Chapter 455 Alice's embarrassment, Kurokiba is cold and confused!!

"Hi, Chu Feng, Xiaohui!"

Just when Tashoe was so excited that she blushed.

A woman's voice appeared in front of the stall.

No need to look back.

Chu Feng already knew who was coming. Dry Hinata and Fuyumi Mizuhara.

As an excellent graduate of Yuanyue.

One of the former members of the Ten Masters.

The two naturally did not miss the grand moon festival.

What's more, the level of this group of Yuanyue students is surprisingly high.

Of course, come and enjoy this culinary journey.

"Senior Sister Qian, Senior Sister Suwon, you are also here."

Seeing the two seniors who knew each other in the food group, Tasshoe Megumi also seemed very happy.

"Haha, Xiaohui set up a stall, as a senior sister, I will definitely come to the scene."

Kanhyuga teased and ordered a purple sweet potato glutinous rice roll

Mizuhara Fuyumi glanced at the seemingly mature but childlike Dry Hinatako, and said with a broken table: "It seems that if Xiaohui doesn't set up a stall, you won't come, which year's moon festival doesn't have you as a foodie?" "

"Eh~ let's not prove that we have a good relationship with Xiaohui, Senior Sister Mizuhara was jealous of La Qianhyuga and went back without caring."

Don't look at her one term lower than Fuyumi Suhara.

But everyone was second in the same period.

It's really better than the level of cooking, everyone is half a pound and eight taels.

She is not at all afraid of Fuyumi Mizuhara who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Both ordered purple sweet potato glutinous rice rolls.

While talking with Chu Feng, he tasted it.

"Huh? Xiaohui's level has improved recently! "

Kanhyugako suddenly noticed Tashoe's progress.

After all, the other party was still interning in the House of Mist some time ago.

She was well aware of the limits of Tassho's level at that time.

Tian Suohui smiled shyly and said embarrassedly: "That's thanks to Senior Sister Qian's guidance." "

Qian Hinata smiled and said, "It's because you have talent, and if you really want to thank you, the one you should thank the most is Chu Feng..."

"Regarding this point, you don't have to remind you, Xiaohui has already thanked more than once. Seeing that Tian Suohui heard Qian Hinatako's words and wanted to thank him, Chu Feng quickly spoke. "

When I went out to eat a good meal, there were girls who kept thanking him, which really made him a little speechless.

The main thing is that girls like Tian Suoe are too thin-skinned and too easily moved.

Like Alice, this nizi never said a word of thanks, completely regarded Maple Leaf Pavilion as her home, and even confiscated her luggage when she left.

Thinking of a girl with short silver hair, Chu Feng secretly shook his head and smiled, and his spiritual power immediately spread, shrouding the entire venue of the Moon Sacrifice.


Suddenly, Chu Feng chuckled, and after saying goodbye to Hetian Soe, Kanhyuga and Mizuhara Fuyumi, he walked towards a certain corner of the cloister area.

As soon as he approached a certain stall, Chu Feng heard Alice counting the Kurokiba cool.

"Ryo, what the hell is going on with you? Why are there no sodium citrate and algin? I listed the menu a few days before the festival started, how could you make such a mistake? "

Alice pouted dissatisfiedly, almost shouting.

Kurokiba Ryo stared at a pair of dead fish eyes, and said weakly: "Isn't Miss Alice going to make papaya caviar, what's wrong with the ingredients?" "

"You still know we're selling papaya caviar?"

Hearing this, Alice was angry and said speechlessly: "You only bought a pair of papayas together?" You and I are a god like Boss Chu, and you can make caviar with only papaya? "

"So what can I do? I don't know how to cook molecules, so how do I know I need alginum and sodium citrate? "

Kurokiba Ryo shrugged his shoulders, rolled his dead fish eyes and asked curiously: "Miss Alice, what is sodium citrate?" "

Alice sighed, finally giving up on the explanation.

She knows her classmates very well, Kurokiba Ryo, who specializes in seafood cuisine, has a headache every time she sees chemical terms, and she can't remember them at all.

"So what now? If you go to buy materials again, most of your time today will be wasted..."

Alice rubbed her temples with a headache and sighed, "If the first day was a deficit, I would definitely be laughed at by Erina..."

"Don't worry, Miss Erina, most likely not, she should be very busy these days..."

Kurokiba Ryo hesitated, but still stammered comfortingly, saying something he didn't believe.

The conversation between the two, Chu Feng heard clearly.

A shook of his head and a smile.

"You guys do this business, except for a loss, I really can't think of a second result, Chu Feng took back his previous thoughts."

Alice is less suitable for business than Megumi Tasho.

"Uh~Boss Chu~~"

Hearing the familiar voice, Alice turned her head sharply, and then a trace of embarrassment appeared on her face.

Let the boss "see her embarrassed appearance, even if she is grinning, she is a little embarrassed."

But when she thought of Chu Feng's magic, Alice's eyes lit up again.

Rubbing her little hands, the silver-haired girl smiled and said, "Boss, you are here." "

Seeing this flattering expression, Chu Feng shivered violently, and said directly: "Say something directly, don't be cold." "

"Then I'll say it bluntly!"

Alice asked unceremoniously: "Can the boss support the two ingredients of Xiaomei?" "

He had been interning under Chu Feng for so long.

Alice knows better than anyone.

Boss Chu can take out the ingredients he wants at any time.

Because no one in Maple Leaf Pavilion went to buy vegetables at all.

No matter what guests want to eat.

The magical Boss Chu can conjure up the ingredients.

Although I don't know where those ingredients came from.

But Alice is sure of one thing.

If only now who could solve their current predicament? It was none other than Chu Feng.

"Alginum and sodium citrate, here you go!"

Chu Feng shook his head and smiled, a bag had appeared in his hand, and he threw it to Alice without saying a word.

"Ha ~ Thank you Boss Chu ~ ~ I'll transfer the money to you later."

Alice hurriedly caught the bag and opened it to see that the two bottles inside contained exactly the ingredients she needed.

On the other hand, Kurokiba Ryo, his eyes are wide at the moment, and he has such a big bag with a damn expression, where did he take it from?

Kurokiba Ryo looked confused, he couldn't believe his eyes...

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