Chapter 415 Conan's mother? Edogawa Fumiyo!!

Me and Haihara, whose identity has been exposed?

Conan frowned, this moment was extremely nervous.

Even the spinach baked egg in front of him doesn't seem to be so fragrant.

No matter who the target of the Man in Black is?

The other party will never appear here for no reason.

I glanced at the friends who were still enjoying the food.

Conan couldn't help but start worrying about the safety of Kigenta and Mitsuhiko.

As for Haihara mourning~

This guy just glanced at the two people who had just entered the door, and then continued to bury his head in the meal, seemingly not putting the man in black in his eyes at all.

Hehe~ I think so.

This guy has Chu Feng as a backer, and he is not worried about the retaliation of the black-clothed organization at all.

Don't look at Chu Feng, he has never revealed any background.

But Chef Lin himself is a strong foundation.

The world's six great chefs!

It represents the face of the culinary world.

No force dares to easily offend a Chef.

Looking at the extremely calm gray plain mourning.

Conan couldn't help but feel a little envious.

That's the benefit of having a big backer.

It's like what he does now~ is daunting.

For fear that the black-clad organization would discover his true identity.

At this time, Conan only had to bury his head as much as possible.

I was afraid that the fat woman and the trench coat man would see him.

But sometimes what you are afraid of comes to you.

The fat woman who had planned to go to the window suddenly stopped.

Suddenly turned and walked towards Conan's table.

"Huh? Conan? Why are you here too? "

The fat woman was slightly startled at first, and then showed an expression of surprise.

"Sure enough, the black-clad organization has already found out on my head!"

Conan clicked in his heart, suddenly raised his head and stared at the fat woman in front of him, but did not dare to show any excesses.

God knows what the other party will do if they anger the people of the black-clad organization.

These guys are all murderous and unblinking villains.

He glanced in the direction where Chu Feng was.

Conan knew that Chu Feng's strength was very strong.

But it is impossible to know for sure.

Will the other party help themselves for no reason? Even if the other party does not allow others to make trouble in Maple Leaf Pavilion.

In case the people of the black-clad organization suddenly attacked, would he have time to stop it? Facing the unknown.

Conan did not dare to act rashly.

For fear of harming the two pond fish of Genta and Mitsuhiko.

Thoughts flew through my mind.

Just when Conan was helpless.

Kojima Motota suddenly spoke: "Huh? Does Auntie know Conan? "

"Of course, how in the world is there a mother who doesn't recognize her son?"

The fat woman smiled slightly, turned her head and stared at Conan with a smile, "You said yes, my dear baby!" "

"Uh~ you're Conan's mother?"

Mitsuhiko Madaya looked up, his face full of surprise, "Then this one behind you is Conan's father?" "

The fat woman nodded slightly: "Yes, introduce yourself, my name is Fumiyo Edogawa, and this is my husband, Conan's father." It's just that my husband experienced an accident in his early years, and his facial burns were relatively serious, and he could only wear a mask when he went out, so please don't mind. "

"How so? We're happy to see you here! "

Mitsuhiko Madaya quickly got up and saluted very politely.

At this time, Kojima Motota reacted and followed the mock salute.

Edogawa Fumidai said: "Yes, I didn't expect such a coincidence, you are also eating in the Maple Leaf Pavilion, our family's baby, this time is thanks to your care..."

"No, no, Conan takes care of us too!"

Genta and Mitsuhiko quickly waved their hands, looking a little embarrassed.

Haibara frowned and wondered, "I heard Conan say that his parents are in the beautiful country, and when you return to Neon this time, didn't you notify your son who was staying in someone else's house in advance?" "

Loli Moe looked like she was smiling, and she didn't believe the ghost words of the woman in front of her at all.

The two who have lived in the beautiful country for a long time want to return, won't they contact their son in advance?

Looking at Conan's confused look, he obviously didn't know about this.

In fact, the moment Haibara saw the mask man, his thoughts were similar to Conan's.

The only difference is that she is much calmer.

Anyone who has an angelic sister will not be afraid of a mortal force.

Plus this time with Chu Feng.

Saw dragons, angels and demons, as well as all kinds of magic in the culinary world0 now loli mourn~

I really didn't put the black-clad organization in my eyes.


Look at the fat woman who recognized her relatives as soon as she came up.

Haihara quickly ruled out the possibility that the other party was a black-clad organization.

With her knowledge of the group of people in Gin Wine, the other party would not make things so complicated.

With the personality of Gin Jiu, Ichigo discovers Conan's identity...

Either kill it immediately, or kidnap it directly, it can't be so troublesome.

So here's the problem.

Who is this pair of middle-aged men and women who suddenly appeared? 리동~

Edogawa Fumiyo heard Haihara's 'questioning', his face was completely panicked, and he smiled and said, "Oh, we didn't want to surprise Conan." "

"Actually, we contacted Dr. Agasa as soon as we got off the plane, but we heard that Conan was hanging out with friends, so we didn't rush over at the first time."

"I didn't hear that Wei Jing just opened a Maple Leaf Pavilion, the cuisine is very delicious, plus after more than ten hours of flying, we are hungry, so we simply came over to taste it, but I didn't expect Conan to be here."

Edogawa Fumiyo looked calm, although there were loopholes in this remark, but it generally made sense.

At least Genta and Mitsuhiko were convinced.

Haihara was still suspicious.

But a trace of panic flashed under Conan's eyes.

This woman, who called herself Fumiyo Edogawa, contacted Dr. Agasa when she said this just now, and these words were very bitten.

As if warning himself not to talk nonsense, Dr. Agasa was already under their surveillance.

Now Conan did not dare to act rashly, and could only look at the woman in front of him with a forced smile.

Edogawa Fumiyo glanced at Conan, and also noticed the spinach baked egg in front of him, and then said: "Oh, why does Conan only eat vegetables?" I don't know if I eat meat, but now is the time for you to grow a body! "

Edogawa Fumiyo patted his chest and said generously: "Little pot friends eat very simply, let's order some dishes you want to eat, don't worry, this aunt invites you... By the way, Conan came over and sat with Mom and Dad. "

After saying this, without giving Conan time to react at all, Edogawa Fumiyo directly pulled Conan's arm and walked to the table next to him...

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