Chapter 423 Pig Blood Cake, Your Beans Have Finally Eaten!!


Tanjiro also heard what Chu Feng said just now.

What the other party said was: their world? Are there many more worlds?

While calming Youdouzi's anxious emotions, Tanjiro asked, "Boss Chu, isn't this the world I am in anymore?" "

Although he was born in the mountains, he at least knew the difference between the world, the country, and the city.

"That's right, this is a world dominated by food."

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Tanjiro was slightly stunned. It was immediately impressive.

Another world!

It was incredible that he opened a door and actually arrived in another world.

At the same time, he couldn't imagine what kind of existence Boss Chu was, who could connect the two worlds.

This method is far beyond his understanding.

Of course~

In addition to shocking.

Tanjiro was also faintly envious.

Envy of those born in this world.

No wonder the things made by Boss Chu are so delicious.

In a world dominated by food, I believe that the people here must have a very happy life?

Compared to the civilians over there who usually feed themselves with coarse tea and light rice, bad luck and 603 food that may become a ghost...

This world is simply heaven.

And compared to Tanjiro's secret envy.

Alice's focus is clearly different.

"Since ghosts can only eat people, won't your sister be hungry?"

Now she was convinced of Chu Feng's words.

Since Chu Feng said that ghosts can only eat people, it will definitely not be wrong.

When Tanjiro heard this, he immediately laughed bitterly.

"That's no way, we won't hurt others just to survive."

That's a well-taken word.

But it gives people an endless bitterness.

Tanjiro is such a gentle person. Even sometimes, the tenderness is distressing.

Erinai and Alice looked at each other.

They can see the firmness in each other's eyes.

Although I don't quite understand the ghosts of another world.

But referring to the setting of vampires in Western mythology, it is easy to make up for it on your own.

Looking at the languishing beans, they couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for each other's suffering.

"It's so pitiful, no wonder such a small one, it should be hungry..."

"I don't know if she can eat the food on our side?"

Alice and Erinai spoke one after another, looking into Your Bean's eyes, no longer guarded before.

Then, Your Bean was in front of the two of them, and the 'bang' became a little louder, and it became almost fifteen or sixteen years old.

Erina: (⊙_⊙)...

Alice: (⊙_⊙)?

The sisters of the Xue Che family were immediately dumbfounded.

Can ghosts get bigger? What is this operation again?

How many more skills do we not know?

Fortunately, during this time, he had also seen a lot of strange things with Chu Feng.

Erinae and Alice quickly put away the surprise in their eyes.

As a member of the Maple Leaf Pavilion, you will definitely meet more people from other worlds in the future, so there is no need to make a fuss.

Chu Feng ignored the two sisters of the Xue Che family, and said lightly: "Just try it, how, do you want to order something for her?" I see your sister seems to be eager to eat (⊙_⊙)..."

Tanjiro looked confused.

What did Boss Chu say just now? Do you want to order Your beans?

But beans cannot eat food eaten by people.

Boss Chu should know this.

Listening to what he said just now, it seems that he knows a lot about ghosts.

At this moment, Tanjiro was a little confused.

Turn your head to look at Your Bean.

But I found that my sister was staring intently at her bowl of noodles, and her mouth kept making 'woo-woo' sounds.

No way!?

Do you really want to eat noodles? Tanjiro was a little undecided.

As if seeing his concerns, Chu Feng spoke, "Why don't you do this, try a pork blood cake first, a dish made of pig blood and glutinous rice." "

"Pork blood cake?"

Tanjiro's eyes lit up: "Then trouble Boss Chu!" Although you have always been allowed to restrain your bloodthirsty desire. "

But if it's pig's blood, it should be fine.

In fact, Tanjiro is not quite sure.

After all~

Since you became a ghost, you have never eaten again, and usually rely on sleep to replenish your strength.

Even Uzumaki and Tomioka Yoshiyuki said that they had never seen such a strange ghost.

The fact that one's own will alone can suppress the instinct to eat people is an incredible thing in the eyes of everyone.

But ~ Tanjiro feels normal.

Because You Bean is a very kind child.

But letting her stay hungry all the time was also his incompetence as an older brother.

Having tasted the deliciousness of Maple Leaf Court cuisine, Tanjiro wanted to let You Bean taste it...

In the kitchen.

Chu Feng began to make pig blood cakes.

This dish is also known as rice blood or rice blood cake.

It is one of the special pastries of the Dragon Kingdom.

It is now very popular on the Takarashima side.

The people of Baodao inherited the concept of 'food supplement' in the south of the Dragon Kingdom.

Prefer to eat pig's blood or pig's blood products.

Pork blood cake is one of the most common pig blood products on the market.

This dish is usually made with fresh pig blood added to glutinous rice, salt and other ingredients, and then steamed to form solidified lumps.

The taste is harder than ordinary glutinous rice cakes.

It's simple.

It can be steamed, fried or marinated.

There is no set cooking pattern for pork blood cakes.

Chu Feng chose the simplest halogen.

After all, he has aged brine.

Throw it into a dragon pot and cook it instantly.

Not for a moment~

A row of blood-red pastries appeared in front of Tanjiro and Youdouko.

A plate of twelve slices, each slightly half a centimeter, with a rich brine aroma rising with the heat.

Tanjiro's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but swallow his throat. It tastes delicious just by smelling good.

But looked at the sister next to him...

Your bean's eyes also shone with longing.

As a brother, how can he rob his sister's food?

Tanjiro laughed at himself in his heart, and then removed the bamboo tube from the mouth of Your Bean.

"Do you want to taste the beans and see if it suits your appetite?"

Tanjiro said softly.

In fact, he wasn't sure if Your Beans would eat what Boss Chu made.

Who knows the next moment.

Your beans came to the table in a flash, and regardless of the hot food just out of the pot, grabbed a piece of pork blood cake and stuffed it into your mouth.

It's like I haven't eaten in years.

Although this is also true.

But Your Bean's speed still startled Tanjiro.

A piece of pig's blood cake under the belly, Your Bean's pink eyes seem to be shiny.

It's a very human look.

"You beans, finally eat!"

Tanjiro was so excited that tears even flowed from his eyes.

Although he never mentioned it to anyone, he was always worried about the problem of Your Bean's body.

People will die if they don't eat, not to mention ghosts who eat people.

Your beans can now eat pastries.

Although also blood products.

But at least Tanjiro saw hope.

The hope that Your beans will live well...

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