Chapter 459 Girls who love to laugh are not bad luck!!

Two dishes with Sichuan cuisine specialties are served.

Tokisaki was immediately taken aback by the spicy looking dishes.

Although I looked up the introduction of Sichuan cuisine on the Internet.

But when she really saw it, she still deeply realized N's superficiality.

The spiciness of Sichuan cuisine is really spicy, and the taste alone makes her deeply understand this, and the night sword god Shixiang does not understand this, which can be described as the ignorant and fearless.

Smelling the spicy scent wafting through the air, she was already salivating.

Looking at the white rice in front of him again, Shika, who had never eaten human food, obviously wanted to start, but he was a little clueless.

Tokisaki seemed to see through her thoughts, smiled, and immediately picked up the chopsticks.

Although she was a little rusty at first, she was extremely talented in eating, and soon learned how to use chopsticks.

Chu Feng had to sigh in his heart, he was worthy of being an elf full of foodie attributes, and at the speed of learning to use chopsticks, he had already beaten most foreigners.

In fact, he is still a little confused.

If the Night Sword God Juka did not meet Gokawa Shido after he appeared.

So who got her name?

After all, Tokisaki Crazy San had already said it just now.

This guy just showed up and met her, and then he was pulled to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Could it be that the name of the Night Saber God Juka was taken by Tokisaki Madzo?

This incarnation of the devil and the angel, and the talent for naming? Secretly shook his head.

Chu Feng was too lazy to think about such a complicated issue.

It can only be attributed to the fact that something is destined cannot be changed.

The two began to taste the food.

Boiled beef white, red, green, yellow four colors contrast, the color is simple and fresh.

Just looking at it is an appetite lifter.

Just ate a slice of beef.

Tokisaki Crazy San and Yosaber God Juka were immediately shocked by the exceptionally fat and tender beef, and the tender meat slices had a strong aroma, heavy and mellow taste, and completely absorbed the flavor of numb, spicy, and hot.

With just one bite, the two fully experienced the characteristics of Sichuan cuisine.

Not only spicy, but also the perfect combination of spicy and fresh aroma.

At the same time, people can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

The two looked at each other, ignoring the rice in front of them, and the chopsticks reached for another plate of cold food.

Compared with boiled beef, cold eating no-diced highlights the fresh and spicy taste.

Because of the cooling, the aroma of dried chili peppers, peppercorns and other ingredients is all gathered into the diced rabbit meat.

The meat is red in color, heavy in oil and full of spicy taste.

Savor it with a sweetness that has an endless aftertaste.

Tokisaki Crazy San and Night Saber God Juka only ate one piece, and while they snorted, a hunger rose in their stomachs for no reason.

"Fresh and spicy, chewy, crisp skin, smooth meat, soft bones, this is simply the coolest rabbit meat I have ever tasted!"

Tokisaki opened her burgundy right eye, and her delicate red lips like cherry blossom petals opened lightly, which was enough to explain her shock at this time.

She never thought that a simple stir-fry of rabbit meat could make such a wonderful taste.

The brightly colored diced meat is refreshing, the meat is firm, spicy and sweet, chewy and long.

Hemp is spicy, fresh, fragrant, sweet, and has a unique taste of 'five harmonious and non-pressing taste'.

Night Sword God Juka ignored Tokisaki Crazy Sanzo's emotion.

At this time, she was completely immersed in the spicy sea.

Eat the dishes on the table one by one, eat a bite of beef slices and shaved a bite of rice, and then change to free diced meat...

This posture can't wait to eat all the food on the table in one bite.

Even if he was so hot that his tongue and lips had begun to tremble slightly, Shika didn't have the slightest idea of stopping.

Delicious food is imminent, and once you stop, it is disrespectful to the food.

Ten fragrances, the night sword god who has just come to the world, has already begun to have the consciousness of a foodie.

【Life Source Quality+2】

【Life Source +3】

The two elves ate Zhenghuan, and Chu Feng quickly found the hint flashing above each other's heads.

Life source essence again?

It seems that whether consciously or unconsciously, elves want to get rid of their established fate.

【Ding! Congratulations on getting a chance to draw skills...】

[Shake the earth, attract hatred, boulder fall, self-repair, throne guard, last sword...]

[Skill is being selected...]

Toka's skills? What the hell is attracting hatred? Haven't I heard that the Night Sword God Shika has a black physique?

Chu Feng was shocked by the skill attributes in the barrage.

But since it is the result given by the system, it should not be wrong.

The golden dial began to turn slowly.



The pointer falls on the Last Sword.

[Congratulations on triggering a 10,000-fold critical attack and obtaining the god-level skill: The Final Sword! ] 】

[Final Sword: I allow you to run forty kilometers first, with your own minimum loss, hit 100% attack damage, which is definitely the strongest trick to hang up! ] 】

(000)...... Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Another 10,000-fold crit! Another god-level skill!

I'm really sorry that I accidentally hit another jackpot.

However, this ultimate sword is less expensive to use than other god-level, and it can be used as a common skill in the future.

Turn off the system interface and look at the night sword god Shixiang who is eating happily.

This girl opened her mouth for a while, and giggled while eating for a while, and seemed to be very happy to eat such a delicious dish.


Girls who love to laugh are not bad luck. Tokisaki doesn't like to laugh.

Even a smile is a fake smile.

So even though it wasn't her first time coming to Maple Leaf Pavilion. Chu Feng also didn't brush any skills from her.

But he didn't feel lost.

If there are enough skills, it doesn't matter if you brush it or not.

On the contrary, it is to open a shop leisurely every day, entertain guests from different worlds, and experience the customs and customs of different worlds...

This kind of daily life is also quite interesting!

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