Chapter 418 Conan kidnapped? What the hell is Ke's father and mother?!!

Of course~

Conan, who is only thinking about how to get rid of the two. Kudo Yukiko's expression was not noticed at all.


Chu Feng, who was staying in the kitchen, had a full view of everything.

Looking at Conan's look of disgust for his parents.

I don't know what kind of expression he had when he knew the true identities of the two people in front of him?

Thinking of this~ Chu Feng couldn't help but want to laugh.

But as a professional chef. He asked himself if he was professionally trained.

No matter how funny it is.

Definitely won't laugh in front of guests.


Unless you really can't help it.


The corners of his mouth raised an arc.

Chu Feng tilted his head slightly.

Just to the inexplicable eyes of Rina Kamie and Alice.

It has been a while since he was Chu Feng's assistant cook.

Erinay and Alice knew exactly how lazy the chef really was.

Working just three hours a day speaks for itself.

Today, this guy actually robbed the waiter's job 637 and personally went to receive guests.

It's a little abnormal to think about it.

They also know Conan, Connor, and Haibara's classmates. When Riko Saikawa came to play with Connor, she often mentioned the other party.

But Conan's parents.

There is nothing outstanding about it. They are also worthy of Boss Chu's personal reception? Erinai and Alice couldn't understand.

I always feel that Boss Chu's mind is too difficult to understand.

However, they are only helping cooks and do not like to inquire about other people's affairs, so they do not care.

The Kudo couple quickly finished enjoying the food on the table and pulled Conan to say goodbye to his friends.

【Ding! Roasted whole pork is well received by customers, triggering a hundredfold crit, reward: 3 million yen, 100 points! 】

【Ding! The sauerkraut sausage stew pot was well received by customers, triggering a 20x crit, reward: 200,000 yen, 20 points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations on getting top reasoning, top transfiguration...】

Several tones sounded in my head.

Chu Feng watched the Kudo family walk out of the gate.

And ignored Conan's pleading eyes the whole time.

As for the top reasoning and top transfiguration that were just obtained.

Directly thrown into the skill library by him to eat ashes.

What a joke.

When Big Boss Chu goes out, does he still need to change his appearance? As for reasoning?

Chu Feng was confident that he could persuade others to tell the truth by reasoning alone.

Grilled whole pork is just a first-class dream ingredient.

Chu Feng's pricing was also not expensive.

One serving is 30,000 yen.

It is also very in line with the current market.

Erina, and Alice, apparently saw Conan's pitiful appearance when he went out.

Alice blinked her eyes twice and stunned, "Ahhh, are they really Conan's parents of Little Penyou?" How do you look at Conan's appearance, and it seems that he is unwilling to go with them? "

Erinai nodded slightly: "Chu Feng, will there be any problems with those two people?" They always give me a very strange feeling! "

"Well, it's very contrived, as if deliberately dressed up like that."

Alice didn't know how to describe this feeling, and thought for a long time before she spoke.

Chu Feng wiped the Yongling Dao and said lightly: "Don't worry about Conan Xiaopenyou, his parents are just joking with him, role-playing understands?" Their family likes to play this tune, Ke's father and mother are playing kidnappers this time, but Conan himself is in the dark. "

Erina: (⊙_⊙)...


Hearing Chu Feng's words, the two almost didn't react.

Role play!

Of course they knew.

Love the fun.

They can also understand.

After all, everyone has their own preferences.

They also have no right to say more.


Parents dressed as kidnappers to scare their children? What is this operation again?

Doesn't that mean...

Does Conan really think he has been kidnapped now? Since the parties do not know.

This can already be characterized as a kidnapping.

So do they want to call the police?

But Boss Chu said it all.

It was the Conan family playing a game.

You can't alarm the Metropolitan Police Department because of this.

And ~ What the hell is Ke's father and mother?

The surname is Edogawa, not Ke!

Looking at Chu Feng's look that couldn't hide his smile.

Erinae and Alice don't know why he knows these things.

But his schadenfreude can be seen.

It seems happy to see Conan's little pot friend being whole.


Erinai and Alice were speechless.

I really don't know what to say.

I didn't expect the omnipotent Boss Chu to have this kind of bad taste.

In fact, they are not sympathetic to Conan at all.

Listening to Caichuan Riko, this kid likes to mess with flowers and grass when he is only seven years old, and he must be a scumbag when he grows up.

It's better to learn a lesson now, lest you grow up and go around harming others.

After the Kudo family left.

Customers are coming to the door one after another.

Chu Feng is open for three hours.

And only fifty dishes a day.

These rules have spread in neon upper circles.

Therefore, when someone found that the Maple Leaf Pavilion opened the door, they quickly notified their friends in the circle and tried to eat the dishes made by Chu Feng.

The number of guests gradually increased.

Chu Feng was also not good to leave the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Although he really wanted to see how the Kudo couple tossed Conan-kun, it was still important to make money.

You can't give up your business to satisfy your curiosity.

Chef Lin's name is really not covered.

Just half an hour.

Fifty dishes sold out. Chu Feng patiently prepared the dishes.

Face diners.

He has developed the patience he deserves.

Two hours after the door opened.

Chu Feng finished today's task, leaned on the back of the chair to watch Erinai and Alice busy, and occasionally put forward some opinions.

As for Conan ~ looked at the time.

It's past seven o'clock now.

Chu Feng was worried that a guest from another world would come to the door later.

I gave up my plan to go to the theater...

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