Chapter 0481 - Overwhelming Victory, Ruishan's Remorse!!

"Bright red fried meatloaf? What an easy-to-understand dish! Takeshin glanced at Takami, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned. "

Nakamura Thistle's gaze fell on Xue Che Zhenji, and he scoffed: "After following Chu Feng for a few days, the taste of choosing a name has dropped by more than one notch, you better not call yourself a student of Yuanyue in the future." "

"Nakamura, that's a bit too much."

Senzoemon looked at Nakamura Thistle coldly, not giving the new commander any face.

"Okay, let's taste the young man's cuisine first, the old man is very curious, what have you learned from Xiao Feng in the past three days?"

Setsuno smiled at the corner of her mouth, and she didn't care about the piping hotness of the fried meatloaf, she reached out and picked it up and put it in her mouth.

"Haha, although you are not Chu Xiaoyou's disciple, I am also curious about the taste of this fried meatloaf, old man."

Jiro laughed.

Start tasting the dish in front of you.

Nakamura Jixuhi glanced at Setsuna and Jiro.

No wonder the two Lin chefs agreed to Senzoemon's invitation.

Dare to come to Chu Feng.

In fact, Nakamura 08 Thistle originally planned to choose one person from the IGO and one person from the food club to serve as a judge, in addition to Senzoemon and Kakukiri Shinki.

But the appearance of Setsuna and Jiro made him dismiss the plan. Although the food meeting is powerful, the face of Lin Chef still has to be given.

Staring at the pancake in front of you.

Nakamura Thistle was faintly uneasy in his heart.

After frying, the fried meatloaf has a layer of red light, as if it is half-cooked, and the whole body is bright red and full of oil.

The appearance is indeed not as good as the yakiniku of Eizan Edatsuya, but a dish cannot be won or lost based on appearance alone.

Thistle Nakamura, Senzoemon and Shinkiri picked up the pancake in front of them at the same time.

This moment.

Most of the people in the room held their breath. Quietly await the comments of the five judges.

Take a bite.

Xue Che Zhenji was suddenly slightly stunned.

The delicious gravy seemed to carry an irresistible might, and instantly exploded in its mouth.

The God's Tongue automatically recognizes all kinds of tastes, and Pheasant Cut automatically simulates the entire production process of this pancake in his mind.

The "Tongue of God" is much more advanced than Erina, and he analyzes everything about this dish almost instantly.

"No wonder you only put a little flour, it turned out to be tomato juice, grapefruit juice and white radish juice."

Takeshi looked deeply at Tucker's eyes, the corners of his mouth hooked an arc, and said with a smile: "Tomato juice contains a lot of lycopene and vitamins, grapefruit contains a certain component of chromium, and white radish is rich in mustard oil, several elements are combined, to a certain extent, it can replace the role of alkali." "

Xianzuoemon answered: "That's right, this fried meatloaf seems to be fluffy, but it is actually delicious and juicy, with a faint sour taste and sweetness, which completely sets off the umami of the beef." "

"It's kind of interesting, the young man has a deep understanding of ingredients, and knows how to replace another ingredient with different fruits and vegetables."

With a smile on her face, Setsuna's mother-in-law nodded slightly: "Without a part of the flour, the fried meatloaf will not appear firm, and at the same time, this dish keeps the meat tender." "

"Haha, you can do this without a chef's heart, the little guy's talent is good."

Jiro ate the cake as he patted the table and uttered his judgment.

Although it was just a simple compliment, it was enough to make Chef Lin say the word "good", and Takmi was proud enough.

"Groove! The level of this freshman is so high! The two Lin chefs said it was good? "

"Takmi Aldini! I wrote down this name, and I must try it with him when I have the opportunity. "

"All four judges spoke at the same time, and it was clear that his cuisine was better than Eizhan Edzuya, and the results were already obvious."

"I really didn't expect that Ruishan, who was ninth in the Ten Ranks, would lose to a newcomer..."

"And it's still an overwhelming victory, Ruishan's cuisine, the two Lin chefs don't even bother to do it, and the level is clear at a glance."

"Our new commander-in-chief, I'm afraid to give a bad review now, right?"

"Of course, Granny Setsuna and Mr. Jiro said yes, and he dared to directly hit the two Rinchefs in the face?"

"I know this freshman Takme, I shouldn't have been so strong before, right?"

"I heard that he studied hard in Maple Leaf Pavilion for three days before he had such a significant improvement."

"Boss Chu really can't recognize it with common sense, and it is incredible that people's cooking level can be rapidly improved in just three days."

"Haha, think about Boss Chu's cooking, how strong is his ability, we still don't know?"

"That's what I said..."

Everyone started talking about it.

In the end, he blamed Takmi's promotion on Chu Feng's credit.

In short, just one word, Boss Chu is awesome!

However, Yuanyue's group of students was not very surprised.

After all, the shock of Chu Feng's cuisine, they have long seen it.

At least half of the students of Yuanyue Academy received gifts from Chu Feng's cooking

Although almost all of them are insignificant improvements, they are facts that cannot be changed

Just eating his food has a chance to get gifts, not to mention learning from him.

Everyone can't imagine how fast that improvement will be? At this moment, many students' eyes fell on Takme.

Envy, envy, hate! They also wanted to go to Maple Leaf Pavilion to study with Chu Feng.

But I couldn't find a chance.

And even if you go to someone's house, you won't accept it.


The results of the first halberd eating also came out.


Takmi won an overwhelming victory.

Although Nakamura Thistle was forced by the difference in the taste of the two dishes, he had to make a good evaluation."

However, this sentence already shows that takami's cuisine is above Eizan Edatsuya.

Even if Nakamura Thistle was unwilling, he had to admit this, but just looked at Eizan Edatsuya's gaze, full of cold 780 meaning.

The latter shivered coldly, and now he couldn't care about the defeat and began to think about how to save his image in the heart of the new commander-in-chief.

The reason why Eizan Edzu also agreed to join Nakamura Thistle's plan.

One is because they agree with each other's ideas.

Second, more than half of the members of the Ten Masters have recently improved significantly.

And because he had a bad relationship with everyone, he couldn't find much opportunity to eat Chu Feng's fast food from the beginning.

Although after the opening of the Maple Leaf Pavilion, Ruishan also went to eat Chu Feng's cuisine several times, but the improvement was very limited.

At this time, the gap between him and Isshiki, Kobayashi Gentian and Jiuji Teruki and others is getting bigger and bigger, and he can only find a way to take shortcuts.

There is no doubt that the powerful gourmet club has this ability.

Although it has only been three days, Eizan Edzu also feels that he has improved significantly, all thanks to the strong heritage of the gourmet club.

But he never expected that the level of Takmi, a freshman, also increased so quickly, and a pancake completely crushed him.

Thinking of this, Ruiyama Edazu was also unwilling, but he could not change the result of defeat.

He never figured out, how could Chu Feng cultivate so many people alone? Could it be that in addition to Takme, the level of cooking of others is also improving rapidly? If that's the case, this joint halberd eater is not good for them.

At this moment, Eizan Edzu also began to regret joining Nakamura Thistle's camp...

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