Chapter 440 About Chu Feng's relationship with Tianyu Slash......!!

Maple Leaf Court 1st floor restaurant.

Whitebeard continued to drink and eat meat.

Just squinting slightly.

It seemed that he had understood what Chu Feng meant.

There are also two unknown devil fruits on board. Next time, I can bring it to Boss Chu to see.

The fruit of little use can be used as food money.

Devil Fruit this thing~

Whitebeard really doesn't care.

There are many capable people in his pirate group.

All sixteen captains have fruit abilities.


When eating and talking.

Whitebeard doesn't just talk about his side of the world, either.

To Chu Feng's side~

He was equally curious.

"The world of food? Fantasy creatures? Goo la la... It's fun on your side too! "

Upon learning of the existence of the food world, Whitebeard laughed.

"I wonder how strong and weak the fantasy creatures are compared to the sea kings over there?"

Alice was curious, "Huh? Are there a lot of big creatures over there too, Uncle Whitebeard? "

Whitebeard nodded slightly: "Yes, some sea kings are still quite delicious." "

"Blame the soldier, ほTCE Gong Michen."

Chu Feng said at the right time.

Neptune certainly doesn't have a fantasy creature delicacy.

But this does not prevent it from becoming a dish on the table.

Chu Feng is confident~

As long as it's not a particularly unpalatable ingredient.

He can make the perfect cooking.

Whitebeard agreed ruefully, and this idea was exactly what he wanted.

Having just eaten Chu Feng's roasted meat, he had no doubt about the other party's craftsmanship.

It didn't take long ~

The flesh of ten pounds of gems was all wiped out by Whitebeard.

And suffocating the donkey, he kept two pounds to take back.

Agreeing to come back tomorrow, Whitebeard opened the back door with the wine altar.

Look at the broad back of the other party that gradually disappears into the white light.

Chu Feng was slightly sorry.

My luck seems a little bad today.

Two visitors from another world in succession did not brush their skills.

However, Koizumi-san and Whitebeard did not receive any gifts.

Although the shock fruit of the white beard is very eye-catching.

But Chu Feng didn't pay too much attention to it.

He already has enough skills, there is no need to force it too much.

It's luck to get it, it doesn't matter if you don't get it.

Boss Chu now sees it quickly, with a mentality that everything goes with the situation.


Just sent off a guest from the world of pirates.

Chu Feng's mobile phone rang.

Take it out and take a look, it turns out to be a heavenly feather chopper!

Chu Feng did not avoid Thor, and naturally connected the phone.

Two days ago, he had already told Thor about his beheading with Tianyu. The dragon maid behaved generously, at least without any displeasure on the surface.

It's just a little unexpected, tonight Tianyu cut off and actually thought of asking him to watch a movie.

Looking at the time, it's not even eight o'clock.

Thinking that there should be no more guests in the evening, Chu Feng did not refuse.

After all, the number of times the back door has been opened these past few nights.

After saying hello to Thor and the others, Chu Feng used the Divine Walking Step to leave.

"Uh-uh~~~ Boss Chu, is this going on a date, what if there are guests again?"

Alice stared directly at the place where Chu Feng disappeared, and did not forget to secretly glance at the Guangzhong painting

It's just that the dragon maid looked calm, as if she was completely lifeless.

Seeing this scene, Alice was puzzled: "Sister Thor, Boss Chu went to find Tianyu to slash, you don't mind at all?" "

Boyfriends go out to find new love, normal women should be angry, right?

Anyway, Alice felt that if she changed to herself, she was afraid that she would already be thunderous. (⊙_⊙)......

Almost forgot.

Sister Thor is not a normal person.

It's not right~ she's a dragon! The dragon family's view of love~

Maybe it's very different from humans!?

Thor naturally didn't know what Alice had suddenly come up on.

I saw her holding her chin with one hand and saying, "Why mind?" It is normal for such an excellent person as Chu Feng to have many girls who like it, and on our side, strong people can marry many women. "

Influenced by the culture of another world since he was a child, coupled with Lukoya's enlightenment, Thor now thinks very openly, as long as he can always be with Chu Feng.

"Well, is that so? Your sister is really open-minded! "

I don't know what Alice thinks, but after being stunned, saying such a sentence sounds a little happy?

Thor glanced at the silver-haired girl strangely and teased, "How? Sister Alice also likes Chu Feng? "

"How, how? I didn't! "

Alice was immediately blushed by Thor's directness, as if she had been stepped on a painful foot, and skimmed her head in a panic...

After Erina's stunned expression, she also stared directly at Alice.

No way?

Does this nizi really like Chu Feng?

What is so good about this kind of flowery man? All right!

Erinai had to admit.

Chu Feng, a man with superb cooking skills.

There is indeed an indescribable charm on the body.

A girl like Alice who is dedicated to cooking.

It's normal to have a good impression of it.

Thor looked at Alice's side face with a slight smile, and he already understood a little in his heart.

In fact~

Compared to Tenwa Slash, you prefer Erinai and Alice.

After all, after getting along for so long, everyone knows each other very well.

However, she just mentioned it so casually, without any intention of interfering

For Chu Feng's peach blossom edge, Th will not thread the needle, nor will he deliberately stop it, just let it be.

The other side ~

Chu Feng and Tianyu Slash had already appeared at the door of the cinema.

Eight o'clock field~

A new horror film.


Tianyu is very clear about his man's hobbies.

In the past, she had investigated Chu Feng's preferences in all aspects.

In fact, Tianyu has always been indifferent to horror films, believing that it is just a way to rely on stories, characters and voices to create psychological horror.

As long as you are not afraid to move forward in your heart, you will not be scared by these things at all.

Chu Feng likes to watch horror movies, not to seek excitement, or to pursue the feeling of fear, but simply loves to watch.

Neon horror films mostly have an alternative style and oriental overtones.

Unlike Hollywood, which relies on special effects and gore to create fear.

Neon horror movies prefer to use people's psychology to achieve success.

A rare feast for a night.

Chu Feng and Tianyu did not go home after watching the movie, and stayed in a nearby hotel for one night.

Tenwa Slash is the same as Thor.

They are all the kind of women who like to take the initiative.

One night without words~

In short, the two got along quite happily...

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