Chapter 439 Ghost Fruit, specially born for cooks!!

Stuffing a donkey is a famous spirit.

What's more, it's still a system production.

The wine was even faster than Chu Feng's original world's suffocating donkey.

The white beard experienced the unusually strong ~ burning sensation in his stomach.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Goo la la la la ~ ~ Is this a stuffy donkey? Sure enough, Boss Chu is sincere, don't lie to me. "

Tearing off a piece of meat and stuffing it into his mouth, Whitebeard hadn't eaten and drunk so happily for a long time.

Eating meat and drinking alcohol is what suits his character.

Recently, his sons have always limited his alcohol consumption, and can only drink small bowls at a time.

Whitebeard couldn't help but be glad that the door of the restaurant was open in his room.

If you let that group of bastards know, maybe it's another preaching.

Look at the "raw" eating appearance of the white beard.

Alice couldn't help but hide her chuckles.

Although this guest is huge, it seems to be a bit fierce.

But the way you eat is like a greedy child.

Erina, on the other hand, is more curious about the world of Whitebeard.

After all, it is incredible to think about it that it can give birth to humans who are more than six meters tall.

Whitebeard is open-minded by nature and loves children, and knows everything about Erina's and Alice's problems.

"A world full of seas, only a few landmasses, and people with various abilities? The world over there in Uncle Whitebeard is really wonderful."

It didn't take long for Alice to open her beautiful eyes and open her mouth slightly in surprise: "So, the strange fruit you took out just now is the Devil Fruit?" "

Whitebeard nodded with a smile: "Yes, I recently harvested a devil fruit, but unfortunately I don't know what kind of ability it is." "

Alice said, "Doesn't the uncle know either?" "

Whitebeard: "Of course, before the devil fruit is eaten, no one knows what kind of ability will awaken." "

"Well, isn't that lucky? What if awakening useless abilities? "

Erinai slightly one.

I feel that this thing is similar to Boss Chu's gift.

With luck, your skills can be improved.

If you are unlucky, you can only improve something that doesn't matter.

I heard that Kohei Soku's real dark cuisine has been improved several times.

"There is no useless ability in the world, only people who cannot use it, and any ability is a force to be reckoned with as long as it is developed to the limit."

Whitebeard poured the wine again, and his mouth kept making a "squirting sound."

This stuffy donkey is really spicy and enjoyable.

Could this be the degree that Boss Chu said? So should you leave some for your sons?

What if they take it back, and they ask about the origin of this wine? At this moment, Whitebeard was slightly tangled.

Same as this ~

Chu Feng, who was idle on the side, also joined the discussion, and said with a smile: "It is true that there is no useless ability in this world, such as this ghost fruit, and it has unexpected effects when developed to the extreme. "

Whitebeard was slightly stunned and surprised: "Huh? Does Boss Chu know the origin of this fruit? "

Although "stuffing the donkey" is full of stamina, he has only drunk about three pounds, and he is not so drunk so quickly.

With a clear mind, he knew very well that he had not heard correctly, and the young man in front of him directly said the name of the fruit.

Ghost fruit?

How did he know? A trace of clarity flashed under his eyes.

The owner of this restaurant seems to be becoming more and more mysterious.

As if he didn't see Whitebeard's surprise, Chu Feng continued: "After eating the ghost fruit, the ability can control several transparent arms, just like an invisible ghost if it is used for cooking, it is a lot more operable!" "

Whitebeard: (⊙_⊙)

This kind of good at sneak attacks and defeating the enemy, you only think of cooking for the first time?

Whitebeard was a little unable to understand Chu Feng's brain circuits.

But when I think about the other party's profession

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a chef, and Boss Chu is really dedicated!

After Whitebeard was stunned, he was suddenly speechless, and he didn't know what to do

In fact, he also wanted to know why the other party did not eat the fruit and also knew the ability of the fruit.

But everyone has their own secrets, and Whitebeard is not a kind of person who likes to retreat.

And compared to the magical ability to connect the two worlds, this little thing seems to have become insignificant.

"Huh? Transparent arms? Can it also be used for cooking? "

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Alice's eyes suddenly lit up.

If a few more hands help

Isn't the speed of cooking so fast?

Zero Time ~ She became extremely interested in the Ghost Fruit.

Although it seems a little strange to give birth to several transparent arms.

But I can't hold this ability to use it.

Especially listening to Chu Feng's words.

It's not just her~

Erinado felt that this was a devil fruit specially made for cooks.

But soon~

Erinae and Alice put away their curiosity.

They were not Chu Feng.

I'm embarrassed to ask for the Ghost Fruit.

And such a precious thing.

They also can't offer an equivalent exchange.

In addition to money, the Xue Che family really couldn't come up with anything that could impress Chu Feng.

After all, Boss Chu can take out the existence of high-grade dream ingredients at will.

For a while, a little gloom flashed under Erina's and Alice's eyes.

The expressions of the two were fully appreciated by Chu Feng, but he did not continue.

The reason why the name of the fruit is not said is to show off his knowledge in front of the white beard.

Just let the other party know that he can identify the devil fruit and lay the foundation for future transactions.

As for whether Whitebeard believes it or not, that's the other party's problem.

But as long as he doubts this, he will definitely bring the Devil Fruit to evaluate it in the future.

Chu Feng was really looking forward to this.

After all, the Devil Fruit fell into his hands, and all side effects could be eliminated by paying points.

Even if you don't need it, you can give it to your own people or sell it to guests from other worlds.

As long as it involves business, Boss Chu has always been meticulous and prepared for the rainy day.

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