Chapter 427 Koizumi Hongko's Castle, Conan's Fantastic Adventure!!

Carefully lie on the ground.

Conan poked his head out and stared straight at the hallway exit.

Time passed in a hurry.

It was clear that only a dozen seconds had passed.

He felt like a long time had passed.

I don't know when sweat is already oozing from my forehead.

As that strange sound got closer.

At this time, Conan did not dare to breathe.

"Bian ~"

Another muffled sound.

A silvery-white shadow appeared under the light of the oil lamp.


Conan gasped and quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

The figure that came out of the exit was actually the knight's armor from before.

This moment~

Conan's three views were greatly impacted.

Just now, he obviously looked very carefully.

That's definitely a hollow armor.

And now ~

This thing actually lived? Can you believe it?

Although there has always been something supernatural in this world.

But see the armor come back to life.

You can even vaguely see the empty inside.

Conan still felt his worldview collapse in an instant.


Do you want to be so evil?

Is there really some ghost possessed on the armor? Conan is worthy of being a high school detective.

Even in a state of extreme panic. The head is still spinning fast.

This possibility comes to mind instantly.

But who can tell me.

What should I do if I encounter a supernatural event?

He didn't learn to exorcise ghosts in Xia Weiyi! Conan covered his mouth.

Don't dare to make any sound.

For fear of attracting the attention of the armored knight.

God knows if this guy secretly screamed bad luck in his heart because he suddenly broke in.

Conan shrunk and hid behind the couch.

A chill began to creep through the soles of his feet.

The croaking sound is getting closer and closer.

The armored knight seemed to wander around the spacious living room, as if looking for something Conan was more sure that it was looking for himself.

Forcibly calming down, Conan looked around, trying to find a suitable escape route.


Not far away, the Victorian-style lamp lit up.

The height of the desk lamp is close to the height of a junior high school student.

The brown-red columns are carved with ancient patterns.

The gauze cover outside the lamp resembles a cylindrical cage.

Under the light.

Strange patterns immediately appeared on the walls.

The lamp lit up very suddenly, without the slightest warning, and it lit up strangely.

"Cluck, Mattous, you're running around again, watch out for adults dismantling you into parts..."

An ethereal female voice came into Conan's ears.

The sound was pleasant, but Conan only felt his scalp tingle.

Because he knew very well that the sound was coming from the lamp.

"Table lamp, actually spoke?"

Conan was full of excitement.

An indescribable sense of fear welled up in my heart.

The atmosphere is extremely depressing, and the indescribable fear seems to fill the entire room~

There was another noise, approaching the voice of a husky man.

"There are intruders, I'm just doing my part."

"What a conscientious knight, you said, should we dispose of this little guy, just as Vivi's hood should be replaced with a new one..."

The ethereal female voice sounded again.

It's just that this pleasant sound makes Conan feel cold.

Oh, my God~

This lamp actually wants to pick his skin?

Do you want to be so bloody, do you want to be so cruel... Conan subconsciously shivered.

The gaze involuntarily fell on the strange lampshade.

This thing can't also be made of human skin, right?


Conan's body shook violently, he could no longer hold back the fear in his heart, and got up and drilled into the door closest to him.

There was a strange laugh behind him, and Conan couldn't care so much at this time.

The moment the door closed, the whole person collapsed on the ground, leaning his back against the door, trying to block the ghosts outside in this way.


There seemed to be no movement outside.

Conan calmed the fear in his heart, slowly walked up, and listened to the sound of clanging on the door, and the ethereal female voice disappeared.

It was as if everything just now was just an illusion of oneself.

"Hell, what the hell is this place?"

Conan cursed lowly.

Only then did he begin to look around at the furnishings.

The lights were on in the room.

Thank God~

There are table lamps hanging on the roof, and the light is relatively soft, without the weirdness outside.

The room looked like someone's lounge, with some photos, books, and strange props.

Conan looked around the room, intently thinking about what to do next.

Contrary to what he thought when he first entered, he now only begged not to run into the owner of the castle.

A guy who can raise a group of ghosts will never be a serious person.

The room looked normal, and Conan was slightly relieved, but he didn't dare to take it lightly.

God knows if seemingly ordinary ornaments will suddenly pop out to say hello to him.

After all, the desk lamp can speak, even if the doll can move, Conan will not be surprised.

The thought of being almost peeled off by a desk lamp as a lampshade makes me feel extremely absurd.

When did a famous detective who was determined to science fall into a situation where he was threatened by a lamp?

It's all damn black-clad organizations!

All blame the faceless dog man and woman! If it weren't for the man in black and the fat woman. He wouldn't have come to this weird castle.

I won't encounter these evil things.

This moment~

Conan couldn't wait to hang his own parents and beat him.

Of course~ he who does not know the truth, he has been kept in the dark until now.


Conan's gaze fell on the doll on the dresser not far away.

Slightly stunned~

If memory serves.

There was no such thing here just now.

Conan is confident in his memory.

It is categorically impossible to remember mistakenly.


When did this doll doll appear? The feeling of deep cold all over the body hit again.

Conan already felt a strong atmosphere of horror.

The encounter in the living room outside just now is still vividly remembered.

This seemingly normal room also seems to have ghosts.

Conan stepped back again and again, leaning against the door again.


A hoarse voice echoed through the empty room.

"Let's play~"

"Come and play with me~"

"Little ghost head, shall we play hide-and-seek?"

The husky deep voice seemed to be everywhere.

Penetrating into Conan's ears.

"Play? Play with your sister! "

Conan cursed lowly.

I don't know where the courage came from.

Maybe fed up with this ghost place and the weirdness everywhere.

Perhaps it is a stress response after being greatly stimulated.

Conan cursed a little broken jar, turned around and opened the door.


The doorknob that could be easily opened just now is now as if it is welded, and he can't move no matter how he pulls it.

Followed by~

The husky voice behind him sounded again.

"Play with my sister?"

"But my sister has already been killed by me."

"How about I play with your head?"

The voice was getting closer.

Conan turned his stiff neck.

When he turned around, he saw less than five centimeters away.

The doll was holding its own head and handing it to him.

That's it~

It's like a child who gives treasure to a friend.

It's just a pity ~

What the other party gave him was his own head, and the fracture still had a bright red color that I don't know whether it was blood or paint.

Even weirder is ~

The doll floated in the air, and the head with a weird smile was almost on the tip of his nose.


Conan twitched, and a strange sound came out of his mouth, as if he had been choked by the throat.

In a state of extreme panic, people will always overreact.

Finally, Conan could no longer bear the fear in his heart, rolled his eyes, and fainted on the spot.

This weird fantasy adventure, Conan does not want to continue at all.

Given the choice, he would rather it was just a strange dreamer.

Maybe wake up again and everything will be normal.

This was the only thought that came to Conan's mind before he fell into a coma...

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