Chapter 442 Straight Death Demon Eye Cut Who Dies, Seiichiro Remember to Give Money!!

"Daddy he... Awakened the heart of cooking. "

Hearing Chu Feng's question, Kohei Chuangzhen hurriedly said.

"Awaken the Chef's Heart? How can it be! "

Alice exclaimed, her eyes full of surprise.

Hasn't Uncle Caibo already lost the heart of Shura? How can there be a second awakening?

Erina, who was on the side, was also surprised.

But when he thought of Chu Feng having two ordinary hearts, he was immediately relieved.

Since there is a special case of Chu Feng, it seems that it is not impossible for Cheng Yilang to awaken for the second time.

It's just that she doesn't know.

Chu Feng's cooking heart is not awakened at all, but a systematic reward, and the nature is completely different.

In fact~

Chu Feng himself didn't know how to awaken the chef's heart.

Erinai and Alice looked at each other and saw each other's puzzlement.

It stands to reason ~

Awakening the heart of the cook shouldn't be so painful.

Engetsu Gakuen has never mentioned this symptom in this regard.

The two sisters of the Xue Che family were puzzled, and their minds were full of question marks at the moment.

Since he couldn't think of a reason, he could only count on Boss Chu.


Everyone's eyes were focused on Chu Feng.

Chu Feng shrugged, and his spiritual power instantly covered Cheng Yilang's whole body.

Since you can't see the reason from the outside, you can only probe the situation in the other party's body.

As soon as the spiritual power came out, the situation in Joichiro's body was in full view.

The energy generated by the gourmet cells was extremely violent, as if it had been stimulated by some kind of stimulus, and Biji ran away madly.

Obviously~ this is very abnormal.

Generally speaking, gourmet cells are usually relatively "quiet".

As long as it is not greatly stimulated, or enters the maturity stage, the food demon will not move.

After all~

The gourmet demon needs the host to provide energy to strengthen itself, and it will not eat the host as a last resort.

Now Kohei Joichiro's food cells are so crazy, it is obviously eaten by the food devil.

What the hell did this guy do?

Chu Feng was slightly puzzled, and could only invade Cheng Yilang's mind to explore the meaning.

The brain is the most vulnerable part of the human being.

Chu Feng did not dare to use too much force.

I was afraid that if I accidentally turned the medicine king and his father into idiots.

Mental power carefully invades Joichiro's brain.


Two intertwined consciousnesses appeared in front of Chu Feng's "eyes". One blue, one white!

On that white consciousness body, it clearly revealed the breath of gourmet cells.

"Chu, Boss Chu?"

A thought came.

Chu Feng recognized this voice.

It's Kohei Joichiro!


Chu Feng replied and said curiously, "You want to completely fuse the food demon?" "

In fact, seeing the two intertwined consciousnesses, he probably guessed Joichiro's thoughts.

This guy's second awakening of the chef's heart is not enough, and he still wants to swallow the fat man in one breath and completely fuse the food demon.

In fact~

Humans and food demons can be seen as two separate individuals.

People who just get gourmet cells need gourmet demons to provide power.

Food demons, on the other hand, need humans to obtain huge amounts of nutrients.

The two cooperate with each other, but they are hostile to each other, like an unclear fate

When one of the parties reaches a certain level of strength, sooner or later it is necessary to face the counterattack of the other side.

Only by completely fusing and devouring the other party can we achieve the true peak.

However, I don't know what happened, Joichiro did not follow the evolutionary route of the older generation.

Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity of the second awakening to try to kill the food demon in his body.

That's right!

Joichiro and Sainami Chaoyang are different.

It is not an attempt to merge with the food demon, and has been checked and balanced by the contract since then.

It's about completely solving the gastronomic demon and making it a part of itself.

Although to some extent, the two are similar in nature, the dominant order is diametrically opposite.

Once let Kohei Joichiro succeed...

His manipulation of the gourmet cell would be very close to Chu Feng's level.

However, it was a very risky move.

Their own strength is not enough, their consciousness is not strong enough, and they are easily eaten by food demons.

The two groups of consciousness were still entangled, and Joichiro's consciousness spoke again.

"Yes, the kitchen heart awakened again, it seems to have completely regained consciousness, trying to occupy my body..."

Joichiro's voice carried a hint of helplessness, and he smiled bitterly: "There is no way, I can only choose to destroy it." "

Will the second awakening be countered by the food demon? What is the principle of this?

Chu Feng couldn't figure it out, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

There is no gourmet demon in his body, and naturally he does not understand the characteristics of this "creature"But ~

This did not mean that Chu Feng could not deal with the food demon.

He is a man with the [Straight Death Demon Eye].

The god-level secret technique was launched instantly.

Blue and white above the consciousness.

Suddenly, countless dead lines appeared.

The cyan color represents Joichiro's lifeline.

White belongs to the gastronomic devil.

Straight death demon eyes came out.

The two intertwined consciousnesses instantly stopped entangled.

Like two colors wrapped in marshmallows, the whole is frozen in place.

"Chu, Boss Chu, what did you do?"

Joichiro can't see dead lines and dead spots.

But instinctively perceived a great crisis.

It seems that as long as the consciousness in front of him moves slightly, he will die without a place to be buried.

The same goes for food demons, instinctively wanting to escape the place.

This guy who suddenly appeared is really terrifying.

The food demon has no doubt that the other party can easily kill it.


It was inside Joichiro's body, and now where could it escape.

For a time, a huge sadness filled the entire space of consciousness.

"Don't worry, just help you finish it off."

Chu Feng spoke out to appease Cheng Yilang, and did not forget to instruct: "By the way, remember to give money after waking up." "

What is done in vain, Boss Chu never does.

It doesn't matter how much to give, what matters is the heart.

Let's work for a while, Joichiro will have to pay a price.

There is no pie in the sky.


Before Joichiro could react.

The weird voice sounded in my head.

Then he was shocked to discover...

The white consciousness group belonging to the gourmet demon seemed to have lost its life and turned into a harmless mass of spiritual power.


Joichiro's consciousness was like a shark smelling blood, and began to frantically devour that cyan spiritual power.

He couldn't see the dead line and dead spot, and naturally he didn't know what was going on.

But from Chu Feng's perspective, he clearly saw that at the moment when the Straight Death Devil's Eye was launched, the dead line belonging to the Food Devil broke like a rubber band that had been cut, and then turned into powder.

This moment demon ~

Only then did he truly understand the horror of the Demon Eye of Death.

This thing cuts who dies, it is completely unreasonable.

In addition, the strength of the gourmet demon in Joichiro's body is very weak.

Chu Feng used the Straight Death Demon Eye, and there was almost no consumption...

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