Chapter 453 Approachable Boss Chu, the ponytailed girl's gratitude!!

The cloister area of the city.

Chu Feng wandered around leisurely.

Chu Feng was not in a hurry to go to the Central District and Gaotai District.

Fifty stalls here are enough for his class to be crazy for a while.

The smell of food wafts through the air.

The aroma is not an exaggeration.

But it does make every breath very good.

Chu Feng didn't care about the grade of the cuisine.

He also never attacked the chef with the connotation of the cuisine.

In his opinion~

As long as you bring out your own level and make good dishes, it is enough.

Especially for a group of low-star students, there is really no need to be demanding.

I don't know if it's my own delusion.

Walking in the cloister area, Chu Feng always felt that the snacks sold here were a little familiar.

Takoyaki, sea bream yaki, egg fried rice, siu mai, fried gluten, meat buns... (⊙_⊙)......

Many snacks were sold when he drove a fast food truck to set up a stall.

Students, there must be a limit to imitation, believe it or not, I asked you for copyright fees?

Although there is almost no copyright in the culinary world.

But at this moment, Chu Feng couldn't help but secretly complain.

Tasted a bunch of takoyaki.

The stall owner is an unimpressed girl.

There were too many Yuanyue students who frequented Chu Feng's cuisine before.

It is impossible for him to remember everyone.

But looking at the restrained appearance of the girl after seeing herself, she should still be a first-year student, and the number of visits to his business should not be much.

"Chu, Boss Chu..."

The girl with a single ponytail looked nervous.

Unexpectedly, the famous Boss Chu would actually appear in the cloister area, and was actually willing to buy her takoyaki.

Five hundred and five strings!

This price is enough to explain the girl's lack of confidence.

"Shh~ don't be nervous, just treat me like an ordinary customer."

Chu Feng stretched out his index finger and put it to his mouth, and then said with a smile.

He does not have the "cognitive impairment" of Tor's blessing now, and he does not intend to attract the attention of the entire "street".


The single ponytailed girl quickly covered her small mouth, nodded hurriedly, and then stared at the man in front of her with an expectant face.

Oh my God~This is Chef Lin~~

One of the world's six great chefs, the pinnacle of the culinary world!

This mythical character actually wants to taste his own takoyaki... So nervous!!

The single ponytailed girl's whole body froze in place, and she didn't dare to move.

That is, I want to get Chu Feng's comments, but I am afraid that the other party will dislike my cooking.

After all, she was well aware of her craft.

Tang Lin Kitchen, should not look at it, you may eat a bite and lose it.

The more she thought about it, the more nervous she became, and tears couldn't help but roll in her eyes.

Few people know now that Chu Feng has advanced to the Dragon Chef.

At the same time~ Chu Feng was also slightly stunned.

Unexpectedly, the stall owner burst into tears after recognizing him.


Do you want to be so excited? This moment~

Chu Feng suddenly understood why so many people dreamed of becoming idols.

At the same time, I also understand why those fans become extremely emotional after seeing their idols.

Although the other party should rarely patronize his own business, Chu Feng guessed that he should be too tight in his hands.

Well, wait a minute, or praise her a little to show encouragement.

It's not easy to learn to cook, so you can't dampen the confidence of the other party.

Boss Chu has always considered himself a kind person.

Swallow a takoyaki!


It's not because it's unpalatable.


The girl's takoyaki is well done.

Uniform color and crispy taste.

After the bite, the rich oil juice pours out.

The combination of ingredients also makes sense.

This craft ~

At least among the first-year students of the Far Moon Higher Department, he can rank in the middle of the ranking.

At the girl's current age, as long as she continues to work hard and reach a five-star chef after graduation, it should be no problem.

"Very good takoyaki, the combination of taste and texture is very reasonable, keep up the good work, you will definitely be a good chef in the future."

Chu Feng did not hesitate to praise himself, giving the young people a certain amount of encouragement, so that more excellent chefs could be produced in the future.

What's more, the other party seems to be his own fan.

Chu Feng didn't have mind reading, of course, he didn't know that the other party was just too nervous and a little afraid of his comments.

When the single ponytailed girl heard this, she almost couldn't believe her ears, and the whole person froze in place.

Boss Chu... This is praising me???

Oh my God~ When Shilin Chef actually praised my cooking!? It's incredible, it can't be an illusion, right?

The single ponytailed girl stood in place and did not come to her senses for a long time.

"Xie ~ thank you Boss Chu ~ I will continue to work hard... Ahhhh What about people..."

After a long time, the girl bowed sharply and said words of thanks.

It's just that when she raised her head again, the booth was already empty, and there was still Chu Feng's figure.

A breeze blew by, ruffling the ends of the girl's hair, looking at Chu Feng's gradually disappearing back, she muttered: "The rumors are really not credible, where is Boss Chu difficult to get along with, obviously an approachable senior, I Takahashi Yumi swear, I will definitely become an excellent chef..."

Yumi Takahashi is a nondescript role among first-year students.

Not as talented and family as Erinai and Alice.

Nor did Megumi Tasho's amazing culinary talent and unreasonable luck.

But she, like most Yuanyue students, worked very, very hard.

With Chu Feng's encouragement, Yumi Takahashi strengthened her beliefs.

Of course, Chu Feng didn't know how much confidence his words would bring to the single ponytailed girl

It's not clear if this unintentional move will make a great chef for the culinary world.

But relatively speaking, the taste of this takoyaki is indeed good, and Chu Feng is just telling the truth.

"Chu Feng!"

Not far from the takoyaki stall.

A soft voice called out Chu Feng.

Turn your head and look.

Chu Feng smiled slightly.

It turned out to be Xiaohui ah...

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