Chapter 420 The boy who carries the ghost, Tanjiro Stove!!

The rear door is fully open.

Walking in was a teenager carrying a wooden box.

The boy has crimson hair, and even his pupils are red. The conspicuous hot scar on his left forehead was not as fierce as expected.

On the contrary, for this young man, he added a bit of perseverance that was different from ordinary people.

He wore strange earrings on his ears, gently swaying with his slow steps, as if to tell the unwillingness of the teenager, as well as endless bitter tears.

On that face that still looks very immature, it seems that there are endless vicissitudes left.

Erina, and Alice, curiously staring in the direction where the back door was.

In addition to the teenager who suddenly walked into the restaurant, he could also see the path between the fields behind the other party.

Looking at the boy's dress, it should be a person from the Taisho period.

Erinah and Alice say their history is still on the passing line.

The three girls didn't know Tanjiro Stove.

But Chu Feng was no stranger at all.

As a veteran two-dimensional enthusiast.

He naturally recognized the protagonist in "Ghost Slayer Blade".

A kind, brave, decisive and calm teenager.

A teenager who can still retain a kind heart even after experiencing despair is not something that ordinary people can do.

Chu Feng asked himself.

If he suffers the same experience as Tanjiro Stovemon.

Even if you don't go crazy, you can become very extreme.

When I first watched "Ghost Slayer Blade".

He admired the character.

Just look at the appearance of Tanjiro Stovemon.

It seems that there is no money on him.

Maybe it's full of heart.

After Tanjiro walked into the restaurant.

Still looking like a soulless.

When you perceive that something is wrong with your surroundings.

He suddenly came to his senses.

His gaze naturally fell on Chu Feng and the others.

It's just that this man and three women look at his eyes... I always feel like I'm looking at something rare.


It was like when he first saw a monkey in the mountains.

Seriously looked at the dress of Chu Feng and the others.

Tanjiro quickly dismissed his idea.

Although the few people in front of him were dressed strangely, it was a style he had never seen before

The girl actually has bare arms, and the skirt is also very short, which is a bit incredible to see.

Tanjiro had never seen such a dress before.


This is the big city people?

I heard that people in big cities are very cultured, so they shouldn't have that strange idea, right!? Tanjiro had never been to a city before.

The farthest place in my life is the town below the mountain.

Born in a farming family that roasted charcoal, he often went to the market to sell charcoal in exchange for some supplies.

Looking at the magnificent decoration all around, even the floor is smooth wood... Tanjiro secretly sighed.

People in big cities, really not ordinary!

After a brief startle, Tanjiro politely asked, "Excuse me, what is this place?" "

"As you can see, this is a restaurant."

Chu Feng showed a kind smile.


Tanjiro looked dazed.

For the teenager who has just come out of the mountains.

This is definitely an unfamiliar term.

"It's the place to eat."

Alice interjected.

Looking at Tanjiro's stupid look.

She thought it was interesting.

Could it be that visitors from other worlds are all such 'ancients', and they don't even know about the restaurant?

For the short history of neon, the Taisho period is a long time ago.

"It turned out to be a place to eat!"

Tanjiro muttered.

Suddenly, I felt that the people in the city were really elegant.

Even the name of the restaurant is different from their countrymen.

It's just that~

Why did I suddenly come to the restaurant? Tanjiro was slightly stunned.

Suddenly I realized that something was wrong.

In fact, he had just completed his first mission after joining the Ghost Killer Team.

The disappearance of a young girl in a small town in the northwest was solved.

It was a swamp ghost that could hide its shape.

After a battle to the death, Tanjiro successfully kills the swamp ghost with the help of his sister Youdouko.

It's just a pity that I never learned the news of Ghost Mai Tsuji from the other party's mouth.

It seems that the ghosts who were transformed by Ghost Mai Tsuji have all been banned by him, and it is impossible to reveal the slightest news about him.

After experiencing the tragedy of the destruction of the family, the only sister, Youdouzi, has become a ghost.

Tanjiro tracks down Onitsuji's whereabouts beyond just avenging his family.

More importantly, find a way to get your beans back to normal.

But after finally joining the ghost killing team, I knew that it was simply difficult to find Ghost Mai Tsuji without misery.

At that moment, Tanjiro was extremely desperate in his heart.

Even the ghost killing team that has survived for hundreds of years cannot find the ghost king.

Can he really be found alone? Tanjiro's heart began to waver.

So much so that he was a little in a mental trance when he rushed with his sister on his back.

I vaguely remember walking on a country road.

A strange door suddenly appeared in the middle of the road.

Of course, he didn't pay attention and directly opened the 'iron gate'. Then ~ came to this strange restaurant without paying attention.

Recall the whole process.

Tanjiro suddenly realized.

It doesn't seem to be the big city I imagined.

At least in his perception.

Not a single door will appear on a country road.

It is also impossible to directly connect to a luxuriously decorated restaurant.

Look at the area here.

This restaurant is definitely not small.

If it is built on the side of the road, no matter how distracted you are, you can't turn a blind eye.

So here's the problem.

What exactly is this place?

At this moment, Tanjiro was completely confused.

Subconsciously think that it is the blood ghost technique of encountering a powerful ghost.

After all, those ghosts and things are strange, and there are many means.

It's not surprising to unknowingly pull yourself into a certain space.


Tanjiro instantly became alert.

But looking at the people in front of him, they don't seem like bad people.

Especially the man who spoke first.

The other party's kind smile made him feel extremely relieved.

"This should also be a gentle person!"

Tanjiro never speculates on others with malice.

With a kind heart, he is also easy to detect the kindness of others.

After hesitating, Tanjiro spoke again.

"Hello, my name is Tanjiro, is there anything to eat here?"

After a hard fight with the swamp ghost before, and another journey, Tanjiro also felt a little hungry.

Since this is a place to eat, it is better to fill your stomach first.

"Chu Feng, the owner and chef of Maple Leaf Pavilion, just say what you want to eat."

"The boss can do anything? That's awesome! "

Tanjiro was slightly stunned, and then said, "Then I want a bowl of spring bud noodles." "

"Thanks for review, five thousand yen."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and mentioned it by the way.

It's not that he's a philistine, but Tanjiro really doesn't look rich.

To open a business is to make money, you must first ask the other party if you can pay the bill.

There is no free lunch in the world, Maple Leaf Pavilion is not a charity, there is no reason to give away white food...

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