Chapter 429: Are You Really My Father's Mother?!!

Look at Conan's resentful eyes.

Koizumi didn't ask any further.

I learned that Maple Leaf Pavilion has closed for business today.

The somewhat gluttonous witch still resisted the urge to take out a flying broom from her fourth-dimensional skirt.

For other restaurants, Koizumi Hongko has long flown over, no matter if the boss closes the store—.

But Boss Chu?

Koizumi Hongko thought about it or forget it, it was late at night, so it was better not to hit Boss You Chu.

To state in advance, she was not afraid of the strength of the Maple Leaf Pavilion owner and the proprietress, but she was just polite.

Conan eventually settled in an ancient castle full of ghosts.

The kind Koizumi Hongko gave him a piece of bread and a glass of milk, but it was really full.

After a night without words, Conan slept peacefully.

Although the weird atmosphere is still there, it can't stop the physical and mental exhaustion.

Not long after lying down, Conan fell into a deep sleep.

On the other side, in the mountains and forests.

The Kudo couple are still looking for Conan in the dense forest.

Just tossed for one night.

Still no trace of his son has been found.

Kudo Yusaku had to contact his old classmate Twilight XIII and ask the Metropolitan Police Department Search Division to help find him.

Of course~

After changing clothes again, the Kudo couple will definitely not say that they "kidnapped their own son, but just found a random reason to fool the past." "

Early the next morning.

At the foot of a mountain in Nagoya.

Yusaku Kudo, who had burns on the back half of his face, and Yukiko, who was disguised as a fat woman, stood next to Twilight XIII, and all three had sad faces.

The entire team of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Search Division searched for a whole night, but still found no trace of Conan.

Most of the police officers of the Beijing Metropolitan Police Department couldn't help but suspect that the other party was more murderous than the other.

After all, he is only a seven-year-old child, and there are many wild beasts in the mountains around Nagoya.

Even Twilight Thirteen wasn't sure if his friend's son would be able to spend the night safely.

Although Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko had another seven-year-old son, they did not inform his old classmate.

Twilight Thirteen complained, but was more worried about the safety of the child.

That's right~

In order to hide Conan's true identity, Kudo Yusaku had to lie that he had a second child.

As for the disguise of the two, Twilight Thirteen didn't care at all.

The two have always been fascinating, and role-playing games have become their daily routine.

Looking at the tired looks of the two, Twilight Thirteen persuaded: "You two go back and rest first, here we are watching, I will inform you immediately when there is news." "

"No, I can hold on."

Kudo Yukiko shook her head, her eyes sad and full of remorse

Now she really felt the urge to slap herself twice.

If you don't make such jokes, how can you lose your son.

After a night of thinking, the Kudo couple suspect that Conan may have encountered a paranormal phenomenon.

After all, such a large individual, it is impossible to disappear out of thin air.

After many years of wandering around celebrity circles, the couple knows very well that the world is not peaceful

If Conan really encountered a supernatural event, it was obviously beyond the scope of ordinary people like them.

Contacting the Metropolitan Police Department is just an intention to give it a try.

Kudo Yusaku was also depressed and even more worried about the accident of his only son.

He knew very well that it was not a good thing for ordinary people to encounter supernatural phenomena or transcendent beings.

Most transcendent beings have strange personalities, and no one can predict their attitude towards ordinary people.

Maybe it will be kind enough to help ordinary people.

If you encounter a transcendent person in a bad mood, ordinary people die in vain.

As long as no evidence can be found, no clues can be found, IGO can not take the murderer

As soon as he thought of this, Kudo Yusaku's face was gloomy, as if he had died his son suddenly~

A police officer exclaimed.

"Oh my God~ he actually walked out of the mountain by himself~~"

"Is Xiao Bunyou okay? Are you Edogawa Conan? "

"Little pot friend quickly put on a blanket, spent one night in the mountains, didn't freeze to see, right?"

"Strange, how the hell did he come out of the mountains? Where did you go that night? "

"Yes, we searched the entire mountain in one night, and obviously found nothing."

"No matter, the child is fine, and the rest will be investigated slowly later."

A group of police officers quickly gathered around, shushing him, asking for a blanket for Conan, and someone to bring him hot water.


Conan looked embarrassed, and almost didn't react for a while.

What's going on?

Why are there so many police officers at the foot of the mountain? Also, is it the police of Xiongbao?

Could it be that Little Bird Yuantai found something wrong, or Boss Chu? Subconsciously shook his head.

With Conan's understanding of Chu Feng.

The man who never liked to be nosy was absolutely impossible to call the police.

Then, it should be Gentai and Mitsuhiko.

Although those two guys are as annoying as cowhide candy, they are not very reliable when it is critical.

Conan thought about it, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But soon~

He couldn't laugh.

Because two familiar figures appeared in his line of sight.

The man in black and the fat woman!

That to the people of the black-clad organization! Conan clicked in his heart.

Suddenly shouted badly.

I didn't expect that so many police officers were present, and people from the black-clothed organization dared to appear.

Is it so blatant?

Aren't they afraid that I will tell the police officer the truth? The next moment~

Conan saw Twilight Thirteen following behind the man and woman.


No way?

How did Officer Twilight get so close to them?


Officer Twilight is also from the Black Organization? At this time, Conan's brain spun rapidly.

Many ideas came to mind at once.

Perhaps Twilight Thirteen was just deceived by the other party.

But Conan couldn't be sure of this, so he could only stand still and not reveal the identity of the fake couple.

It was at this moment of hesitation that Kudo Yukiko had already hugged Conan and exclaimed to look at his son.

It is really unimaginable that the seemingly fat body has such an agile speed that stunned the unreasonable police officers around him, and called out the greatness of maternal love in his heart.

As if sensing that Conan in his arms was about to struggle, Yukiko quickly whispered in his ear: "Xiaoxin, it's mother." "(O_O)?

Conan was shocked.

The voice was all too familiar to him.

That light voice, who else could it be besides Yukiko Kudo? So, this fat woman is really my mother?

Conan broke free from Yukiko's arms, looked at the other party's gaze, and then thought about his mother's career, and reacted at once.

Looking at the man in black who took off the mask with a stunned face, thinking back to what happened to him one night, Conan's whole person collapsed.

"Mom? Dad? "

Nima~ Are these two goods really his own father and mother?

Do you have such a pit son's parents?

I wouldn't have picked it up from the trash, would I?

Please contact the hospital quickly to find out where my parents are?

This moment~

Think back to what happened to you last night.

First he was threatened and kidnapped, then he accidentally fell into the mountains and forests, and then he strayed into the gloomy castle, followed by an extremely weird ghost, a witch who can magic...

All in all, the things he encountered at night were more frequent than he used to combined, what a thrill!

He was almost scared to death last night.


Conan looked at Yukiko, who had a fleshy face, and 'burned, half-faced Kudo Yusaku, with an indescribable grudge in his eyes, wow' and cried.

Poor God, since becoming a high school detective and appearing in major newspapers, Conan has not cried so much for a long time.

Now he doesn't want to deal with this pair of unreliable parents at all

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