Chapter 445: You want me to be half a full man!!

There are a lot of soups in the full Han table.

Such as Longjing bamboo sun, boiling water cabbage, canned simmered mountain chicken silk bird's nest, etc. And because of the different ingredients, the preparation method of soup is also different.

In particular, the preliminary preparation work is cumbersome, time-consuming and laborious.

Fortunately, Chu Feng had a dragon pot and a Demon Saint bronze.

Whether it's soaking or stewing, it's all blink of an eye.

Alice began to boil Longjing bamboo sun.

Horsetail is a fungus also known as bamboo fungus or bamboo ginseng.

Longjing bamboo sun, on the other hand, is a soup made from ingredients such as bamboo sun, fish mushrooms, peas and hair vegetables.

With recipes, this dish is difficult for Alice.

With Chu Feng on the side, it was not difficult to cook.

Chu Feng focuses on making appetizers and staples.

If these tedious and complicated dishes are all left to Erinae and Alice, I am afraid that they will not be able to be made for half a day.

After all, the two majored in Western food and molecular cuisine, and did not have a deep understanding of Chinese cuisine.

Even if you follow the recipe and draw the gourd, it is difficult to make the essence of it.

But Chu Feng was different.

With a full level of Chinese cuisine, he is familiar with all kinds of Chinese specialties, and he is completely easy to cook, without any effort.

For example, Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang" this dish.

Wash the shrimp, remove the head, shell and tail.

A small amount of starch is slightly grabbed and rinsed with clean water. The dragon fruit is split in half and two-thirds of the way.

Dig out the flesh and cut it neatly, as do mangoes.

Blanched shrimp in oil, flesh and okra.

Finally, put it all in the dragon fruit shell.

Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang seems simple.

However, due to the selection of materials and practices, it is different.

Each has its own particular attention.

If you are not familiar with the characteristics of each ingredient.

It's hard to put its deliciousness in front of diners.

Another example is burning donkey meat~

Absolute control of the heat is required.

One more point is old, one point less is lighter.

The size of the fire is extremely delicate.

One dish after another worthy of a state dinner is served.

Layers after layers of delicious flavors wafted through the restaurant.

The moment the first dish is served.

The eyes of the food group lit up.

It was as if I had seen some kind of rarity.


At this point, no one moved. It seems that it has already been discussed.

Wait until all the dishes are served before starting.

If you change to another store.

People certainly wouldn't do that.

Fifty-four dishes.

Even if you let the star chef do it. I'm afraid to wait for the dishes to come up later.

The dishes in front are already cold.

But in Maple Leaf Pavilion~

There's no need to worry about that.

The speed of serving is simply dizzying.

Chu Feng's level and speed were well known to everyone.

As long as he gets serious, this order will not take much time at all.

But this time, Chu Feng's order of cooking was also very particular.

First, the more greasy dragon and phoenix Chengxiang, roasted donkey meat and other dishes.

This is followed by light dishes such as oyster emperor phoenix claws, sweet and sour lotus root, and shredded chicken fungus.

Since ancient times, the Dragon Kingdom has paid attention to the balance of the five elements, and yin and yang embrace each other.

This concept is naturally applied to the profound Chinese cuisine.

Meat and vegetable combination, fresh aroma and light mix, in order to highlight the flavor of each dish.

It's like drinking a sip of water and then taking another sip of tea, you will naturally feel that tea is better than water.

It's the same with eating vegetables.

The kitchen was busy.

Chu Feng was in a hurry.

Even used the "meal on the plate". Fortunately, the group did not order dream dishes.

Otherwise, it's a bit cumbersome to make.

Dishes are served.

The aroma that permeated the air became stronger and stronger.

Everyone suddenly felt like they were in a sea of fresh fragrance.

Subconsciously swallowed his throat and swallowed his saliva.

Some people even brightened their eyes and wanted to pounce on the table immediately.

"Huh? This is...... Filigree fungus? "

At Kohei Sojin's table, he was staring at a plate of fried shredded meat in a daze.

Fifty-four dishes is too much.

Chu Feng didn't make a bigger table either.

Arrange for everyone to sit at five adjacent tables.

Whoever eats the dish next to the table, eats it himself.

"Golden silk silver fungus, chicken breast meat, silver fungus and sharp pepper shredded fried bean sprouts, seemingly simple dishes, but the aroma is so compelling, Boss Chu's craftsmanship is really a must."

Kohei Joichiro was amazed.

He could also make this dish, but he couldn't make the same aroma.

A first-class chef can turn even ordinary ingredients into the ultimate deliciousness.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka was staring at a plate of chrysanthemum-shaped dishes at this time...

For a long time, I saw her muttering: "This is the chrysanthemum tenderloin?" It's really like a blooming chrysanthemum! "

The sleeping bird at the same table let out a "ahhh "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at the green-haired girl, and said expressionlessly: "I'm about to start eating, your kind of words can easily affect everyone's appetite." "

Izuku turned his head and looked around.

I found that many people were staring at themselves with strange eyes.

The rest of the world's five swords and heavenly feathers were even more unkind.


Sleepy Satori shrunk his head and froze for a moment. These are all big guys, and she can't afford to mess with any of them.

The process of waiting for food is always very painful.

Although it didn't take long.

But everyone had a feeling that life was like a year.

Fortunately, Chu Feng didn't let everyone wait too long.

When he came out with the last dish.

Everyone secretly counted.

No more, no less~ exactly fifty-four!

"Ha~ It's like a dream, I never thought I could see so much Chinese food at once."

Teruki Kume was the most excited.

He is the president of the Engetsu Gakuen Chinese Cuisine Research Society.

At this moment, he almost cried with joy.

Miyoko Hojo is not reluctant.

Her love for Chinese food is actually no worse than that of Jiuji Teruki.


I don't know who swallowed his saliva sharply.

The sound instantly echoed in the quiet restaurant.

The crowd looked where the voice was.

I saw that the sleeping bird subconsciously shrunk his head.

This looks like not fighting itself.

Everyone smiled.

"Since the dishes are all served, let's get started."

Momoku Luoli's cold voice sounded.

As the young patriarch of the Baiyu clan.

She was born with the air of a superior person.

It is also popular among younger girls in the food scene.


Those emerald eyes fell on Chu Feng.

A rare smile appeared on Momoku Luoli's face.

"Chujun, Miss Thor, Miss Akemi, you can sit together."

Momoku Qiluo Li just sent out the invitation...

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