Chapter 458 The Spirit of the Sword, Divine Sword Night Ten Incense!!

The time of day always flies quickly.

Dialed a little for a long time.

Chu Feng had tasted the dishes of several restaurants in the Central District.

But in comparison, the dishes at Kume's restaurant taste the best.

Chu Feng didn't go to Gaotai District today, mainly just the first hundred shops, and he couldn't finish shopping in a day.

At six o'clock sharp, the park radio began to broadcast today's sales ranking.

Third place in the cloister district: Trattoria Aldini, the Aldini brothers!

2nd place: Alice and Kurokiba Ryo!

1st place: Megumi Tasho!

The third place in the Central District is the Western Food Research Association, the second place is the Nordic Cuisine Research Association, and the first place is... Chinese Cuisine Research Association Jiu I Hotel".

This result was not expected by Chu Feng.

After all, he has eaten the dishes of the above several shops, and he also has a general understanding of the level of each family.

As for the Gaotai District...

The top one was actually Akane Kubo Momo.

It was a little unexpected for Chu Feng.

Who would have thought that such a small loli could stand out from a group of ten masters members and occupy the top position.

2nd place Erina, 3rd place Fuyusuke Ogijima, 4th place Ki no Kuni Nininin.

What Chu Feng didn't expect was that the 127 Si Yingshi, who ranked first in the Ten Jies, actually only ranked fifth.

However, after thinking about it, some chefs in Gaotai District implement a reservation system, and sales are almost normal.

After meeting with Thor, Akemi Miyano and others, several people left Far Moon Academy and returned directly to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

It was difficult to take a trip, Chu Feng gave himself a day off, but he just did not receive guests during the day, and visitors from another world did not plan to miss it.

Sure enough~

Not long after returning to the Maple Leaf Pavilion, the back door was opened.

Coming in was Tokisaki Madzo, followed by another girl.

She has knee-length black hair and crystal incredible eyes

The purple armor wrapped around the whole body like a princess's dress, and the same was worn on the head

Purple-like crystal headdress.

Obviously, this is also an elf.

The spirit of the sword, the night fragrance of the sword!

Chu Feng, who had seen the covenant battle, was no stranger to the girl in front of him.

"Boss Chu, I'm here again..."

Compared to the first time he came, Tokisaki was completely unguarded by the magical restaurant, and greeted him warmly as soon as he entered the door.


Chu Feng smiled, he had always been very patient with beautiful girls.

Tokisaki pulled the girl behind him into the restaurant, casually found a table and sat down, and said with a light smile: "I brought you another new customer..."

"You seem to bring me people often?"

Chu Feng quipped: "Don't think that I will give you a discount in this way, the meal money is still not less." "

The naturally dull girl sat down with Shizaki Madzo, beating like a curious baby

Measuring around, my eyes were full of confusion.

It seems, not very smart look.

"Okay, like I can't pay for the meal."

Tokisaki Crazy rolled his eyes, looking like a rich sister, and then introduced: "Her name is Divine Saber Ye Juka, she just came out of the neighborhood, if it weren't for me passing by, this stupid niko would probably have fought with the people of Latatosk." "

When Chu Feng heard this, he nodded towards the Divine Dao Ye Shixiang, but he was replaced by an indifferent expression.

He didn't care either, knowing that this guy was full of fear and hostility towards humans.

After all, every time it appears, it will be inexplicably attacked by humans, and it is naturally impossible to have a good impression of humans.

It's just that Chu Feng didn't expect that the Divine Dao Ye Shixiang didn't encounter Wuhe Shidao this time, but instead encountered Shizaki Madsan, and he didn't know what kind of impact this change would have on the covenant war world.

Of course, this is not the time to think about such issues.

When you come to Maple Leaf Pavilion, eating is the first thing.

"What are you two going to eat?"

"I want boiled beef! What does Shikaka want to eat? Forgot that you just came out, you should not have eaten the food of the human world, so let me help you order it, and then have a cold meal. "

Tokisaki ordered food.

"Huh~ It seems that after you went back, you did some research on Chinese cuisine~ Chu Feng looked at Shizaki Madsan a little unexpectedly."

It's hard to imagine that elves who have lived in hatred for a long time would be so attentive to eating

But Tokisaki said as a matter of course: "After all, you are a Chinese restaurant here, of course, I want to learn about Chinese cuisine, and also taste your special Sansan." "

"Wait a minute, the food you ordered will arrive soon."

Chu Feng smiled and turned around and walked into the kitchen.

Boiled beef and cold eating are both famous Sichuan dishes.

The former approach is extremely delicate.

Cut the lean yellow beef into slices one inch and five minutes long, eight minutes wide, and one minute thick, and then marinate with salt, soy sauce, mash sauce and wet starch.

Put Pixian beans in the oil pot, stir-fry the dried chili peppers until brownish yellow, then add peppercorns, green onions, lettuce slices and stir-fry until fragrant, add broth to boil and then the beef slices are boiled, cook until the meat slices stretch and shiny, put them in a pot, put them with peppercorns and peppers, drizzle with hot oil and fry until fragrant.

Boiled beef integrates hemp, spicy, fresh and fragrant, and the beef is tender and spicy and spicy.

Cold and diced, it is a Sichuan dish made with main ingredients such as meat, dried chili, ginger and garlic.

Add peppercorns, star anise, large ingredients, ginger slices, green onion segments, etc. to cook the whole piece without meat, and put it on a plate for later use.

Pour oil into the pot, at the same time put the ginger, green onions, large ingredients, and peppercorns into a colander, put them in the pot and fry until the green onions are yellow, remove and pour, pour in the prepared diced meat, and quickly stir-fry until the meat is dehydrated.

Add cooking wine, soy sauce, salt and a small amount of sugar and stir-fry until the color turns golden, and finally add a little vinegar, you can turn off the heat and take out of the pan, put on a plate and cool before serving.

Both dishes are uncomplicated and don't take too long.

After a while, a seductive aroma wafted out of the window.

The delicate nose of the divine knife Ye Shixiang twitched twice, and seemed to be startled by the spicy and fresh smell.

After living for so long, she had never smelled such a fragrant smell, which simply made people watery.

Subconsciously swallowed her throat, she was originally forced by Tokisaki Crazy to come to a strange restaurant and was quite complaining, but she was completely attracted by the aroma of food at this moment.

Even if the people who make the dishes in the kitchen are the humans she has always been hostile to.

No way~

Only blame this man's cooking for being so fragrant...

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