Chapter 0480 - Takmi VS Eizan Edatsuya!!

"Fine flour, beef, tomato juice, chopped green onion... Isn't this the most common pancake? "

"In the first game of the team, he chose this street food, and it seems that the first game of the eldest lady hangs in the air."

"And the amount of refined flour is so small, aren't you afraid that the meatloaf is too loose?"

"Although the alkali content of the fried meatloaf should not be too much, he chose too little."

"Look at it, the meatloaf that comes out of this is definitely very burnt."

"I don't expect anything from his cooking..."

Most of the people present who know a little about the cuisine can easily see the problem of Takmei's selection of ingredients.

Since it is to make meat patties, it is natural to need an appropriate amount of flour, otherwise the meat is loosely fried and seriously affects the taste.

But Takmi's approach, a bit of the opposite, seems to have deliberately put less flour in order to highlight the taste of beef.

It's hard to believe that the pancake that comes out of this will be delicious.

Everyone shook their heads, not focusing on Takmi, but more on Tsuya Eizhan.

The alchemist changed his usual frivolous appearance and burned the five-sided worker very carefully.

The steak with a faint golden glow faintly blooms in the firelight

In the VIP room on the third floor, Chu Feng, Thor, Akemi Miyano, the Momoku sisters and the Suzuki sisters stayed together.

In fact, Ayako Suzuki was completely forcibly pulled by Sonoko.

After seeing Chu Feng in Suzuki Yuanzi, who was originally in another VIP room, he sneaked into Chu Feng's private room.

Seeing Takmi's operation through the big screen, Momoku Luoli couldn't help but frown.

Although she never cooked, after eating so many times at Chu Feng's, she also knew a little bit of common sense.

Takmi's pancake is clearly counterintuitive.

"Chu Feng, is it really okay for him to do this?"

Kiroli knew that Takmi was also studying in Maple Leaf Pavilion during this time.

But after learning with Chu Feng, he still behaved like this? Qiluoli was a little dissatisfied.

Not only because of the good relationship with Erina, Tasho Megumi and others. The Hyakuyo clan controls almost half of the Neon underground organization.

Naturally involves peripheral gambling at home and around the world.

Inside the Far Moon Gakuen Halberd.

It really doesn't affect the entire culinary world.

But there are IGOs, food clubs, Lin Chef and other parties involved.

It also makes this joint halberd full of suspense.

Almost most of the peripheral markets have opened a bet on this.

As the young master of the Momoku clan, he is the controller of the Hundred Flower King Private School.

Of course, Momoku Qiluoli will not miss this feast.

In the first battle of Erina's team, she bought a lot of takmi victories.

Anyway, they were all acquaintances present, and Kiroli didn't have to pretend to be calm, and she wanted to know the odds of Erina's side.

Chu Feng turned his head and glanced at the silver-haired royal sister, and said with a light smile: "Look at it, this guy will surprise everyone." "


Qi Luoli licked her blue lips and immediately laughed: "Then I'll wait and see." "

Since Chu Feng said so, then the first battle of the halberd is stable!

This vigilant student council leader had unreserved trust in Chu Feng

Of course, it's probably limited to cooking.

As long as he has tasted Chu Feng's cuisine, I believe that he will not doubt his level.

Thor and Akemi Miyano had a faint smile on their faces, enjoying the halberd with a playful attitude.

Less than an hour.

Eizhan Edaya's grilled steak was presented in front of the five judges.

The steak with a golden shimmer seems to be coated with a layer of rich grease, and the whole exudes a seductive fragrance.

The juicy steak is shiny and shiny, and it's □ just looking at it

Takeshi glanced at Tsuya Edayama lightly, cut off a piece of beef, dipped it in sauce, and slowly put it in his mouth.

Suddenly, the delicious gravy exploded in the mouth, and the delicate taste was indeed good.

That's right, in the eyes of Kakukiri, Eizan Eda Tsuya's cuisine is just good.

Although it is out of the category of low-star chefs, it is not powerful among high-star chefs.

"Fat but not greasy, delicious and juicy, the taste is relatively moderate... Ruishan, it seems that your recent cooking skills have also improved significantly. "

Senzoemon slowly opened his eyes, and the expression on his face did not change at all.

The ninth dish of the ten masters still can't make his clothes crack.

"Well, good."

Nakamura Thistle praised it without salt, but his eyebrows saw through a hint of dissatisfaction.

Eizan Edatsuya's grilled steak obviously did not meet his expectations.

Jiro and Setsuna were silent, just silently eating the steak in front of them.

Eizan Edatsuya's cooking level is less than seven stars, and the dishes made are only at the level of elementary school students in the eyes of Chef Lin.

If it weren't for curiosity about Chu Feng's teaching, Jiro and Setsunai would not have agreed to serve as judges for this halberd.

In recent days, the two of them have been idle, often patronizing the business of Maple Leaf Pavilion, knowing that Erinai and the others are studying with Chu Feng.

It just so happened that Senzoemon and Shinkiri, who had gone to see Erina, ran into the two, and this was the right time to send out the invitation.

The faces of the five judges, Ruiyama Edatsu also looked at it, and they couldn't help but click in their hearts.

Obviously, his cuisine did not satisfy several people.

Others are good to say, even if they are not satisfied with his cuisine, they will not trouble him, but Nakamura Thistle, it is difficult to say.

Eizan Edzu also knows a little about Nakamura Thistle.

Definitely not a big-hearted person.

But the matter has come to this, since 4.5 has chosen the camp, there will always be consequences of failure.

Eizan Edzu also only wanted the dishes of his opponents, which were also not recognized by the judges.

"No problem~"

"An alternative pancake, definitely not as good as my steak!"

Facing the takmi who came with the dishes, Eizan Edzu also regained his previous confidence.

Just now, he has been paying attention to the other party's movements, how can the fried meatloaf made by the wrong method be delicious?

At this thought, Ruiyama Edzu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Takmi, on the other hand, calmly placed the five dishes in front of the judges.

Even in the face of the current Chef, he did not have the slightest nervousness.

"Bright red fried meatloaf, please taste!"

Spreading his right hand a little, Takmi is equally confident...

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