Chapter 424: The Safe Haven of the Brothers and Sisters of the Stove Gate!!

"You beans, eat slowly!"

Looking at my sister's gobbling look.

It's like being hungry for eight lifetimes.

Tanjiro was afraid that your beans would swallow, so he couldn't help but tell carefully.

But I don't know if the pork blood cake made by Boss Chu is too delicious.

You can't stop eating your beans.

It's like seeing the world's best delicacy.

Swallow the pork blood cake into the belly without even chewing.

Less than a minute.

Twelve pieces of pork blood cake were wiped out.


Tanjiro hadn't finished his bowl of noodles yet.

Stunned to look at the ~ sister who has a great appetite.

Tanjiro wept with joy.

The tears in my eyes kept rolling.

It doesn't matter at all whether my sister's appearance is ladylike or not.

As long as you are willing to eat, it is more important than anything else.

When you have eaten a whole plate of pork blood cake.

Ye Xiaogou sounded the light of your bloody thoughts, looking at Chu Feng, his eyes full of expectation.

Seem...... Not full yet?

Tanjiro put down his chopsticks and asked softly, "Still want to eat?" "

You Bean nodded quickly, still looking impatient.

Tanjiro rubbed his sister's head and turned to look at Chu Feng, "Boss Chu, how much is a pig blood cake, please make some more for your beans." "

Chu Feng smiled faintly: "One price with Spring Bud Noodles." "

Tanjiro calculated that he had just paid a 50-coin silver coin, and the brothers and sisters each ate a copy...

"Boss Chu, please make three portions of pig blood cake for your beans."

"Oh, you don't eat anymore?"

"No, I'm full."

Tanjiro shook his head slightly, and Yu Guang glanced at the noodle bowl that he had just licked clean.

It is not difficult to see that in fact, he is also unsatisfied with the cuisine here.

Just so that his sister could eat more, he preferred to hold back his appetite.

After all, this is another world, and I don't know if I will have the opportunity to come again in the future, and a vegetarian noodle costs 10 dollars, and Tanjiro also wants to save a little by himself and let You eat more beans.

Chu Feng took a deep look at Tanjiro and turned back to the kitchen.

When Erinah and Alice saw this scene, their eyes couldn't help but turn red.

Girls are always sensual creatures, and they naturally see Tanjiro's love for Youdouko.

Even if his sister became a ghost, he still never gave up, and he never changed.

How many brothers in the world can do it.

"You look at people, and then look at how you are a sister, when I was a child, I thought about robbing my toys all day."

Alice, whose eyes were red, quickly changed the topic, trying to drive away the sadness that suddenly appeared in her heart.

Erinai strangely glanced at Alice, who was very easy to expose on the surface, and walked into the kitchen with a cold snort, too lazy to take care of the sensitive Alice.

She is still very interested in the traditional pastry of pig blood cake.

It's just that except for Chu Feng, no one saw the words displayed on the top of Your Bean's head.

[Spiritual Power +5] seems to be in addition to Megumi Tassho.

Those who have eaten Chu Feng's cuisine and received gifts, the addition of points rarely exceeds five.

The first time you came to Bean, I didn't expect luck to be so good.

It's just that this time I didn't brush any skills from the two siblings.

However, Chu Feng did not pay attention to it.

Strictly speaking~

The level of the Ghost Destroyer World is not high.

There is not much chance of swiping out high-level skills...

Tanjiro looked in the direction of the window.

Accompany my sister and wait for the food to be served.


A husky and familiar voice rang in his ears.

"Brother... Brother...... Brother Tanjiro..."

Tanjiro turned his head sharply and saw Youdouko staring at him stunnedly.

He didn't know the other three girls, and it was impossible for the other party to call him brother.

So this voice?

Undoubtedly from Your beans.

Only a sister would call herself that.


Tanjiro was shocked.

I kind of can't believe my ears.

You bean, you actually spoke!? To know ~

Since becoming a ghost.

Your bean is in a state of confusion and brain confusion, completely unable to communicate with ordinary people.

Tanjiro can only rely on the telepathy between brothers and sisters to communicate with her simply.

But now ~

But Thou Bean spoke.

Although the voice is hoarse and intermittent.

Although the voice is small and inarticulate.

But Tanjiro was absolutely sure he had heard correctly.

Just now, You Bean really spoke!


After reacting, Tanjiro abruptly stood up from his chair.

Because the movement was too great, even the chair fell backwards.

Grab Your Bean's shoulders.

Tanjiro's voice began to tremble.

"You bean, just now, you called?"

Tanjiro burst into tears, tears involuntarily falling down his cheeks.

Although he was sure that he heard correctly, he still wanted to confirm it again.

Happiness came so suddenly, he was afraid it was just a dream.

"Brother... I can talk..."

Thou bean spoke again.

This time, the voice gradually became softer.

Before she became a ghost, she was originally a kind and gentle girl.

"You bean, it's really recovered..."

Tanjiro was ecstatic and couldn't help but hug his sister into his arms.

On this day, he has waited too long.

Although I really want You Bean to restore your human identity. But he knew very well that such a thing was almost impossible.

Once a person is transformed into a ghost, it is almost irreversible.

All the time~

Tanjiro was just optimistic with a hint of illusion.

Right now~

Thou Thou Bean spoke, and his mind seemed to be calm and clear.

Even if you can't turn back into a human in the end.

That's good.

At least ~ she doesn't have to be chaotic all day, and she can also have a certain self-care ability.

Even if you die in battle one day, You Bean can survive alone.

After the surprise~

Tanjiro's gaze looked in the direction of the window again.

Chu Feng, who was wearing a white chef's uniform, was seriously preparing dishes.

The almost perfect side face seemed to be shining in Tanjiro's eyes.

He knows very well~

It is precisely because of Chu Feng's cuisine that Your Beans has changed so much.

Although it is not clear why, Tanjiro is very sure of his speculation.

This moment~

He looked at Chu Feng's gaze, full of endless gratitude.


If you have the opportunity in the future, you must visit Maple Leaf Pavilion more often.

Magical cuisine, kind Chu boss, peaceful restaurant... Everything here makes Tanjiro feel good.

Having seen the cruelty of the coexistence of humans and ghosts, Maple Leaf Pavilion is like a haven, breaking into his fragmented world into...

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