plank had drilled out, and the gunfire was already ringing.


Don't you even need to aim? Staring at the man in front of him in amazement.

Namura is not very sure.

The moment he started the machine, Chu Feng had already shot.

"If this can also hit, I will eat the whole gopher!"

Nacun knew Chu Feng's identity, of course, he would not say what was in his heart, and he still wanted to continue to eat Lin Chef cuisine in the future.

"Boss Chu, you can't hit like this."

Namura whistled and had a smile on his face, the biggest amount of money he had earned today.

And the next second, Inaba Yueye's surprised voice sounded.

"How is that possible?"

I saw the white-haired girl open her eyes, and her tone was full of incredulity.

Everyone knows that her eyes can't see, but when shocked, she will also widen her eyes like a normal person.

This is human instinct, and no one can change it.

Namura's expression froze, and then he turned his head to look.

I saw a toy gopher, alone on the board.

As soon as the game of shooting the house hits, the gopher will stop retracting.

This moment~

Namura's expression of nonchalance was completely frozen, and he stared exaggeratedly at the toys on the wooden board.


With such a fast speed, how exactly did he hit? Moreover, Boss Chu doesn't seem to be aiming at all, right? Namura couldn't figure it out, but knew that this time it was a big loss.

Hell mode, fiftyx odds!

For this shot alone, he would have to pay 500,000 yuan.


Namura didn't have a bitter melon face in an instant, just like a dead master.

And the other side ~

After being shocked by the Moon Night and Tianyue, they were also confused.

What just happened?

Anyway, they only heard a gunshot, and the plank jumped a few times, and Chu Feng had already hit the target.

Both women are masters of the younger generation in the martial arts world, and their perception is naturally not bad.

But at that moment just now, they only faintly saw the afterimage formed when the gopher drilled out, and they didn't see the target clearly.

But Chu Feng's seemingly random shot actually hit the target, which is a bit incredible.

"Boss Chu, how did you do it?"

Inaba Yueye quickly came back to his senses, looking curious about the baby.

Because she has been unable to see with her eyes since she was a child, she is very interested in all games that test perception, and shooting is naturally one of them.

She knew that the game Namura had designed was difficult, and that's what was challenging

But no matter how focused she was, she couldn't get through the hard mode.

But Chu Feng, as soon as people came up, they chose the hell mode, and they could hit it with one hit.

This marksmanship is simply divine!

Because I really didn't expect that Boss Chu, who had superb cooking skills, was actually so powerful at playing with guns!

She wanted to give it a good question.

Looking at the almost adoring Inaba Moon Night, Chu Feng said with a smile: "This game is not difficult, as long as you are quick in your eyes, you can do it." "

(000)...... Namura was speechless for a while.

He elaborately designed a money-making scheme.

In Chu Feng's evaluation, there was no difficulty.

"I thought everyone was as perverted as you!"

While secretly complaining, Namura Budao suddenly became a little frustrated.

He really didn't expect that someone could hit a lightning-fast gopher.

This is completely unscientific!

At this moment, Namura was a little dazed.

The other side ~

Of course, Chu Feng would not tell others.

Just now he used 'gun fighting'.

This kind of air gun that uses ricochets may not be used well by others.

But for him, it's no different from a real gun.

As soon as the gun fighting technique came out, there was no reason to miss it at all.

"One more handful!"

Turning his head to look at Nacun, who had a crotch-pulling face, Chu Feng said with interest.

"Don't, don't..."

Nacun hurriedly waved his hand and said with a bitter smile: "Boss Chu, you better let me go, we are just a small business, and we can't withstand your toss." "

This time, Namura was really afraid.

Although Chu Feng only hit once, it was most likely due to luck.

But he didn't dare to bet!

Boss Chu has a lot of money, and a handful is tens of thousands of yuan. If Nacun loses, he will lose a full half a million.

Once again, he did it for nothing today.

Namura was very knowledgeable, and his eyes were full of pleading.

"Unfortunately, I think this game is quite fun."

Taking the cash from the other party, Chu Feng said with regret, which directly scared Nacun Budao into a stirring spirit.

But today was originally for fun, and not to win money, and he was not embarrassed to see that Nacun had little money.

After bidding farewell to the moonlit night, Chu Feng took the Heavenly Feather to slash and wander around for a while, and spent the whole day eating, drinking, and playing.

This was the first time he had been with Tianyu for so long.

Compared with the first meeting, this proud symbiotic female emperor has changed a lot, following him like a little woman all day, occasionally talking about interesting things in school.

Without the strength of the past, all that remains is the gentleness of Yamato. At least in front of Chu Feng, now the Heavenly Feather Slash was extremely quiet.

Let's be honest~

Chu Feng did not reject the Heavenly Feather Slash.

As long as the other party loses the almost pathological desire to control.

Try to date, it's okay.

I don't know when it started.

Although Tianyu Chopper is still obsessed with him, he does not have that desire for exclusivity.

It seemed that she had already realized that someone as amazing as Chu Feng was not something she could have alone at all.

Time passes by minute by minute.

Night then falls.

Then it's finally the summer festival's turn.

A bonfire party!

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