Chapter 449 Gluttonous Feast, feel at home!!

"Steamed deer tail, roasted flower duck, roasted chicken, roasted goose, smoked chicken white belly, steamed eight treasure pig, Jiangmi stuffed duck..."

"The dishes are so rich, I don't even know which one to eat first?"

"Hurry up, slow down, we won't even have to eat scum."

"Long time I monkey grab what to grab, quickly put down that chicken leg for me!"

"Nima~ you are the ten masters of the far moon~~ Do you want to be so rude? It's like a dirt bun that has never seen the world, a little reserved—a little..."

"Reserved? What kind of thing it was, Miss Ben never knew what reserved it was. "

"These are all dishes made by Boss Chu, Miss Ben can temporarily take off the lady's hat."

"Isn't it ~ aren't some dishes made by Erinah and Alice? We don't need to be so excited! "

"Why don't you get excited about the chopsticks stretching so long, don't think that saying so can affect the speed of my dishes."

After the gastronomic feast begins.

One by one, the group of friends was like chicken blood, and they frantically rushed to grab the dishes on the table.

This is one of the six great Lin chefs in the world, the hands are fast and the hands are slow, and it is not necessary to rush at this time.

Although it was only in the Maple Leaf Pavilion that they could eat Lin Chef cuisine, they didn't know how strong or weak Chu Feng was compared to other Lin Chefs.

But these are not important, anyway, with their level, they can't taste the level of Lin Chef.

People who originally planned to go to other tables to cook dishes can no longer take care of so many at this moment.

No matter how slow the movement is, I don't have to eat at this table.


Everyone goes into dry meal mode, which is called a big meal.

Kohei Joichiro and the people of Aichi Symbiosis Academy were relatively restrained, and did not compete with everyone at an unconventional speed.

If you really want to let this group of relatively strong people spread out, many people can't even get a mouthful of soup.

Thor's table didn't have that concern.

Since they are not mortals, then what are you polite?

The speed of destroying a dish is like a cow chewing a peony, that is a fast.

However, Thor, Connor and Akemi Miyano could taste Chu Feng's cuisine every day, and they didn't disturb the neighboring table after the dishes on the table were eaten, and they watched others make trouble interestingly

"It's really an indescribable enjoyment, Chinese cuisine is really broad and profound, and there are countless national banquet boutiques alone."

Kohei Joichiro put down his bowl and chopsticks early and did not shoot with the juniors again.

He is so bad that he is running to the four, he can't pull this face.

"Of course, I'm glad I didn't make the wrong choice."

Teruki Kume looked proud.

He has always admired Chinese cuisine.

Who knew that Hojo Miyoko unceremoniously dismantled the stage at this time, and chuckled: "But pull down, who thought that Chinese cuisine was only Sichuan food?" "

Jiu I Zhaoki suddenly dumb, and smiled awkwardly: "That's not that I have little knowledge, after Brother Feng's order, now I am studying the eight major cuisines very seriously." "

Miyoko Hojo: "It's true that you have little knowledge, but only Boss Chu can make Chinese cuisine so perfect, and no one else can make this taste." "

"Although you often tear down my platform, there are a large number of seniors who agree with your words, how about it, the senior sister still refuses to join my Chinese cuisine research club?" "

Hojo Miyoko: "No, you are not Boss Chu, in contrast, I want to be the assistant chef of Maple Leaf Pavilion." "

"Uh~This is quite difficult~~"

Kugo Teruki glanced at Erinah and Alice without a trace, and looked at Miyoko Hojo with some sympathy.

This student is very idealistic, but the reality is always crueler than the ideal.

No matter how you look at it, she is far inferior to the two eldest ladies of the Xue Che family.

"But don't forget that this table also has the credit of Erina and Alice."

Isshiki spoke with a hint of envy in his tone.

The people of Far Moon Academy really envy Alice and Erina.

The treatment of working under Chu Feng's hands, they also want ah, but it is a pity that the other party does not accept it.

Erina smiled implicitly: "I'm just fighting in the kitchen, but I don't dare to take credit." "

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their heads to look at Erina.

In their impression, the eldest lady of the Xue Che family would never be so polite

After interning with Chu Feng for a while, Erinai seemed to become something they didn't dare to recognize

But as Erinai said, he is really just a miscellaneous work, and naturally he does not dare to take credit.

In fact~

If he wasn't an intern under Chu Feng, he might not even be able to get miscellaneous work.

After all, with Boss Chu's skills, as long as he is a little more serious, he doesn't need a helper at all.

The people of Yuanyue Academy exchanged pleasantries again.

There was no lack of envy for the sisters of the Xue Che family in his tone. Although I have grown up used to hearing compliments from others.

But now more than ever, she was proud.

The assistant chef of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

This title alone is much higher than the status of the second young lady of her Xue Che family...

Chu Feng quietly looked at the people who were immersed in joy.

In fact, the happiness of a chef is that simple.

As long as the customer eats happily, he will naturally be sincerely happy.

After all, who doesn't want to be recognized by others.

For a chef, getting the approval of diners is more important than anything else

As the empty plates on the table grow, it heralds the end of the gluttonous feast

Overall, the group of friends who came to Maple Leaf Pavilion today were very satisfied and felt at home.

And Chu Feng, today is also full of harvest, exposed a lot of skills... Open.

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