Chapter 428 Lord Witch only cares about what Conan ate in the afternoon!!

Yoyo open your eyes.

Conan wakes up from a coma.

The dim ceiling is still so familiar.

Let him know that what just happened is not a dream.

"Miss Hongzi, this kid is awake."

Ethereal voices ringed in the ears.

It's the guy who wants to make him into a lampshade.

"The little ghost head is so frightened, he fainted in just a few words, it's not fun at all."

This time it was a low and husky voice.

Conan couldn't help but think of the doll he had taken his head off and sent him.

"Deserve it, impudent intruders deserve to be punished."

You don't have to guess that this time it was the armor that was talking. (0_0)

Conan was completely dumbfounded.

I wish I hadn't woken up the first time.

Sound comes from all directions.


Now he is surrounded by ghosts. Although for what reason.

This group of weirdness did not immediately move.

But Conan had no doubts.

I'm about to become this weird dinner.

Who is Miss Hongzi?

Could it be their heads?

The lamp just now was obviously carrying honorifics.

Obviously, the so-called Miss Hongzi 780 has a very high status in its heart.

Conan, who didn't know where to lie, slowly twisted his head and neck.

A flawless face comes into view.

A girl.

A girl with an extremely perfect figure.

Conan was slightly startled.

It was a surprise.

In the middle of a group of ghosts, there was a tall young girl standing.

It's a little abrupt and doesn't match at all.

The long red dress wrapped around, revealing the fair shoulders, the beautiful face with long purple hair, should be about the same age as a high school student.


Conan now admires the girl's beauty flawlessly.


Can an existence surrounded by a group of ghosts be the same as a high school student?

He is not an ordinary person who does not know the world at all, and his insight cannot be so shallow.

Look at the group of ghosts around them silently.

Most of the girls are the owners of this ancient castle.

But look at the other person.

Since it is human, it should be possible to communicate.

Conan forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart and barely stood up.

At this time, he found that he had just been lying on a wooden sofa.

In fact, for a moment just now, he once thought that he was sitting up at the table, and Conan happened to see the ghosts around him.

Victorian lamps, shiny silver armor, tattered dolls covered with patches...

He even saw brooms and dustpans floating in mid-air.

Conan was speechless again, feeling as if he had broken into the monster's base camp.

Although he was still afraid, he still had the courage to ask, "Hello... Are you the owner here? "

"It's a very rude thing to break into someone's house and say this. The purple-haired girl's red lips opened lightly, and her beautiful voice seemed to have some kind of magic. "

"Hi Yi~ I'm really sorry, I was rude."

Conan landed on his feet and bowed deeply and thoughtfully.

Under the gaze of a group of ghosts, he still lowered the detective's proud head.

The one who knows the time is Junjie!

Now this bone eye does not admit mistakes.

Maybe it's a ghostly dinner in the next second.

Conan didn't want to be reduced to the excrement of lamps, armor, brooms and dustpans.

Although he did not know whether these objects had an excretory function.

But there is no doubt about it...

The more sincere the attitude, the greater the chance of survival.


The purple-haired girl chuckled, her burgundy eyes shining with a strange luster, as if she had the magic to see through people's hearts.

At least at this time, Conan had a feeling that his thoughts were completely seen through.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Koizumi Hongko, the owner of this ancient castle, you can call me a witch."

A single sofa flew over, Koizumi Hongko sat down gracefully, and the pleasant voice sounded again.

What age is it now, and she still calls herself a witch, this woman won't really come from hell, right?

After Koizumi admitted her identity as the owner of the castle, Conan didn't know what to say.

"Little Ghost, I'm a real human, not one of those guys in hell."

Koizumi Hongko glanced at Conan and said to himself: "But you guy is a little strange, obviously just a child, but the strength of the soul is similar to that of an adult, is it a breed with strong spiritual power?" "

Conan was shocked.

A hint of vigilance flashed under his eyes.

This woman actually saw through his identity as a high school student at a glance.

Although it is a soul to see, it is also terrible, is it good, what else in this world can hide from her?

And also...... And what does variety mean?

Why do you still feel like you're being treated like a cattle?

As if knowing Conan's thoughts, Koizumi Hongko chuckled: "As an orthodox descendant of red magic, isn't it normal for me to be able to see the souls of ordinary people, what's the fuss." "

"I haven't asked you yet, why did you break into my house?"


Conan hesitated, but decided to tell the person in front of him what happened to him.

Although he doesn't understand any red magic, since the other party is a magician, he should not be afraid of the black-clothed organization.

Then, Conan informed Koizumi of what happened to him today.

"Hey, so you only went to Maple Leaf Pavilion in the afternoon, what good things did you eat?"

After listening patiently, Koizumi asked the questions she was more concerned about.

Since the official opening of Maple Leaf Pavilion, she had not patronized Chu Feng's business.

Conan was speechless again, looking at the woman in front of him with a stunned face.

Dare I say so much, you only pay attention to what I ate in the afternoon? Although the cuisine of Maple Leaf Court is indeed delicious.

Although I just met you without the slightest friendship.


Could you please be a little respectful of my tragedy? We don't need your sympathy.

But can you find me a pair of pants to change? There is a bit of air leakage where the trouser legs are torn.

Conan felt like he was about to blow a cold.

Somehow ~

Conan, who was not afraid to cry in the face of ghosts. At this moment, I actually felt the urge to cry loudly.

It always feels like the world is full of malice today.

It's like targeting him specifically...

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