Chapter 414 Children's Package, Fat Woman and Black Trench Coat Man!!

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

Maple Leaf Court is officially open.

Thor and Akemi Miyano sat at the dining table and chatted.

Erinae and Alice wipe down kitchenware in the kitchen.

Chu Feng leisurely leaned on the back of the chair to swipe his mobile phone, waiting for the guest to come to the door.

Two guests from another world came last night.

It's a bit of a surprise, but not too surprising.

It's been almost three months since the stall was set up.

Chu Feng has already seen ~ accustomed to the magic of the system. It doesn't matter when guests from another world come.

Maple Leaf Court is open for three hours a day.

This is the rule set by Chu Feng himself, and it will definitely not be changed casually.

It wasn't long after the door opened.

Conan, Haibara Moto, Kojima Motota, and Mitsuhiko Marutani came.

Mitsuhiko counts when he talks and brings his friends to a big meal.

"Little mourning, the experiment is over."

See Haibara in a gothic dress come in.

Chu Feng smiled.

Don't forget to look at Akemi Miyano, who is chatting with Thor.

No need to guess to know.

This outfit must have been chosen by Akemi Miyano.

The ultimate sister control ~

I always like to dress up my own girls beautifully.


Akemi Miyano's taste is sometimes more curious.

Gray Yuan glanced at Chu Feng sadly, and said expressionlessly: "It has been done a long time ago, it was originally a very simple experiment, by the way, this guy said that he wanted to invite us to dinner." "

With a pair of dead fish eyes, Haibara pointed to Mitsuhiko Marutani not far away.

"Brother Chu Feng, hello!"

Mitsuhiko greeted politely.

"Hello, little Conan, hello."

Chu Feng, who walked out of the kitchen, smiled and rubbed Conan's head smoothly.

Can you not touch Lao Tzu's head? We shouldn't be that familiar, right? I'm going to be angry again!

Conan quickly broke free from Chu Feng's hands.

Rolling his eyes, he looked at the man in front of him speechlessly.

This guy knows his identity and treats him like a child.


He must have done it on purpose!

The more Conan thought about it, the more angry he became, and glared at Chu Feng 'viciously'.

Chu Feng didn't care either, and asked with a smile: "What are you going to eat?" "

"Eel rice! I want to eat eel rice! "

Kojima Motota was the first to raise his hand, looking excited.

He rarely ate Chu Feng's dishes.

Only occasionally rubbed Conna's bento.

That's the ultimate deliciousness.

Every time it made him feel incredible.

Mitsuhiko thought for a moment and spoke, "I want a five-color rice." "

Conan: "Then I want a spinach baked egg." "

Haihara mourned: "Just give me a vegetarian dish, I don't want to eat meat today." "

Obviously, neither of them wanted to let Mitsuhiko Madaya spend too much.

Letting children treat people always makes them a little unable to pull their faces. But Mitsuhiko looked down on me if he didn't let me please.

Conan and Haibara are also not easy to refuse.

Fortunately, I ordered two vegetarian dishes.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, turned and walked into the kitchen.

There is nothing to say about eel rice and spinach baked eggs, they are both neon dishes, and five-color rice is a very old dish.

Grilled meat, taro and cabbage stir-fried together are a popular children's meal during the Neon Taisho period.

This five-color fried rice, as well as the flavored soup with seafood and vegetables, is a relatively balanced set meal.

The children's package is not difficult to make.

Not for a moment~

Four dishes were placed in front of Conan and the others.

Pieces of evenly sized eel meat are spread over the rice. The shiny red sauce seems to put heavy makeup on this dish.

The moment the eel rice is served.

Motota Kojima's eyes were round.

You don't need to smell the fragrance to know that this bowl of rice is absolutely delicious.

"I'm going to start!"

Mota did not hesitate and directly picked up a piece of eel meat.

The next moment~

A look of intoxication immediately appeared on Kojima's face.

"Oh my God~ it's so delicious~ This is definitely the best eel rice I've ever had."

"Uh-huh~~ The five-color rice is also very delicious, and it really deserves to be Conna-chan's brother, and the craftsmanship is really great."

With a large mouthful of rice wrapped in his mouth, Mitsuhiko Madaya nodded repeatedly.

It's just that~

I'm good at my craft, what's the matter with Kwan Conna? Chu Feng by the window was a little confused.

It is completely impossible to understand the logic of the thinking of this group of bear children.

Conan didn't speak, eating his share of spinach baked eggs.

The slightly wolf look had betrayed his thoughts at this time.

Although Chu Feng sent him to the Metropolitan Police Department not long after they met, he was still worried until now.

But I have to admit that this guy's cooking skills are superb, and the dishes he makes casually are excellent...

Conan had been staring at Chu Feng just now, and his casual movements were enough to show that these children's set meals were all made by him casually.

In fact, Conan was very curious, if Chu Feng seriously made a dish, how delicious would it be?

Of course~

He knew very well that he would never have the opportunity to see him in his life. Even if I am lucky enough to have a day, I can't afford to eat. Continuing to bury his head in eating eggs, Conan suddenly had an impulse.

Do you want to contact your parents to get some money?

Since becoming smaller, because he was afraid that the black-clad organization would find out that he was not dead, Conan had never contacted his parents, and recently relied on Dr. Agasa for food, clothing, housing and transportation, of course, he had no spare money to patronize Maple Leaf Pavilion...

But such a delicious food, I believe everyone wants to eat it every day.

Right at this moment~

A chubby woman in a red coat walked into the restaurant.

He was also followed by a man wearing a black trench coat with a rough face.

"Husband, this is the restaurant opened by the rumored new Lin Chef?"

As soon as the chubby woman entered the door, she looked up and down and looked around.

The man in black said expressionlessly: "Well, I heard that the owner's cuisine here is very delicious." "

The fat woman nodded slowly: "I hope it can satisfy me." "

Didn't pay any more attention to the man behind him.

The fat woman walked towards the window with elegant steps.

It is not difficult to see from her expression.

She thinks her movements are very elegant.

At this time, Conan also saw the man and woman. The fat woman's artifice, he did not take it to heart.

Many rich people like to make posturing.

Conan's gaze instantly focused on the man in the black trench coat.

Black-clad organization!?

The bottom of my heart was shocked.

This outfit, he is too familiar.

Even if it turns to ash, he can recognize it.

The person who knocked him out and made him smaller was wearing the same black trench coat.

This has become a nightmare in his heart.

Conan was secretly frightened, lowered his head slightly, and tried not to let the other party find out that he deserved to die, what to do?

Did the Black Organization find out that I wasn't dead?

Or is their target this time Gray Plain?

Almost instantly~ countless thoughts came to Conan's mind...

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