Chapter 434 The ultimate golden silk noodles shocked Koizumi for a hundred years!!

Koizumi-san was stunned to look at Chu Feng, who walked the dragon.

At the beginning of the god-level knife work, this girl from the everyday world was completely stunned.

How could there be such a fast sword skill in the world?

Her eyes couldn't even keep up with the speed of the thin noodles. Look at the remaining unshredded dough on the counter. The skin is as thin as a cicada's wing, and it does not exceed three millimeters at eye inspection.

This thing is more than enough to make a mask.

Koizumi-san never thought about it.

Someone can make flour into the shape of the eye in front of them.

At least in her 'shallow' insight in the past—.

I've never heard of such a bizarre thing.

Look at the hair-thin noodles.

Koizumi-san's whole body was messy.

"This, this is really noodles?"

Although it has long been known that the gold wire surface is very thin.

But she never thought that she could be so detailed.

Not to mention ten through one needle eye, even if twenty pass through the needle eye, it is estimated to be more than enough.

"Of course, it's noodles."

Chu Feng glanced up at the window, and the Yongling knife in his hand said with a smile while cutting the skin.


He had a serious expression on his face.


The speed of the knife is also getting faster and faster.

With a knife falling.

Everyone present suddenly felt that they had heard a wonderful piece of music.

A song of nature in the forest with spring rain slowly unfolds.


Fan fan ~~~

Chu Feng's knife speed was getting faster and faster.

In the end, Koizumi-san's whole person was completely stupid.

Because she found that she could not see the other party's knife at all.

I could only see countless faces flying out from the shadows.

"This knife worker... Don't cut it..."

Koizumi-san stood up, subconsciously stretched out his hand, and said a little incoherently.

It was a completely subconscious move, and she didn't know why she was doing it.

Maybe she is worried that the other party will get everything, or maybe she won't be able to eat the golden noodles.

Now Koizumi-san has affirmed that he met the Divine Chef today.

A master who can practice such knife skills, the cuisine is no worse.

Koizumi only eats ramen most of the time, and has seen many famous noodle makers in his life.

But no matter which one, it is far less than the young and handsome shop owner in front of him.

Inside the kitchen.

Erinai and Alice were also taken aback by the suddenly powerful Chu Feng.

Although it is not the first time to shock Boss Chu's knife work.

But watch noodles as thin as hairs appear.

The two eldest ladies still couldn't help but be stunned.

Alice couldn't help but stretch out her white and tender little hand to pinch a noodle, raised it in front of her eyes and looked at it, surprised: "Are you sure this is a noodle and not a hand thread?" "

Chu Feng: "..."

Aren't you just watching when I cut the surface? Big Boss Chu refused to answer such a childish question.

Alice didn't care about Chu Feng's disregard, and quickly tore off one of her silver-white hairs and compared it with the noodles in her hand.

The result directly left her speechless.

The noodles cut by Chu Feng turned out to be half thinner than her hair.

What is even more terrifying is that the length and thickness of each noodle are exactly the same, almost identical.

Such a high-speed knife swing can also ensure such accuracy.

Don't say that Alice can't do it, and Erina, who is cooking soup, can't do it.

That's right~

At this moment, Erinai is boiling soup in a dragon pot.

Gold noodles don't need much condiment.

Just noodles and soup are enough.

It's just that this soup is quite exquisite.

The soup for making golden noodles is not an ordinary noodle soup.

In that case, this dish would not have become Nishikawa's specialty pasta.

The noodle soup takes a long time to cook, and the selection of ingredients is extremely particular.

Local chicken, green onions, shiitake mushrooms, ginger, lean minced meat and other ingredients are indispensable.

Erina chose a Nagoya cross-toed chicken.

This kind of local chicken running all over the mountains is best for soup.

With the dragon pot in hand, a fool can handle such a thing as boiling soup. At most, the selection of materials is not right, resulting in a difference in taste.

At Erina's current level, the ingredients are readily available.

Preparing everything, Chu Feng began to follow.

Not long after, the moment the lid of the pot was lifted, a white mist rose. Because of the angle, Koizumi-san naturally couldn't see the situation in the pot. But the aroma, which was so rich that it seemed impossible to dissolve, drifted out of the kitchen.

Subconsciously twitched his nose and sniffed hard at this faint fragrance.

Koizumi clearly smelled an egg smell.

And the moment you smell this fragrance.

It was as if he had taken a dose of elixir to clear the mind.

The whole person was shocked.


Subconsciously swallowed spit.

Koizumi-san is now looking forward to this golden noodle more and more.

The soup is so fragrant before it is ready.

If you add the fresh soup made from Nagoya's chicken with toes.

How delicious will this golden noodle be?

Koizumi's soul wandered outside, and the whole person stared stupidly in the direction of the window.

The impatient little eyes had already betrayed her mood at this time.


A bowl of clear gold noodles with a soup base is presented in front of Koizumi.

Koizumi-san stared at the bowl of noodles in front of him.

The eyes couldn't move all of a sudden.

It seems that this bowl of noodles has some kind of magical power, making people completely unable to remove their eyes, and the contents of the bowl are very simple.

It's clear soup and golden noodles.

But when the hair-thin noodles hovered in the bowl.

Koizumi-san even felt that countless gold wires were shining.

Through the clear noodle soup, it even gives a feeling of dizziness.

She didn't know it was a lighting effect.

Or is the cooking itself glowing.

After all, such a magical dish.

She also met for the first time in her life.

"Eat it hot, it's not delicious when it's cold."

Chu Feng lay on the edge of the window and kindly reminded him.

After Alice served the noodles to the guests, she hurried back to the kitchen, and then stared at Chu Feng.

It was obvious that she wanted a bowl too.

Chu Feng looked back and smiled.

I found that Erina, too, looked longing.

Boss Chu did not refuse the request of the two interns.

Anyway, there is still extra dough, and there is still a lot of chicken soup left.

Thinking that everyone had not eaten dinner yet, he simply made a few more bowls.


Koizumi-san could no longer care about admiring Chu Feng's surface.

Now her whole mind was attracted by the bowl of noodles in front of her.

Quickly scooped up a spoonful of noodle soup, and there were still a few remaining silk noodles in it.

The spoon was specially requested by her, and she was worried that she would break off halfway through eating such thin noodles with chopsticks.

Just put it in my mouth, subconsciously chewed twice.

Koizumi-san's eyes widened suddenly, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"How could this be... Why is this? "

Koizumi-san's hand holding the chopsticks snorted, and a slurred sound came out of his mouth, as if he had tasted some incredible delicacy, and the whole person became excited.

"Uh... Is there such an exaggeration? "

Chu Feng was speechless for a while, always feeling that the new guest was a little unsteady.

It's just a bowl of golden noodles, can you use such a fuss?

But he didn't know.

In his eyes, ordinary golden noodles were simply unprecedented deliciousness for Koizumi.

At least in her past life, she had never eaten such a delicious, resilient noodle.

Not to mention that each noodle is thinner than a hair.

This discovery simply shocked Koizumi-san for a hundred years.

For a while, I couldn't find any words to describe this bowl of golden silk noodle six...

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