Chapter 0478 - Wing Halberd, Luxurious Judges' Bench!!

Two days later.

Far Moon Academy began to boil.

The audience was packed between the moon and day.

Thousands of people are waiting for the upcoming wing halberd.

Teachers, Square, Katsukyo, Osaka and other local TV stations will broadcast this gourmet feast to the audience.

As a gathering place for the younger generation in the neon cuisine world, the Wing Halberd naturally attracts attention from all parties.

The entire neon cuisine world wants to know whether Nakamura Thistle is consolidating his own power, or the eldest lady of the Tsutsukiri family is retaking the Engetsu Gakuen.

And the duel between father and daughter also added a lot of topics to this halberd.

Although Nakamura Thistle will not play directly, the joint team led by him will definitely surpass Erina and others in terms of strength.

In just three days, as the news spread all over the place, celebrities from all walks of life were also interested in this halberd, so that the seats between the last months and days were speculated to the point that it was difficult to find a vote.

Suzuki Group, Yukoshita clan, Yukiwa clan, Hyakuyo clan, Narugami clan...

All the famous families whose names neon could call were present, and even the Oda family, which was mainly engaged in the entertainment industry, sent people over.

It was near nine o'clock in the morning, and the moon was full of spectators.

At this moment, everyone was looking forward to the beginning of the halberd.

On one side between the moons and days, there are five empty seats in the judges' table.

It is not difficult to see that five judges will participate in the evaluation of the halberd. It's just a little unexpected, and the person who acted as the emcee was actually Kawashima Rei.

The entire Yuanyue Academy seems to be able to find out only one host.

"Welcome everyone to watch this unprecedented halberd eater of Far Moon Academy, I am your cutest Xiaoli."

Rei Kawashima still has a sweet smile, although she occasionally has a dark belly, but it does not affect the popularity of this beautiful girl in the slightest.

"Now... Let's be the judge of today's halberd, the special executive from IGO, Lord Kakukiri! "

Spotlights appear at the entrance of the passage at the right time. Wearing a red dress, Qiqi Zhenji slowly walked out.

It's different from the same kimono as before.

Today's real outfit suddenly brightened everyone's eyes.

Although the odd eyebrows made her face slightly vicious.

But the noble temperament of being born into a wealthy family is still vividly set off by this red dress.

"Oh my God, is this Miss Zhenkai?"

"How do you feel that your temperament has changed so much?"

"It seems that this previous generation of god tongue attaches great importance to this halberd!"

"Nonsense, on the one hand, the ex-husband, on the other hand, the own daughter, can she not pay attention?"

"It's just that this red dress, for whom? Miss Shinki won't rekindle her old relationship with Thistle Nakamura, right? "

"It's impossible to think seriously with your pig brain, as far as IGO and food will be incompatible, there is no possibility of the two getting back together at all."

"Miss Shinki is probably here to cheer for Erina, after all, red represents festivity..."

Now no one pays attention to the youthful and beautiful Kawashima Rei.

The appearance of IGO special executives immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Even if a person reaches middle age, the charm of Xue Che's unique temperament is still unstoppable.

Seeing that Kawashi was slowly seated, Kawashima Li pouted without a trace, a little dissatisfied with being "robbed of the limelight" by the old woman.

But she was well aware of the other party's status and did not dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction.

Although Kawashima Rei has a dark belly and an awkward personality, she is not stupid at all.

"Next, I have to ask the new head of Engetsu Gakuen, Mr. Thistle Nakamura..."

Thistle Nakamura, dressed in a black trench coat, walked into the venue with steady steps.

The whole moon was silent.

Although Engetsu Gakuen, there are also some supporters of Nakamura Thistle.

But compared to his popularity in the original work, it is obviously much worse.

Even if they agree with his ideas, few people dare to openly support the Far Use Academy.

In fact, this is directly related to the reputation of the food club.

The infamous food party, serious people do not want to be involved with it.

"Then, there is the former general marshal Mr. Tsukishi Senzoemon please!"

The appearance of Xianzuoweimon was not surprising to everyone.

After all, it is about the belonging of the Far Moon Academy, and there is also his own granddaughter among the contestants, and it is impossible for Xianzuoemon not to come.

Once a family of three sat on the judges' bench at the same time, which was quite a strange feeling.

But most of those present are clear.

These three represent three different forces.

The fifth branch of the Gourmet Club, a gourmet family in the neon cuisine world, and the executive department of IGO.

Moreover, due to the consistent policy of the IGO Executive Department, it is impossible for Takeshi to violate a fair ruling.

One by one, eyes are focused on the judges' bench.

Everyone was curious at this moment.

Who are the remaining two judges?

The identities of the top three are already frighteningly large.

The two who were behind them... And what kind of identity will it be?

Kawashima Rei did not let everyone wait, holding up the microphone and shouting.

"Finally, let's welcome Chef Dangsei, Mr. Jiro, and Granny Setsuna with a warm voice..."

As soon as Kawashima Li's words fell, two old men who were stunned slowly walked into the venue.

The former must have white hair and an old face that is slightly kind.

Jiro, wearing a tank top and shorts and slippers, really does not look like one of the world's chefs.

Another short old man stared at a circle of pink mushroom heads, obviously an old woman who was about to die, but she couldn't say how cute.


"It turned out to be Mr. Jiro and Setsuna's mother-in-law?"

"IGO and Gourmet will have a big face, and I actually invited these two."

"They are all national treasures in the world of food, and their cooking skills can definitely rank in the top five in the world."

"In other words, it's just a competition for a group of students, is it worth them to come and taste it?"

"Who knows, maybe it just happened to be in Weijing..."

The appearance of Jiro and Setsuna immediately stunned everyone, and their mouths widened with exaggeration.

The names of these two people are too loud, and they directly overshadowed the limelight of the Xue Che family.

After all, even the strongest chef in the neon cuisine world, Senzoemon is still just a child in front of Jiro and Setsuna.

It is no exaggeration to say that the influence of these two Lin chefs alone can influence most of the culinary world.

At this moment, everyone suddenly had a feeling...

The judges' bench of this team's halberd is too luxurious!

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