Chapter 441 Offline Gathering and Kohei Soro Really Help!!

Sonoko Suzuki: @楚老板, when does Maple Leaf Pavilion open today? Boss Chu: What's the matter?

Sonoko Suzuki: It's time for an offline party! Our food group is ready to arrange an offline party!

Boss Chu: This kind of thing, why doesn't I, the group leader, know?

Kobayashi Gentian: We met you many times last night, but you didn't reply to the message.

Akane Kubo Momo: Isn't Boss Chu often online, why did he go tonight? Yuhime Yoshino: It's not important, offline gatherings are the focus.

Megumi Tasho: That's right! Although everyone has known each other for a long time, there are still many friends who have never met in reality.

Yono Yukoshita: Indeed, for example, the people in the gambling school, many of us have not seen Momochi Luoli: Yono, do you have anything for the private Hundred Flower King Academy

Misunderstand? We're a regular school.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka: Is it a formal and legal gambling place?

Snake Mengzi: Hahaha, I like your statement, isn't the Hundred Flower King Academy just betting on 19 schools

Saotome Nyaari: Let's get back to business, let's talk about what time the Maple Leaf Pavilion opens

Jia Baili: Yes, Boss Chu, tell us quickly.

Boss Chu: Let's go to six o'clock in the afternoon, when basically everyone is free.

Kobayashi Gentian: Remember to leave us some places.

Sonoko Suzuki: yes, we don't have fifty people in the group.

Megumi Tasho:

When he opened his eyes in the morning, there was a warmth in his chest, and after looking at the sleeping Tianyu chop, Chu Feng picked up his mobile phone and turned on the network.

This was followed by a series of Ait's prompts, all from the food group.

Since the opening of the Maple Leaf Pavilion, Chu Feng rarely sent messages in the group.

I don't know whose proposal it was, but everyone in the group changed their nicknames to their real names.

Meetup in person?

These guys are really idle and have nothing to do.

Chu Feng agreed rudely.

It's all business anyway, and it doesn't matter who the diners are.

Inform Erinai and Alice that it will only open in the afternoon.

Chu Feng accompanied Tianyu for a morning before returning to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

I had lunch outside.

After returning to the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Chu Feng originally planned to rest.

After all, I didn't sleep last night.

But a dense knock outside the door interrupted his plan.

"Who came at this time, I don't know if we didn't start business."

Alice pouted a little dissatisfied, she was about to go back to her room for a beauty sleep.

But it's not a matter if the door is ringing all the time, and it's not good to make noise with others.

In desperation, Alice still opened the door of the restaurant.

"Kohei, what are you doing here at this time?"

Alice looked at the anxious Kohei Sojin, and asked angrily.

Only then did she notice that there was another person on the other party's back.

With conspicuous long red hair, Alice instantly recognized the identity of the other party and exclaimed, "Uncle Caibo? What's wrong with him? "

That's right!

Kohei Sojin is carrying his father, Kohei Joichiro.

It's just that the people of the Xue Che family have known him since his early years, and they are more accustomed to calling him by his original surname.

"Uncle Caibo!?"

Erina, who was about to go to the second floor, heard Alice's exclamation, and quickly trotted over, and at a glance saw Kohei Joichiro with a bruised face.

Kohei Sojin greeted the sisters and said eagerly: "Erina, Alice, what is Boss Chu?" Ask him to help me see what's wrong with Daddy? "

What about Uncle Caibo? Is this sick?

Alice glanced at Joichiro, who was clearly in a bad state, not understanding what had happened.

If he is sick, then he should go to the hospital, why do he find Boss Chu, will he still be able to see a doctor?

But think about it.

That's not right.

Even if Uncle Caibo loses his cooking heart, he is also a nine-star chef, with his physique, how can he get sick.

Erinai thought of this before Alice, and turned to look at Chu Feng: "Boss, can you help see what happened to Uncle Caibo?" "

Alice grew up abroad since she was a child, and she didn't get along with Joichiro for long, but she just knew each other.

But Erinai is different.

Joichiro spent a long time at the Kakukiri family and also taught Erina's cooking.

In a sense, he was also Erina's enlightenment teacher.

Now that Joichiro is in a situation, Erina can't leave it alone.

It's just that she knows Chu Feng's nosy personality.

There was a rare hint of pleading in his tone.

"Help him in."

Chu Feng sighed, this time did not refuse, just pity the nap break.

As soon as his mind moved, the table in the corner of the restaurant instantly turned into a single bed

The things in the Maple Leaf Pavilion, Chu Feng could change its shape at will.

Putting Joichiro on the bed, Kohei Sojin looked at Chu Feng who was walking slowly in disbelief.


The table in the Maple Leaf Pavilion can still be deformed, what is this operation? He couldn't figure out how it worked.

But now his father is unconscious.

Kohei Sojin wasn't in the mood to think about it either. Kohei Joichiro is in a very bad condition right now.

The body seemed to be filled with a violent energy.

The forehead and face are bruised.

The blood vessels are swollen as thick as your little finger.

It looks like it's going to explode at any moment.

His eyes were blank, the whites of his eyes had become cloudy, and his body would pump from time to time

Obviously, Joichiro lying on the bed is like a dead salted fish, and his body will only react instinctively.


Chu Feng turned his head to look at Xingping Chuangzhen and asked with a solemn face.

But from the surface of Joichiro's body, the reason is not visible at all.

Although the medical skills have reached the top level, Chu Feng is not an immortal, and he can't see through the cause at a glance.

And with his toes, he could think that Joichiro would never be sick, otherwise Kohei Sojin would not have brought him to him.

Then here's the problem.

What happened to Joichiro?

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