Chapter 456 Chu Feng's suggestion, Alice's worship!!

Can anyone tell me~

So big a bag ~

Where the hell did he get it from? Kurokiba Ryo is indeed very confused.

Since Chu Feng appeared.

His gaze fell on the other party the whole time. After all, Alice's one-month internship. This handsome man has been mentioned many times. Kurokiba Liang had little contact with Chu Feng.

But they think they know each other better.


Conjure a bag out of thin air.

It also happened to have the materials they needed.

Kurokiba Ryo said that he couldn't accept it.

This is no longer something that can be explained by magic.

It's magic!

Kurokiba is extremely cool.

Chu Feng definitely didn't move just now.

As if that bag of materials ~

It's really like he conjured it out of thin air.

Turning his head stiffened neck to look at Alice.

Kurokiba Ryo noticed that his young lady had a bright smile on her face.

It didn't seem surprising at all that this magical unfolding.

As if in her eyes 01~

Everything that happened just now was Chu Feng's normal operation.

Looking at the joyful Alice, Kurokiba Ryo could only silently pick up the three views that had been shattered just now, forcing himself to accept reality.

Perhaps for Chef Lin, these are just basic operations.

Although Kurokiba Ryo is proud, he also has self-awareness, knowing that with his current level, he cannot understand that legendary existence.

However, now that the materials have been put together, their booth can finally open normally.

Alice started making papaya caviar.

This thing is, to put it bluntly, a kind of jelly.

Peel and juice the papaya, mix with water and sugar, mix with an appropriate amount of sodium citrate and algin, and mix and beat into a thick papaya sauce.

Papaya sauce is poured into the caviar natural vessel, and it is shaped by dripping calcium water to finally obtain a round papaya caviar.

This molecular cuisine has a single approach.

Compared to other molecular dishes that require large machines and many small utensils

Papaya caviar has the natural advantage of not using many materials, light utensils, and simple methods, which is indeed the best choice for stalls.

Alice knows exactly where her strengths lie.

She is quite accomplished as a molecular cuisine student, and combined with what she has learned in the recent period, it is easy to make dishes with moderate proportions.

Chu Feng asked for a papaya caviar.

Although the price is a little more expensive than other stalls in the cloister area.

But the golden papaya caviar is served with chunks of jelly of different colors.

First of all, it presents a great visual effect.

Chu Feng tasted a spoonful.

Elastic taste and silky and delicate feel.

It's really eye-catching.

It's obviously just caviar made of papaya.

When you eat it in your mouth, it is as if you have eaten real caviar.

At the same time of biting, the sauce with a rich fruity flavor explodes directly in the mouth, giving people unparalleled impact.

Compared to a month ago, Alice's progress is not small.

Finish a bowl of papaya caviar.

Chu Feng found that Alice was staring at him expectantly.

My face seemed to be full of words come and praise me.

At this time, Alice is like a schoolboy who carefully completes her homework, waiting for the teacher's praise.

Chu Feng naturally would not be stingy.

"Very good cuisine, it seems that you, like Erina, have entered the ranks of seven-star chefs."

In fact, just look at Alice's skillful cooking techniques. Chu Feng had already determined the other party's current level.

His culinary realm is too high.

The depth of the star chef could not be concealed from his eyes at all.


Alice nodded hurriedly when she heard this, and then chirped, "Then is there anything else I need to improve in this dish?" "

The eccentric silver-haired girl rarely showed such a serious expression, which showed how curious she was at this time.

"If you really want to improve, you can try to put some honey, the acidity in it will react with algin, forming a richer layer, as for the amount, you need to explore yourself..."

Without any thought, Chu Feng gave his own advice.

It was just some superficial advice, something too esoteric, he was afraid that Alice would not understand.

Alice nodded thoughtfully.

Although Kurokiba Ryo forgot to buy alginum and sodium citrate.

But other commonly used ingredients, Alice, have them here.

Immediately, she followed Chu Feng's suggestion. Remake a serving of papaya caviar.

Of course~

Chu Feng wouldn't eat anymore.

He was planning to enjoy the culinary journey.

How can you eat two servings in the same store.

Seeing that Chu Feng refused to pay for it.

Alice puffed up and took a bite of papaya caviar.


"Just replace rock sugar with honey, and the difference in taste is so obvious?"

Tasting a very different taste from before, Alice's eyes lit up, her brows furrowed, obviously thinking about the reason.

"After the amount of sodium citrate is reduced, the caviar is integrated into the sour taste of honey, and the taste is changed by two more and the layering is richer..."

Alice muttered, "It's incredible, why didn't I think of it before?" "

Chu Feng said with a smile: "Because you are limited by your own inherent thinking, thinking that with sodium citrate in the recipe, you can no longer bring other acidic ingredients, but don't forget that different combinations can derive different flavors, and the fusion of dishes is the key!" "

Just like when Alice and Erinai interned in Maple Leaf Pavilion, Chu Feng did not tell how to match the fusion ingredients, but only gave vague suggestions.

Cooking is not an assembly line project, and it is not a combination of inherent ingredients.

The combination of various ingredients, the control of the portion, the mixing of proportions, everything needs to be explored by yourself.

Know how to be flexible in order to make better dishes.

Alice nodded thoughtfully, and then began to continue experimenting, striving to make better papaya caviar.

Chu Feng didn't care about her anymore and walked into the crowd with his own care. Kurokiba looked coolly at the not very broad back.

Suddenly lost in thought.

Let's be honest~

Since meeting Alice.

The two have known each other for nearly a decade.

He had never seen anyone Alice was convinced of.


While waiting for Chu Feng to give advice.

The glint in Alice's eyes.

Clearly with obsessive worship...

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