Chapter 448 Ying Li Li's body is weak, make up for it!!

The green jade-like cabbage has just entered the mouth.

Qi Luoli felt an amazing crispness.

It is different from the soft rot of boiled dishes.

The surface of this boiling water cabbage is shiny and delicate, and you can feel a little resistance between the teeth lightly, and there is even a crisp sound when chewing lightly.

There is no jerky feeling at all, as if when making this boiling water cabbage, the chef gave it amazing crispness.


It is a strange fragrance that escapes in the cavity.

Peach Qiluoli's pair of emerald eyes suddenly lit up.

This cabbage not only has the original taste, but also seems to integrate all the deliciousness of the soup, and the taste is taken to a higher level.

Amazing taste, even more delicious than soup.

Everyone else looks no better.

Their eyes widened and they showed incredible expressions.

Suzuki Sonoko chirped: "Really fake, cabbage also has seven flavors?" "

"Oh my God, all the flavors come out in one vegetable leaf, this feeling... It's indescribable..."

Snake 400 Yumengzi has already put down the bowl and chopsticks, put her hands on her chest, and an exaggerated expression appears on her originally beautiful face.

Saotome Nyari nodded and agreed: "It's really unbelievable, I'm speechless when I am poor in words, Boss Chu, how did you do it?" "

The blonde double ponytailed girl did not hide her feelings.

Such dishes can only be eaten in Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Chu Feng smiled slightly, "As you tasted before, this soup is made of old hen, ham, dried shiitake mushrooms, ribs, and dried beiga angelica. Angelica has a slightly bitter taste, just enough to dilute the flavor of other ingredients. "

Everyone nodded slightly, and Suzuki Sonoko asked impatiently: "Then why does the soup have a change in taste?" "

This is what everyone is most concerned about. Every bite will have a different taste.

Such a dish is unheard of for them.


Several curious gazes fell on Chu Feng.

"Well, it's about layering."

Chu Feng thought for a moment and began to explain.


Erina, Alice and others at the other table also pricked up their ears.

Yuanyue's group of students are the ones who want to explore the secrets the most.

Although they did not eat boiling water cabbage.

Chu Feng didn't sell it, and continued: "Actually, at the beginning, just put the old hen into a pot and blanched water and stewed, and then put other ingredients in turn after a certain period of time to increase the layering of the soup. Ham, dried shiitake mushrooms and angelica, on the other hand, are completely minced before they are put into the boiled stock to absorb impurities, and so on two or three times until the turbid chicken broth is completely clear..."

"The boiling water cabbage produced in this way can be more layered on the basis of the original, and each time you taste a different taste, the layering is constantly changing, until finally the delicacy completely bursts out..."

For the cooking process, Chu Feng had nothing to hide.

The method of boiling water cabbage is not complicated, and the difficulty is the matching of ingredients and the control of heat.

But this is really incomprehensible to the students of the Hundred Kao Academy, who only understand gambling, and they are dumbfounded to hear.

"Uh Do you want to be so crowded? "

"The cooking process is so tedious, I will order takeout in the future."

"Originally, I wanted to steal some skills and go back and let the chef at home do it, but now I think about it, forget it, those fools will definitely not be able to learn."

"Count it, let's come to Maple Leaf Pavilion to eat in the future..."

Several people present were speechless for a moment, and their faces were full of confusion.

The students at the other table seemed to understand or not, sometimes nodding and sometimes frowning, not knowing if they understood.

However, the amazing boiling water cabbage still lifted the spirits of the group of friends.

After all, there were still fifty-three dishes waiting for them.

"This is... Bergamot Gold Scroll? Lean pork and horseshoe are minced into minced meat, eggs and cornmeal are skinned, and finally fried in the shape of bergamot. "

"This taste is soft and crispy, it really deserves to be a traditional famous dish of the Dragon Kingdom, it is really addictive..."

"This gold wire silver fungus is also a must, smooth and tender and crisp and not greasy, big supplement deficiency wins cough and lungs, very suitable for people who are weak after illness... English pear, this dish is very suitable for you..."

"What do you mean, Shi Lao Fei? Does it imply that I am physically weak? "

"No, you haven't been staying up late a lot lately, I'm worried that you won't be able to keep up with my writing progress, let you make up more..."

"Haha~~ Yingli is so cute, where is she hinting, it is simply clear that your body is weak, can this be tolerated? Scare her! "

Seeing Ying Li and Kasumi no Oka Shiyu mixing their mouths, lest the world be chaotic under the snow, Yang Nai was instigated by the side.

However, these two guys really rarely talk in the group lately, and they are busy all day.

Yukinoshita Yono was slightly curious and asked, "Shiwa, how many volumes of your novel have you written now?" "

"In the fourth volume, I blame Yingli for being too slow to draw, and the illustrations in the third volume have not yet been drawn."

"Uh~ you are also fighting too hard, pay attention to moderation!"

"I don't know what's going on, anyway, since eating Chu Feng's dishes, the whole person is very spirited, the waist is not sore, the back is not painful, inspiration is coming like a tide, I can't stop at all."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said while secretly glancing in the direction where Chu Feng was, with an inexplicable smile in his eyes.

"Ahhh~ Boss Chu's cooking also has the effect of promoting writing? But why don't I feel smarter? The manual work is getting better and better..."

Megumi Kato chuckled, always feeling that he had ordered the wrong skill.

Every time I ate Chu Feng's dishes, my hands became more dexterous and my craftsmanship became better and better.

"Perhaps... You're better suited to crafting..."

Yono laughed and teased slightly.

However, after opening the chatterbox, everyone nodded one after another.

One of the people present counted one, and they all received the gift of cooking.

Many people are full of gratitude to Boss Chu.

Of course, they didn't know that Chu Feng got more.

But none of that matters.

Enjoying this gourmet feast now is the purpose of the party, only the food must not be disappointed...

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