Chapter 419: Conan's Thrilling Escape Journey!!

In a small shabby Japanese-style wooden building.

Conan woke up slowly.

You can see the dim night through the window.

Is it completely dark already?

Conan struggled to get up.

only to find himself ~ tied to a column. Think back to what happened before.

He cursed secretly and hatefully.

Then he slowly moved his body and stood up along the pillar. Although his hands are tied, his legs are still moving.

Look out through the big hole in the door.

I just saw a man and a woman who seemed to be talking.

It is the big pit goods of Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Yukiko, the sons of the special pit.


Conan watched the two actors perform with bated breath.

Suddenly, Kudo Yukiko glanced in the direction he was. Conan quickly sat down again, pretending to be in a coma.

In fact, I have scolded this dog man and woman thousands of times in my heart.

Not only with Dr. Agasa threatening himself to go with them.

After getting into the car, he directly stunned him without saying a word.

So much so that Conan now has no idea where he is.

"A call from the boss?"

"How to deal with it? Kill? Bring it back? "

"Rarity... Sample...... Study...... Good...... I see..."

Conan squinted his eyes and vaguely saw that the fat woman was answering the phone, and a staccato voice came into the house.

Listening to the call, Conan was shocked for a while, and he was 100% sure that he was caught by the people of the black-clad organization.

And the fat woman, at this time, is talking to their boss.

Hundred sets, Wen Hua plus ancestors return to recruit each minister to know one at the same time~

Conan couldn't help but think of Haihara.

He already had an adventure to be studied.

But think about it with your toes.

The black-clad organization will definitely not be as 'gentle' as Gray Plains, just draw some blood.

This group of ruthless guys, even if they dismembered him into evenly sized pieces of meat, Conan would not be surprised.

Think of these ~

Conan couldn't help but get anxious. He's only seventeen years old.

It's still high school age.

He still has a lot of time to squander. There are still many things that I want to do that I have not done.

How can you die at the hands of the black-clad organization? Somehow ~

At this moment, Conan thought of Chu Feng.

Among the people he knows.

It seemed that only Chu Feng had the ability to save him.

Although it is not clear the specific strength of the other side.

But Chef Lin.

No matter how weak it is, it is stronger than the people of the black-clad organization.


Thinking of leaving the Maple Leaf Pavilion, Chu Feng ignored his appearance.

Bahan's fine embarrassment - book, ancient brain warns the dishes to swell out the cross-the-beam nuclear sound flow can not be seen.

Now, he must save himself.

Fortunately, a man and a woman outside seemed to have some more deals to make.

After answering the phone, he seemed to leave the attic in a hurry.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief for the time being and planned to open the escape route.

Xia Weiyi Technical College is not for nothing.

Untying the knot button is still difficult for Conan.

Not for a moment~

Two dexterous hands broke free from the restraints of the rope.

Conan's craftsmanship is also excellent.

Carefully rubbing his hands and feet, he walked out of the room. When it was determined that there was no one else in the house.

Conan cautiously walked outside the house.

Under the clear moonlight.

You can vaguely see the trees of Maosen.

The rustle of the trees, the squeaking of insects, and the howl of wolves seeping in the distance...

It all says one thing.

It is mostly a deserted mountain forest. (⊙_⊙)

Conan was completely dumbfounded.

There are many mountains and forests near Kaikyo.

And some places because of the altitude, there is no signal at all, and there are few people.

It was now late at night, and he couldn't be sure where he was, nor could he ask anyone for help.

Looking at the sheep intestine path between the trees that only allows a small car to pass, it is like an abyss giant beast with its big mouth open.

Conan shivered sharply, and after hesitating, he still plucked up the courage to walk forward.

Even if you are lost in the mountains and forests, it is better than staying and being studied by the black-clad organization...

Nine o'clock in the evening.

Maple Leaf Pavilion has closed.

Connor, who went to play at Riko Saigawa's house, has not yet returned.

Thor, Erina, and Alice gather in the dining room, chattering non-stop.

Girls, you can always find a variety of rich topics.

Driven by the eloquent Alice, even Erina, who doesn't like nonsense, can talk vigorously.

Chu Feng leaned on the boss's chair and took a nap, waiting for guests from another world to come to the door, but he was not sure if anyone would come tonight.

Of course, Boss Chu didn't know that Conan had embarked on a thrilling escape journey.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the Grim Reaper elementary school student will not hang up easily.


The back door flashed a bright light again.

Chu Feng stared intently, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc.


Alice and others also discovered this strange scene.

The opening of Maple Leaf Pavilion these two days is too busy.

Erinai and Alice went to bed very early last night. It was the first time they had seen the back door glow.

Thor is obviously much calmer.

Last night, I noticed two abnormal spatial fluctuations upstairs.

But out of trust in Chu Feng's strength, she didn't pay attention to it.

"Strange spatial fluctuations, do they appear every night?"

Thor turned his head to look at Chu Feng and asked with a slight curiosity.

"I don't know, anyway, as long as this happens, it means that there are guests from another world coming."

Chu Feng replied with a smile.

"Uh-uh~~ Visitors from another world?"

Alice looked confused, but quickly reacted and quickly asked, "Could it be that someone from another world has already come last night?" "

Because of the existence of the food world, people in this world are no strangers to other worlds.

Plus the magic of seeing Chu Feng.

His restaurant can connect to other worlds.

Seems normal too!?

Now the only thing that Alice is interested in is what people from another world look like? The food world has not discovered intelligent life, at least not yet.

Although fantasy creatures are strong, most of them have a worrying IQ. Alice stared intently at the still glowing back door.

A look of anticipation.

"A visitor from another world? Sounds interesting. "

Erinai muttered, equally interested.

That's it~

A man and three women all stared at the back door.

A mouth ready to admire the abnormal creatures...

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