Chapter 433: Koizumi-san who loves ramen!!

It's not until 6 p.m.

The back door of the restaurant suddenly flashed with light.

Alice, who was propped up on the dining table with one hand, was a stirring spirit.

Instantly sobered up from confusion.

"Huh? Someone's coming? "

Subconsciously wiped a handful of saliva that spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Alice's eyes lit up, and suddenly came to the spirit.

Erinai gave Alice a look at him, a helpless expression appeared on her face, and then put down the book in her hand.

It is a biography about the ancient cuisine of the Dragon Kingdom, mixed with a lot of wild history, the authenticity of which cannot be examined.

Taking out a tissue and handing it to Alice, Erina's unceremoniousness said, "Wipe it clean, greeting guests like this is not in line with the etiquette of the Rina family." "

Erina shook her head secretly.

Alice, this girl, also fought to wait for visitors from another world.

Obviously sleepy to death, he refused to go back to his room to rest.

But Erinae was also curious.

What kind of guests will be here this time? Chu Feng and Thor looked calm.

No matter who comes, just pay for the meal and don't cause trouble, and the rest doesn't matter.

It's just that today's guests from another world seem to have come a little early.

The door opens 747!

Coming in was an expressionless blonde girl.

About fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a plain white T-shirt and a black short skirt, and a black bow on the neckline, it should be the uniform of a certain high school.

The girl has blonde hair and is slightly curly, and she looks sweet and loved.

It's just an expressionless look, and his temperament seems a little cold.

After walking into the restaurant.

The girl did not panic like the other visitors.

Instead, he looked curiously at the surrounding furnishings.

"Chinese restaurant?"

The girl muttered, a hint of imperceptible surprise flashed under her eyes, and there was no expression beyond that.

Chu Feng looked at the blonde girl seriously, confirming that her appearance was someone she had never seen.

At least after reading countless times before, he had no impression of the girl in front of him.

But adhering to the principle of treating every diner well, Chu Feng still smiled and said, "Excuse me, what do you want to eat?" "

"Ramen, is there any?"

The blonde girl asked bluntly.

It seems to be compared to suddenly coming to a Chinese restaurant.

Now she cares more about whether she can eat ramen.

"Of course, which one do you want to eat? Beef noodles, miscellaneous sauce noodles, white river noodles, tonkotsu ramen, any of them will do. "

Chu Feng laughed...

He likes this kind of straight to the point the most of the guests.

If you have to ask what place this place is every time you come, it will be difficult to explain.

"Huh? Will do anything? "

The blonde girl's eyes lit up, and then she showed a tangled expression.

She had eaten almost all the neon famous ramen, but she couldn't think of anything to order

After a long time, the girl spoke again: "Hello, my name is Koizumi, since you are a Chinese restaurant here, let's use a noodle dish from the Dragon Kingdom." "

Although Neon also has Ryukoku ramen, there are not many types, and Koizumi rarely tries them.

"It seems that you really like to eat noodles. Chu Feng laughed. "

I feel that the guests who came this time are a bit simple.

Of course, the pure reference here is a hobby.

The other party seems to be very enthusiastic about ramen dishes.

"Is it okay to have gold noodles, but it's not ramen, it's cut. Chu Feng thought about it and made a suitable suggestion. "

Mainly I think that ramen is a bit time-consuming, and cutting noodles is a little faster.

"Golden noodles?"

Koizumi-san was slightly stunned, as if he had heard this dish somewhere. Out of her love of pasta, she has specialized in pasta from various countries.

After carefully recalling, Koizumi-san quickly thought of the origin of the gold noodles.

This is a Nishikawa noodle dish that is said to be as thin as a hair.

The thinnest noodles can be pierced through a dozen noodles with a needle eye.

Golden noodles, this is a noodle that is extremely challenging for chefs.

It's not so much a bowl of noodles as an ultimate work of art.

Because the biggest feature of this kind of surface is fine.

Thin as a hair!

Koizumi-san suddenly became interested.

But did not forget to ask for the price.

"Five thousand yen. Chu Quan confiscated the high price. "

As a foodie who has been wandering around major noodle shops for a long time. Koizumi-san doesn't think there's anything wrong with the price.

If the other party can make authentic pasta from the Dragon Kingdom.

Relatively speaking, 5,000 yen is already cheap.

Koizumi's classmate Mari paid and directly found a table to sit down and watch the restaurant owner make the dishes.

People who like to eat ramen know that appreciating the skills of ramen chefs is also the biggest hobby of such foodies.

Admire the mastery of the art and enjoy the delicious cuisine, which is simply the best enjoyment in the world.

Koizumi-san waited for it, but her face was expressionless, and it was difficult for outsiders to read her thoughts.

In fact, not long after opening the back door of the restaurant, she knew that she had arrived in a magical place.

Although it was true that the door of the ramen restaurant she opened was before, the place that specializes in tonkotsu ramen could not be a Chinese restaurant.

It's just that Koizumi-san is more concerned about what he can eat than about discovering the mystery of this place

The truth can be explored at any time, but food does not wait for people.

As a top foodie, anything in the world is more important than eating.

In the kitchen, Chu Feng began to make golden noodles.

The most important place of this kind of noodles is to knead and distinguish the face.

The dough is not strong enough, and the dough is easy to break. Especially this extremely fine surface is even more tenacious.

One is not good, and the pot will rot into a pot of porridge.

Chu Feng chose all-purpose flour.

And noodles, kneading noodles, waking noodles in one go.

All kinds of skills in hand.

The whole process was not difficult for Chu Feng.

The next step is facet identification and facet.

A dough about 30 centimeters wide and about 2 meters long soon appeared on the kitchen counter.

The dough that makes this skin weighs about three taels, and a girl is more than enough to eat.

"So soon?"

Koizumi-san was slightly stunned.

Since coming to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

For the first time, a more pronounced expression appeared on her face.

The main thing is that the shop owner and the noodle awakening time is too short.

She has eaten countless ramen noodles.

It's the first time I've seen someone who makes noodles so quickly.


Before she could come to her senses.

The shopkeeper in the kitchen had already picked up a dark blue kitchen knife.

The blue light of the blade surged as if a divine dragon soared in the air.

Next second~

Koizumi-san only saw a flash of swords.

and a 'click' sound that only comes when a knife cuts through the pallet.

Endless sounds, dazzling knife shadows, and thin strands flying in midair

This magical scene finally made Koizumi-san exaggerately open his mouth...

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