Chapter 397: Confession of Heavenly Feather Slash!!

Fireworks and bonfires are essential elements of summer festivals.

Girls dressed in various yukata clothes gather around the bonfire and wait for the fireworks to bloom.

Some confide their true feelings to their favorite objects, while others take their lovers' hands and enjoy the brilliant sparks in the sky together.

The bonfire party is definitely a unique scenery of the neon campus, and it also makes boys and girls strive to put a mark on their youth.

Tenwa appears on the playground wearing a blue-black yukata decorated with pink cherry blossom motifs, like stars dotting the night sky.

Have to say ~

Tianyu chopping on this outfit really gives people infinite reverie. Chu Feng heard that the first rule of the yukata wearing method is that you can't wear underwear.

If you have to, wrap it in a bra.

He also doesn't know if what is said on the Internet is true.

But when looking at Tianyu slashing, his eyes always couldn't help but aim somewhere.

"Chu Jun, do I look good?"

Tianyu spread his hands generously, presenting the tight yukata wrapped around his perfect body in front of Chu Feng, seemingly not minding the other party's gaze at all.

At least, this shows that Boss Chu is interesting to her, and she is too late to be happy.

At this time, Poison Island Junzi and Tianxia Wujian and others also appeared in the playground.

The moment they saw Tianyu's slash, a burst of surprise flashed under the eyes of several people, obviously surprised by each other's attire.

Poison Island Tsukiko wore a pale pink yukata with cyan cherry blossoms printed on it, adding a bit of elegance.

The oniwa was a black yukata that didn't look like he had come to the summer festival and more like an assassin.

Sleepy Satori seems to like green, and even the cherry blossoms on the pale white yukata are green.

Turtle Crane City Mary is still keen on Western elements, gold lace and tulip motifs, and there is no neon element at all.

It is rare that the flower wine fern did not bring the 'murderer' out once, wearing a light yellow yukata, which is quite wild.

Because he didn't change his clothes on the night of the moon, he was still the same kimono with a very personal style.

As soon as the strongest people of the Aidi Symbiosis Academy appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Miss Mary is so beautiful, like a charming tulip."

"The oniwa is so cute, why do you look so much like a ninja in a yukata?"

"Huh? I don't know if it's my delusion, why do I feel that after the Tenwa Female Emperor changed into a yukata, she suddenly had a feeling of Yamato Fuzi? "

"What nonsense? Only Senior Sister Jin Zi is the model of Yamato Fuzi! "

"However, today's Tianyu Female Emperor is really amazing, and I almost didn't recognize this outfit."

"You don't know this, because Boss Chu is here."

"Huh? Boss Chu? That Chef Lin? "

"Huh~ No wonder the Tianyu Female Emperor is so beautiful and feminine... In the crowd, an aunt laughed suddenly. "

"You say, will she confess to Boss Chu tonight?"

"It should be, I heard that Boss Chu was personally invited by her..."

"But... What if Boss Chu refuses? "

"Don't worry, such a feminine Tianyu female emperor, which man is willing to refuse."

The sound of the exchange of heads and ears rose and fell one after another, and the Tianyu slash instantly became the focus of the audience

In other words, some people commented on her, and Tianyu had already slapped her over.

But at this moment, there was a confident smile on her face, and there was a little nervousness and qi ji under her eyes.

That's right!

As everyone thought, Tianyu was ready to confess tonight.

It's all laid to this extent, if she doesn't say her love, she's afraid she won't have a chance in the future.

The singing and dancing bonfire officially began.

Don't really say it~

The students of Aichi Symbiosis Academy are truly versatile.

Thanks to long-term martial arts training, the body flexibility is excellent, and any difficult dance moves are difficult for this group of students.

Chu Feng watched with relish, and did not hide his appreciation.

It didn't take long ~

With a roar resounding in the sky.

Fireworks burst into flames, instantly lighting up the entire sky.

In the playground, some girls suddenly exclaimed, some took the opportunity to confess, others were politely refused, and some couples had hugged each other.

Under the light of brilliant fireworks, boys and girls sang about youth, and the sweetness and bitterness of campus love were vividly displayed at this moment.

Chu Feng looked around with interest, and only a country under a special culture like neon could see such a scene.

In those schools in the past life, it was impossible to allow students to set off fireworks in the school.

Under the light of the fire, the red-faced Tianyu slashed over.

Stepping on the clogs, she walked very slowly, and every step seemed to bring up great courage.

Tianyu Slash has never been a cowardly person, even when he is alive and dead, he can calmly face death.

But after taking the first step towards Chu Feng, her heart seemed to have already mentioned the eyes of her throat.

Ready to confess in front of everyone, Tianyu Slash couldn't stop being nervous.

After all, it is the famous Tianyu Female Emperor on campus, and once she fails to confess, she doesn't know if she still has the courage to continue.

But the arrow was on the string, and the heavenly feather chop had to be sent.

Continuing to be unrequited, she is afraid that she will really go crazy.

"Chu Jun!"

Tianyu Slash still came to Chu Feng after all, and the two were not far apart.


Chu Feng answered, he knew the other party's mind very well.

Tianyu Chopper has never been an inkblot person.

Now that you've made up your mind, say it up.

"Chu Jun, I want to be your woman."

Things have developed to this point, and there is nothing to hesitate about Tianyu Slashing.

After saying this sentence calmly, those black eyes stared at the man in front of him, waiting for the other party's reply.

She is even ready to adjust her mentality as soon as possible after being rejected in public.

Chu Feng still didn't speak, just looked straight at the woman in front of him.

Tianyu Slash was suddenly a little lost, and his whole heart almost sank to the bottom.

"Still ~ impossible?"

The extremely frustrated Tianyu Chopper was about to turn and leave.

A pair of strong hands wrapped their arms around her thin waist.

"Who said it couldn't be!"

Chu Feng lowered his head and said in Tianyu Chopper's ear, and then looked at the black long straight girl who was a little helpless with a little playfulness.

In the face of a woman who has liked him for so long and has not given up, and is in such an atmosphere, Boss Chu will certainly not refuse the girl's sense of love.

"Huh? Does Tianyu really dare to go directly and recklessly? And really made her successful? "

"Is Boss Chu such a good guide? I knew I could do it! "

"Come on, don't you see how long Tianyu chased him?"

"It's also ah~ this time Tianyu is what he wanted~~"

"Boss Chu, kiss one!"

"Yes! Such an important beautiful moment, I am sorry for the audience if I don't kiss one! "

Seeing Chu Feng and Tianyu hugging each other, the people who were closest began to stir one after another.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the faces of the man and woman became closer and closer...

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