Chapter 454: Tian Sohui's Purple Potato Glutinous Rice Roll!!

Tasokue was wearing a Yuanyue school uniform, with long cyan hair tied in a double ponytail, and a small flower still pinned to her bangs.

"Xiaohui, why are you also in the cloister area?"

Chu Feng walked over with a smile and asked a little curiously.

Although Megumi Tasho has not yet become a master.

But she has proven her level by the time of the fall selections.

It definitely has the strength to rush into the Ten Masters Council.

Such a level is not said in the Gaotai area.

At the very least, you should open a store in Chuo-ku.

Look up.

The banner of the stall reads "purple sweet potato glutinous rice roll", which is also a food coupon of five hundred ~ Looking at the steamed glutinous rice rolls, the pink and white glutinous rice rolls wrapped in purple filling, although the aroma is very light, it looks very delicate.

"Because the cloister area is a must for tourists, and many seniors have set up shops in the central and high platforms, I thought that if I were here, I might be able to attract more customers."

Tashoe explained with a slightly red face.

Now she is much bolder than before.

It's not that you don't have enough confidence in your own strength.

You can see it from her sincere eyes.

This niko really thinks that there will be more guests in the cloister area.

In fact, Chu Feng really wanted to tell Tian Suohui, and there was a sightseeing vehicle for the festival.

Many targeted tourists take sightseeing buses directly to the other two districts.

Looking at the glutinous rice rolls on the cooking counter that had not yet been steamed, Chu Feng still held back the words he complained.

The delicate and small, good-looking glutinous rice rolls are enough to show that Tasho has put a lot of thought into it.

Handing out a plum roll, Chu Feng asked for a purple sweet potato glutinous rice roll.

The food coupons for the Moon Festival are divided into three types: pine, bamboo, and plum.

Matsu – 10,000 yen.

Bamboo – 1,000 yen.

Ume – 500 yen.

"Please wait!"

Megumi Tasho smiled sweetly.

He took the food coupon from Chu Feng.

Then he picked up the clamp and took out five glutinous rice rolls from the steamed grille and handed them to Chu Feng.

Megumi Tasuso's movements were fast.

Plus the glutinous rice rolls in a paper bag.

The other guests did not notice the abnormality.

But Chu Feng's strength was there.

This little action naturally could not hide his eyes.

Slightly stunned, he whispered, "You're not afraid that others will find out?" "

Just now, Chu Feng saw it clearly.

Others contained only three sticky rice rolls in their paper bags.

Tian Suohui's body was slightly tense, and he said nervously: "I have been taken care of so much by you for a long time, of course, I have to give you a little discount..."

After whispering this sentence, Tasuo Megumi buried his head a little embarrassed.

The slightly reddened little face looks very cute.

Chu Feng couldn't help but ridicule: "Then you simply don't charge me money." "


Tian Suohui was slightly stunned, raised his head stupidly, and hurriedly said: "Eh, I've been thinking about sales performance, how can I forget this, then I'll return the money immediately..."

While speaking, Tashoe Megumi did not forget to open the cash register.

Chu Feng: (0oO)......

He was almost amused by Xiaohui's cute look.

"How can there be any reason not to charge money in business? People return to people's favor, business to business, you will probably have to take the road of running a restaurant in the future, please keep this firmly in mind, this is the advice of people who come over..."

Chu Feng said seriously.

In fact, Megumi Tansho's personality is not very suitable for business.

She is only suitable for quietly studying cooking.

Of course human favor is important for businessmen, but the first priority is definitely profit.

If you give up most of your interests every time because of feelings, no matter what business you do, it will not last long.

Tassho's action to return the money came to an abrupt end.

Then he nodded a little understandingly.

Anyway, in her heart, no matter what Chu Feng said, it was right, she listened to it and remembered it in her heart, and then she just did it.

Chu Feng began to taste the purple sweet potato glutinous rice rolls.

It is an extremely simple snack.

Peel the purple sweet potato, wash it, cut it into chunks and steam it.

Add milk, cornstarch, sugar, corn oil and stir glutinous rice flour until it is fine and silky and granular-free.

After cooling, roll out the rectangular pancakes and cover them in purple sweet potato puree into rolls.

This is a simple snack that anyone can make at home.

But if you want to be the best, you must master the ratio of blending.

The ratio of water and glutinous rice flour.

The ratio of cornstarch to corn oil.

The ratio between purple sweet potato puree and pancake crust.

If a detail is not handled well, the taste will be greatly reduced.

Megumi Tassho has clearly put a lot of effort into this.

After adding the moderate amount of milk.

The glutinous rice skin is delicate and silky, and it is not only refreshing to eat, but also very tough.

Purple sweet potatoes with moderate sweetness give a delicate feeling.

A moderate sweetness is easily reminiscent of the moistness of the earth.

Have to say ~

Compared to the girl who sells takoyaki.

Tashoe's level is obviously much higher.

Just the artistic conception contained in this purple sweet potato glutinous rice roll.

Ninety-nine percent of first-graders can look back.

Even Erinai and Alice, who interned under him for a month.

The most understanding of artistic conception is between Megumi and Tassho.

This niko seems to be naturally close to nature, and it is easy to hear the sound of ingredients.

Listening to the ingredients is a sign of the awakening of the chef's heart.

"Your cooking heart is about to awaken, right?"

Eating the purple sweet potato glutinous rice roll, Chu Feng asked with a smile.


Tian Suohui replied in a whisper like a mosquito fly, and said shyly: "It should be a chef who is close to nature, but what it is, you can only know after you fully awaken." "

Chu Feng nodded slightly to show understanding.

There are many types of kitchens, and each category is divided into many types.

Even after many chefs awaken their cooking hearts, they have to work hard to choose a name for them.


If Xiaohui can get the chef heart in a short time.

It should be the first person among the first-year students of the Far Moon High School to awaken the heart of cooking

At least as far as Chu Feng knew, neither Erinai nor Kohei Sojin showed any signs of this.

The former is difficult to awaken the heart of the cook because of the tongue of God.

The accumulation and luck of the latter are not as good as those of Tian Suo.

Even if he is talented and lucky enough to have Ichiro Heijo...

It will also take a while to touch the threshold of cooking.

Chu Feng could come to take care of his business, and Tian Suohui was obviously very happy.

After all, she used to go to the fast food truck or Maple Leaf Pavilion, but she had never entertained each other.

Looking at Chu Fengsi's slow eating purple sweet potato glutinous rice rolls, he praised two sentences from time to time, and occasionally pointed out the shortcomings.

Tashoe felt that she was so happy at this moment.

She is an extremely simple girl.

He never hid his admiration and gratitude to Chu Feng.

If not for the food truck dishes.

It was impossible for her level to improve so quickly.

It is also impossible to win the fall selection.

All this has always been remembered by Tasshoe.

I always fantasized that I could offer Chu Feng my best dishes.

But firstly, I couldn't find an opportunity, and secondly, Chu Feng's superb cooking skills have always made Tian Suohui embarrassed to speak.

Inviting Chef Lin to dinner definitely requires a big heart, and Tashoe obviously does not have it.

It's just that she never expected that the Moon Sacrifice actually gave her this opportunity.

At this moment, Tian Suoe's heart was pounding, and excitement and nervousness coexisted.

I don't know how long it took before a smile appeared on that slightly reddened little face...

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