Chapter 398 Maple Leaf Pavilion opens, Boss Chu's noodles!!


Tianyu woke up in a daze.

Find yourself resting your head on one arm.

Seems to remember something.

The cold and proud Tianyu Female Emperor's face showed a blush, and then a happy smile appeared.

After so long, she finally got her wish, and she was happy in her heart.

"Are you awake?"

A gentle voice rang in his ears.

Tianyu turned his head to look.

The person lying next to him was indeed Chu Feng.

And here?

Looking at the surroundings in confusion, it didn't seem like it was a cherry blossom apartment.

Tenwa had been to the Sakura apartment several times, and although he had never gone upstairs, he could roughly guess the layout of the apartment.

The room it is now in is obviously beyond the specifications of an ordinary apartment.

As if seeing Tianyu's doubts, Chu Feng smiled and said, "This is the Maple Leaf Pavilion. "

After the bonfire party yesterday, he directly brought the Heavenly Feather Slash here with his divine walking steps.

Men and women in love are always prone to overlook other details, and arrogance is no exception.

The two of them warmed up for a while, and after having lunch in Maple Leaf Pavilion, Chu Feng sent Tianyu back to the land of love for symbiosis.

In the next two days, Chu Feng was busy watching the affairs of the investment family.

After opening a shop for a long time, he decided to live in Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Thor and Connor have no opinion, they will go wherever Chu Feng goes, anyway, Ginza is not far from Yonehua Town.

In fact, Akemi Miyano also wanted to follow, but considering her sister, she decided to stay in the cherry blossom apartment.

When Erinai and Alice heard that Boss Chu wanted to join the family, although they understood, their mood was still a little low.

After getting along during this time, they have become accustomed to running to Chu Feng's house every day to ask for advice, and occasionally rubbing a meal.

After hesitating repeatedly, finally at the instigation of Alice, Erinai found Chu Feng again and proposed to live in the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

The reason is simple, it is convenient for internship work.

Chu Feng did not refuse, anyway, the second floor of the Maple Leaf Pavilion had unlimited rooms.

And so the time flickered, and Friday came.

June 28th! Maple Leaf Pavilion officially opened.

Connor and Haibara took a day off.

The former is still wearing the usual unique national style skirt.

And Haihara Moi was dressed up as a delicate little princess by Akemi Miyano. Disney-style princess dress with a raw and loveless face. Today, Gray Plain Mourning is like Snow White trapped in the castle by the evil dragon.

But there is no way~

Who made her unable to refuse her sister at all.

Opening time, Chu Feng had already notified everyone in the group.

Momoku, Little Bird Tour, and the Snow Sisters are all present.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Eiri Li, who were rushing to the manuscript, also put down their affairs and specially rushed to the scene.

In the food group, as long as there is nothing important today, they all rushed to the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

For a while, the seemingly spacious restaurant was suddenly full of people.

"That's, Yuanyue Shijie! Good guys, there are six in total! "

"There is also Yuanyue General Marshal Xian Zuoemen, the head of the three neon special chefs, I didn't expect him to come."

"It's normal for the old man to come here, now who doesn't know the cooperative relationship between the Xue Che family and Boss Chu."

"Yue Kadeng from the Yue Family Building, Chef Hojo from Yokohama Chinese Restaurant, Kikuchi Sonogo from Harugo Pavilion, and Kanhyuko from Kirino House! Taki· Kadosaki Taki at Amarilld's restaurant..."

"All are the chefs of the famous restaurants in Weijing, including eight, nine stars and even special chefs, Boss Chu has such a big face!"

"That's of course, when one of the world's six great Lin chefs opens a store, they naturally want to come to the scene, even if Chef Lin appears here now, I am not surprised."

"God, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive, and Jienai's mother-in-law is also here!"

"Uh~ I've opened this mouth, and there is really Chef Lin!?"

"I wonder if the others will come?"

"Probably not, those few haven't shown up for a long time."

"Who says it won't? Unexpectedly, even the legendary gourmet Jiro came, and when Shilin Chef, it is said that his cooking skills are still above Setsuna's mother-in-law. "

"Oh my God! Is this Boss Chu's noodles? Just to open it, two people came when Shilin Chef came. "

When an old man with white hair bent over his back but full of muscles burst into the restaurant, the scene suddenly exploded.

The arrival of Setsunai's mother-in-law was not expected by everyone.

The people who could be invited by Chu Feng all knew about the halberd eating last time in the Yue Family Building, and knew that Ji Nai's mother-in-law appreciated Chu Feng.

However, Jiro, who is known as the Cave Master, will come, which is really beyond everyone's expectations.

As far as they knew, Chu Feng and Jiro did not intersect.

Even Chu Feng, who was the master at this time, was very surprised.

But all visitors are guests, and there is no reason to take guests out.

"Boss Chu has been looking up to the great name for a long time, and when I see it today, he really has little talent."

As soon as Jiro entered, everyone gave way.

Most of the people who come to the venue have a relationship with the culinary industry.

In the face of the world's LinChef, there is a natural courtesy.

"Master Jiro, hello!"

Although he had never met, Chu Feng still said hello very politely.

The leader of any industry deserves admiration.

Jiro looked up and down at the young man standing in front of him.

It is obvious that an extremely powerful force can be perceived from the other party.

Pure, strong, composed...

A trace of surprise flashed under his eyes, and a trace of doubt.

Jiro really couldn't figure it out.

Why is the young Chu Feng's strength almost comparable to him.

You know, before the beginning of the food era, he was already a legend in the culinary world.

Then he hunted a large number of dreamy ingredients, awakened gourmet cells and gourmet demons, and his strength was definitely one of the strongest in the world.

And what about Chu Feng?

However, at the age of twenty-one, he actually has the strength of King's Landing, which is really a bit incredible.

As soon as this thought came to mind, he was thrown aside by Jiro, who came this time only to taste the skills of the newly promoted Rinchi.

In fact, after staying in the food world for many years, when he heard Jie Nai talk about Chu Feng, his first reaction was disbelief.

In fact, the improvement of cooking skills is more and more difficult to improve in the future, even more difficult than strength. Strength can also be compensated by fantastic ingredients, but cooking skills can only be comprehended by oneself.

Chu Feng was too young.

At this age, if you want to comprehend the realm of Lin Chef, it is simply a fantasy.

But after returning to the human world, he found that the entire neon upper stream was discussing Chu Feng, and he was inevitably a little curious in his heart.

It just so happened that the other party opened today, so he followed the festival to join in the fun.

When they actually met, Jiro already believed Setsuna's words.

People who have super strength at such a young age, their cooking skills will definitely not be bad.

"Boss Chu, what are you going to cook on the first day of opening?"

Jiro glanced at the layout of the restaurant and asked with a smile on his face.

As soon as these words came out, everyone came back from the shock of Chef Lin's arrival and looked at Chu Feng one after another.

What to eat?

is the topic that this group of people are most concerned about...

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