Chapter 463 Erina's Treat, Goodbye Crimson!!

Brave and slime become friends?

Although it feels a little strange, it is not unacceptable.

In Maple Leaf Pavilion, anything happens normally.

Speaking of 'Shen Yong', Chu Feng had a mixed feeling of sadness and joy.

The funny fan of the sand sculpture goddess and the cautious and brave strong people upgrading to fight monsters is actually an out-and-out tragedy.

Regarding the plot of "Shen Yong", it is actually very simple.

The Divine Realm claims to govern the three thousand worlds, but most of them are actually on the verge of bankruptcy.

As the head office, the god world naturally does not sit idly by, so many goddesses have joined the industry of summoning braves to save the world.

Lisda, the goddess of wastewood, is responsible for saving the world of S-class difficulty.

Although he successfully summoned the Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint Ya, whose ability and talent were high enough to be foul, he never expected that the other party was cautious to an incomprehensible degree.

To kill a slime, you have to repeatedly amplify the move and bombard it dozens of times.

If the strength is not improved to a satisfactory level, it will never set foot in another world.

A little bit of blood has to return to the God Realm to recover its integrity before continuing...

All kinds of alternative manifestations of fear of death directly made Lisuda suspect that she was not summoning a brave man.

Chu Feng roughly knew the experience of the Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya.

In fact, this guy is not the first time he has become a brave man.

The so-called novice goddess Lisda is also not the first time to summon.

The two were a combination of a pair of goddesses and braves in their previous lives, and they were also a couple of immortals.

It's just that because of the arrogant character of the Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint Ya in his previous life, it eventually led to the defeat of the political and legal demon king.

Not only did he kill his partner, but even Lisuda and the child in her belly were brutally killed.

After reincarnation and rebirth.

Although erased the memory of the past life.

But that painful experience seems to have been engraved into the bones.

He was always reminded that he had to be careful in everything.

As for the other party's improvement of strength?

This time really has nothing to do with Chu Feng's cooking.

It is completely derived from the improvement of the Dragon Palace Temple Saint Zai.

This guy seems to be on the hook.

It seems that no matter what you do, you can improve your strength.

But Chu Feng was more inclined to...

The other party just took back the strength of the previous life...

Ryugu Courtyard finished a bowl of udon noodles. Never imagined that food could be so delicious. He used to think that food only fills his stomach.

Especially after being summoned to the Divine Realm by Lisdai.

Every day, just think of the strength of the Demon King Army. He didn't have the slightest appetite. There is not even enough time to cultivate.

Where is the time to enjoy the food?

But the cuisine here...

Suddenly made the Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya feel that he had lived all these years in vain.


What a fragrance!

It's hard to imagine how much udon can taste like this simple udon.

But sensing that he still had room for improvement, the Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya decided to return to the Divine Realm to cultivate first.

In the face of the powerful Demon King Army, he does not dare to stop for a moment now, and can only do his best to improve his strength.

Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya said goodbye to Limulu, and of course did not forget to say goodbye to Chu Feng and Thor.

When he found that Maple Leaf Pavilion was really not in danger, he behaved normally, and with Satisfied, Rimlu also left, Maple Leaf Pavilion fell into calm again.

Tonight's guests seem to be the only ones.

Chu Feng and Thor waited for a while, and seeing that no one came, they closed early.



During the day, business hours are set at noon. It's still three hours of thunder.

The reason for this time period is fixed.

Mainly because of the call from Erinai in the morning.

Invite Chu Feng and Thor to her restaurant to taste the dishes.

It seemed that because Chu Feng had been to Alice's shop but did not patronize her restaurant, Erina's tone was a little dissatisfied.

In the good tradition of taking care of employees.

Chu Feng thought about it a little and decided to go. Anyway, there are not many 120 shops at the Tsuki Festival. He also intends to continue the food journey today.

Takadai is located at the highest point of Engetsu Gakuen.

It is itself a place where Engetsu Gakuen entertains foreign guests.

Around six o'clock.

Chu Feng and Thor, dressed in civilian clothes, stepped into Erina's restaurant. The solemn and elegant western restaurant reveals a sense of high-class everywhere.

A few tables of guests were also dressed in suits and leather and wrapped in evening dresses.

Chu Feng and Thor, who were dressed in civilian clothes, walked in, looking a little out of place.

This is also the reason why Boss Chu does not like Western restaurants.

Too formal, too solemn, completely out of line with his temperament.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Xinhu Crimson who had not been seen for a long time greeted him.

She is about one meter six in size, short crimson hair, and professional clothes are green on her body with a hint of mature charm.

"Boss Chu, Miss Thor, welcome, Miss Erinai has been waiting for a long time."

With a sweet smile on her face, Crimson maintained the most basic respect for Chef Lin.

Following Crimson to the farthest table, Chu Feng sat down and asked casually, "What dishes did Erinai prepare tonight?" "

In the morning, Erinai only said that he would be treated tonight, but did not announce the dishes.

Crimson held the menu in his arms, but did not mean to hand it to Chu Feng, but said with a smile: "Boss Chu wait a while, the dishes will be ready immediately..."

So ~ you hold the menu just to make a show? Chu Feng looked at Xinhu Crimson strangely.

I always feel that Erina's secretary doesn't seem very smart.

Indifference shrugged.

He also had to continue asking.

Anyway, you will know when the dishes are presented...

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