Chapter 0479 - Takmi VS Tsuya Eizan Eeda!!

"God, it's actually Mr. Jiro and Granny Setsuna, today I kind of opened my eyes to see that two of the world's six great chefs came."

"I heard that the Xue Che family is friendly with Chu Feng, why didn't you invite him to be a judge?"

"Boss Chu has always disliked showing his face, but someone saw that he had already come, and he was in the VIP room on the third floor."

"Really? Unexpectedly, a school actually gathered three Lin chefs, and it is estimated that no one believed it. ~"

"I originally thought that the halberd among the students was not interesting, but now it seems that I have come to the right place this time..."

"That's right, the old man is now more and more interested in this halberd——......

"It's time to start! Don't know who the first group showdown is? "

"Eizan Edatsuya? The ninth seat of the ten masters! "

"I didn't expect that the first one to appear was actually him, the alchemist of Yuanyue Academy, who is his opponent?"

"Takmi Aldini, an international student from Italy."

"I heard that he is the heir of the Italian restaurant Florence Aldini, and he has a lot of practical experience."

"Hehe, the chef of a small restaurant, after all, is just a first-year student, really think that with a little practical experience, he won the alchemist?"

"It seems that the result of the first game has been predetermined, although Ruiyama Edzu has always ranked ninth in the ten masters, but the level of cooking is not weak at all, and a guy with no name has no possibility of winning."

"Wait patiently, anyway, each halberd only has an hour to make the dishes, and this one will end soon."

There is a conversation in the lounge and in the auditorium.

Almost everyone is not optimistic about the little-known Takmi Aldini

After all, among the first-year students of the Yuanyue Gakuen High School, his sense of existence is not strong, and there are not too many eye-catching performances in the autumn selection.

On the other hand, Eizan Edzu has also been famous for a long time, although the reputation is relatively bad, but the students present are very clear about the strength of the other party.

Dressed in a pure white chef's suit, Tuckermi walked up to the counter with a grim expression.

The blonde hair that covers the earlobe is windless automatically.

The light blue eyes revealed a strong fighting intent.

The sound of nearby conversations came into my ears.

Takmi was unmoved.

Now he just wants to win the opener.

"Themed steak?" It's really a dish that suits Eizan. "

When Kawashima Rei announced the theme of the first halberd, Takmi muttered to himself at this moment~

Ruiyama Zhijin, who was standing on the opposite side, smiled and spoke: "Junior brother, admit defeat as soon as possible, you have no chance of winning this halberd." "

Eizan Edatsu also held the frame on the bridge of his nose, looking like he was holding the victory

In his home turf, which is his best cooking, he really can't think of a reason to lose.

Facing the junior Takami, Eizan Edzu also looked extremely confident.

"Oh? Not necessarily! "

Takmi glanced at Tsuya Reiyama lightly.

If you change to the past, the other party can still bring him a little sense of oppression.

But after staying in Maple Leaf Pavilion for three days, I saw Chu Feng's cooking skills up close, and I saw guests from other worlds...

Now Takmi's vision has grown exponentially.

Far Moon Ten Jie Ninth?

Sorry, sorry, you still can't scare me!......

There are many ways to prepare steak.

But the most famous is the fried steak. That's the one Takmi chose.

It's just a bit surprising~

Eizan Edzu also chose grilled steak. The two have already started making their own dishes.

Eizan Edzu also chose the tenderest tenderloin.

A piece of beef, large in shape and small in tail, can be seen at a glance, with very little fat.

This is the filet mignon, which is loved by most people.

Takmi also chose tenderloin.

After all, on the whole cow, tenderloin is best for frying.

"Two ways to cook roasting? Takmi should be fine, right? "

Not far from the entrance of the passage, Alice muttered, her expression relatively tight.

After all, this is the first matchup, and if you lose, it will be very demoralizing to those behind.

"Believe him, the strength of this dead tsundere is not weak at all."

Kohei clasped his hands in front of his chest and seemed confident in Takme.

As students of the same term, he and Takmi often exchanged cooking skills and knew each other's cooking skills.

Although in just three days, Takmi still has not awakened his culinary heart, but the level of cooking has improved significantly.

"Well, don't worry, Miss Alice, this guy is fine..."

Kurokiba Ryo stared at a pair of dead fish eyes and said weakly.

As soon as he left the kitchen counter, he was never in spirit.

But there is no doubt that several boys have faith in Takme.


Tsuya Eizan on the counter.

Steak has been seared using a spray gun.

This way~

Cooks every part of the steak more evenly.


The downside is that it's hard to grasp the heat.

Once the flame is too strong, even if it is just a mistake in one place, it will ruin the whole beef.

But as an alchemist, Eizan Edzu is also the best at this cooking method, and the fire control is extremely clever.

After a while, the slightly burnt steak began to emit a faint aroma and gradually drifted towards the audience.

At this time, Takmi was still chopping meat, using a kitchen knife called Half Moon.

The crescent-like kitchen knife shook between his hands, and the whole beef quickly turned into meat foam on the pallet.

Anyone who knows a little about cooking can tell that he intends to make fried meatloaf.

Pancakes are street food that can be found all over the world.

But if you want to make delicious fried meatloaf, the requirements for the chef are also very high.

The alkali content of the dough should not be too much, and it should be stable on low heat when frying, otherwise it is easy to burn outside and not cooked inside.

In other words, the requirements for the heat of fried meatloaf are much higher than that of roasted meat.

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