Chapter 467 Senzoemon appears, Nakamura Thistle's Idea!!

"That's right, it's just a special chef, what qualifications do you have to question Chef Lin?"

Qianyu Xia Yamei, who sat back down, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but look at Erinai differently.

I didn't expect that in the face of his biological father, the other party was still so strong.

All that can be said is...

It is worthy of being the Queen of the Far Moon, and her momentum is not inferior to the grand chef.

Although Nakamura Thistle has not returned to neon for many years, it has been developing abroad for many years. But world-renowned food columns can often see each other's figures.

Grand Chef!

That's all the culinary world knows about thistle.

In fact, as early as seven or eight years ago, there was news about Nakamura Thistle's promotion to special chef, and what level this person has reached now, Qianli Xia Ya and others are not clear.

Just like Chu Feng, on the surface, he is a worldly chef, in fact, he has entered the ranks of dragon chefs, but few people know about it.

The Senki sisters do not know about the past of Erina and Thistle Nakamura.

Naturally, I don't know how much courage Erina's words have plucked up to refute Nakamura Thistle, they just think that women should be so firm in their beliefs, even in the face of their father

The pro did not flinch.

Heroes in the women!

This is the evaluation of Erina's heart in the heart of the Senyu sisters.


Nakamura Thistle's whole person was stunned.

This...... Or the daughter he remembered who had only promised herself? When she saw herself, she should not dare to breathe.

Her own words, she should not dare to refute ah.

Erina's performance completely subverted Nakamura Thistle's cognition.

In fact, before coming, Nakamura Thistle had planned everything.

Although Chu Feng was on Erina's side, it was a little out of his expectation. But without being prepared, Nakamura Thistle would not have appeared in the far moon.

After all~

He knew very well that Senzoemon did not treat him.

In fact~

As long as Erina's fear of him and obedience to his orders, the plan is half successful.

But it backfired.

Nakamura Thistle never thought that the first step in capturing the Far Moon would go wrong

In fact, not only Nakamura Thistle was caught off guard, but even Chu Feng was a little surprised.

Familiar with the plot of the halberd, he is well aware of Erina's fear of Nakamura Thistle.

But the other party only showed panic at the beginning, and soon returned to normal, and could even talk in the face of Nakamura Thistle...

His gaze fell on the extremely confident Erina.

Chu Feng couldn't help but glance up at this intern.


Erinai was not as fragile as he thought.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Chu Feng signaled Th to be calm and sit in place to watch the play.

He wanted to see what kind of moth Nakamura Thistle could make.

Who knew that in the next second, Nakamura Thistle pointed the seeds at him.

"It seems that the little girl followed Boss Chu and also learned the set of civilians."

Nakamura Thistle's gaze fell on Chu Feng, and he didn't see him angry, but just said expressionlessly: "But you can't deny that only dishes that a few people agree on can be called classics, and real dishes, only a few people are qualified to taste, as for other dishes, they can only be called feed!" "

"For example, dream ingredients, Boss Chu takes it to the commoners to eat, doesn't it feel that it is violent to destroy the heavenly things?"


When Chu Feng heard this, he immediately sneered: "I can give my own ingredients to whoever I want, do your?" "

With a faint glance at Nakamura Thistle, who pretended to be an aristocratic demeanor, Chu Feng continued: "Talking about commoners, weren't you also a commoner in your own mouth before you entered the Zheng Qiao Che family?" "

Chu Feng was indeed a little speechless.

I really don't know where Nakamura Thistle's face came from to say this.

In order to make himself a 'noble', he did not forget to throw his 'roots' on the ground and step on two feet.

When Qianqi Ori heard this, he couldn't help but 'poof' and laughed, and even Qianbian Xia Ya's cold and proud face had a faint smile.

Chu Feng's words were too relieved.

Isn't it~

If it weren't for joining the Zheng Qiu Che family, who in the neon upper circle would know him Nakamura Thistle.

Even if you can finally squeeze into the upper class with your cooking skills, I don't know how many years later.

The thousand cousins really don't know what Nakamura Thistle can be proud of.

The word "redundant" is definitely the biggest pain in Nakamura Thistle's life.

Now that he was placed on the bright side by Chu Feng's red fruit, his face suddenly became not very good-looking.

Even if Erina's refutation of him back then, it didn't make Nakamura Thistle so angry.

Just as his face changed slightly, and he was about to say something more, an angry voice sounded behind Nakamura Thistle.

"Nakamura, what are you doing here?"

Dressed in a loose kimono, Sakukisen Zuemon stood behind Nakamura Thistle with a livid face.

The white hair is windless and automatic, which is enough to show the surging anger at this time.

If it weren't for the scene where Erina's rebuttal of Nakamura Thistle just now.

Xianzuoemon couldn't help but make a move for a long time.

But he was secretly rejoicing.

Fortunately, he left his old face and used his power for personal gain to send Erinai to Chu Feng's side for an internship, otherwise Xiao Erinai really didn't overcome his fear of Nakamura Thistle so much.

Seeing that his granddaughter finally grew up, Xianzuoweimon was comforted.

Nakamura Thistle turned around, looked directly at the old face in front of him, and smiled: "Father, I haven't seen you for a long time." "

"Don't call me that, the old man can't stand your big gift, after ten years, it seems that you have forgotten the old man's original words." Nakamura, you have been expelled from your home, and you are not welcome in the Togetsu and Kazukiri families! "

"Father, don't say that, I'm just coming back to see Erina, aren't you still allowed to be a father's visit to my daughter?"

"Really? Little Erina, you have also seen it, and you can leave now! "

Xianzuoemon had a cold face, with a posture of sending off guests.

As if he didn't see it, Nakamura said to himself: "No hurry, I'll come back this time." "

Also in order to change Yuanyue, my father's teaching philosophy has been

The time has passed, the food world is about to fully come, and the Engetsu Academy must be reformed to have a place in this food era.

"Change Far Moon? Just by you? "

Senzoemon was disdainful for a while, completely treating Nakamura Thistle's words as nonsense.

Who knows, Nakamura Thistle expounded his theory extremely seriously.

"If you want to brew real food, if you want to cook the perfect dream ingredients, Yuanyue doesn't need those lowly students, just do your best to cultivate real geniuses..."

"It is precisely because of those mediocre chefs that this world of fodder will be created, the era of gastronomy is coming, and there will be countless fantastic ingredients, and I can't help but feel sad to think that ordinary chefs can also touch high-end ingredients."

"Therefore, the culinary world needs to change, and the reform of Yuanyue Academy is imperative!"

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