Chapter 446 Classic Sichuan Cuisine, Boiling Water Cabbage!!

"Huh? May I? "

Thor was slightly stunned.

She had never eaten with a diner.

The only time.

It was still when Aluma and Lukoya came to visit Chu Feng's house.

But it was a visitor, and the nature of Kiroli and the others was different.

Before Thor and Akemi Miyano could react.

Peach Qiluoli spoke again: "Of course, you are also a member of the food group. "

The student council president of the private Hyakukao Academy fell generously, and his pale blue lip gloss shone with a strange luster in the slanted sunset.

Chu Fengguan smiled: "Then we are welcome." "

Treat him to his own dishes in his restaurant?

It's a little weird to think about it.

It was only in the food group that students could come up with these problems.


Chu Feng is also an informal person.

It happened that he was busy for a while, and his stomach was a little hungry.

was about to call Connor and Haibara mourning.

Who knows that these two little guys don't know when they have already sat at Lucoya's table.


Ruco 19, Fafner, Aluma, Connor Four Dragons, plus Gabriel, Vinay, Satania, and Phil.

This table alone gathers dragons, angels and demons, and the picture is simply not too beautiful.

If their leaders of all ethnic groups see the beautiful picture of everyone living in peace and enjoying food, they will definitely shed tears of emotion.

On the other side, the people of the Far Moon Academy sat together.

Headed by Kobayashi Gentian, Akane Kubo Momo, Ki no Kuni Nininin, Kuga Teruki, Isshiki Kei, Hojo Miyoko

This table alone was full of ten people.

And Horiko Kyoko and Koizumi Hongko are at the same table as the people of Toyonosaki Gakuen.

Thor ran to find his compatriots, while Chu Feng sat down next to Tao Qiluoli

Obviously, the other party deliberately left a place for him.

There are not many people from the private Hyakukao Academy.

Only the Momo sisters, Yumeko the snake and Saotome Nha Yari.

When I first went to the Hyakukao Academy to set up a stall.

The food group has already added quite a few people.

Food trucks also have a steady source of customers.

Chu Feng did not wantonly pull people into the group.

The Suzuki sisters and Moriland are also at this table.

Plus Chu Feng and Miyano Akemi, just make up the whole number.

With Boss Chu taking his seat.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the dishes on the table.

Except for Qi Luoli, there was one more dish on the table, and there were thirteen dishes on the other tables

At this time, Suzuki Sonoko was staring at a blue and white porcelain pot in a daze.

Look around~

The basin has a yellow broth.

If it's just soup.

Maybe it's even a little appetizing.

But there are only about a dozen cabbage leaves in the soup.

At first glance~

Clear soup and oligohydrate without oily water.

To put it bluntly~

This dish has the identity of the boss.

"Boss Chu, you can take out such a dish, it's a bit of a defeat to the reputation of the full Han banquet."

Suzuki Sonoko frowned slightly and couldn't help but say.

"Don't talk nonsense in the garden, how can Boss Chu do something bad. Ayako Suzuki swept her eyes at her sister in dissatisfaction. "

This girl has a lot of nerves, and she thinks of what to say, and she never distinguishes the occasion.

Who is sitting opposite?

One of the six great chefs in the world.

To put it bluntly.

In terms of status alone, it is even higher than their fathers.

Suzuki Yuanzi spouted nonchalantly and shouted, "Of course I believe in Chu Feng's craftsmanship, but the appearance of this dish is really a bit poor." "

In fact, to be honest, this dish is taken out separately, and the taste is actually not bad.

But together with other dishes, it looks unremarkable, and at this moment, Peach Qiqi Luoli's blue lips lightly opened.

"If you guessed correctly, this is the boiling water cabbage ordered by the Yuanyue gang."

People from the private Hundred Flower King Academy don't know much about Chinese cuisine.

There were many dishes on the table that were suggested by the people of Engetsu Academy.

And boiling water cabbage is exactly what I ordered for a long time.

Hearing Qi Luoli's words, Jiu I Zhaoki couldn't help but stand up and look at this side, and suddenly showed a look of pity.

This state banquet, he has been in his heart for a long time, and he dreams of eating boiling water cabbage made by Chu Feng himself.

Who knew that this dish actually came to Qiluoli's table.

Although, as Sonoko Suzuki said, it doesn't read well.

But Teruki Kuga would never doubt his Brother Kaede's craftsmanship.

Now I can only secretly pray that the guys from the Hundred Flower King Academy don't recognize the goods.

At that time, don't say leave him some cabbage, and finally leave him some intestines, he is good.

Cabbage in boiling water!

Dishes that have been featured on the Dragon Kingdom State Banquet many times.

It is also one of the top ten classic Sichuan dishes.

This dish was introduced by the Qing Palace Imperial Dining Room in the early years.

Later, after generations of improvement by Sichuan cuisine masters, the old and the new were formed, and this fine dish shining on the state banquet was formed.

So far, as long as there is a state banquet, boiling water cabbage is indispensable.

Don't look at this dish as unassuming and seemingly simple, but there are very few chefs who can do it to the extreme.

After all, the most crucial part of this dish is not the cabbage, but its soup.

Just listening to the name of the dish, many people subconsciously think that the boiled water in it refers to boiled water, but it is not~

The boiling water here is worth the clear soup.

Simmer with ingredients such as old hen, ham hoofs, ribs, and scallops for more than four hours until the meat inside is stewed.

This soup is unremarkable, and it doesn't smell anything special, but it tastes good

Faced with Suzuki Yuanzi's doubts, Chu Feng was not angry, and said with a faint smile: "You can know this dish when you taste it, it is definitely a boutique in the soup, by the way, I will give you a suggestion, taste boiling water cabbage, you should drink the soup first." "

Tao Qiluoli was slightly stunned, and said curiously: "Why do you want to taste the field first?" "

Chu Feng said with a mysterious smile: "You will know if you have tasted it..."

"It's a mystery."

Momochi smiled gracefully.

It seems to know that Chu Feng is this kind of personality.

When you want to say it, it is all outstanding.

What you don't want to say won't reveal a word.

However, she believed that Chu Feng would not shake herself.

Since the other party said so, there must be his reason.

Picking up the soup spoon and picking up the blue and white porcelain bowl, Taoyu Qi Luoli personally left a clear porcelain bowl and put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it twice, but she didn't smell anything.

It was as if this soup was a bowl of water.

The beautiful emerald-like eyes glanced at Chu Feng.

But I found that the other party had a meaningful smile on his face.

Out of trust in Chu Feng, Tao Qiqi Luoli took a sip gently.

Katsura ~

As soon as the soup came into his mouth, the moment it touched the tip of his tongue, Tao Qiluoli couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"The taste of this soup, what's going on?"

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