Chapter 0482 - The Duel between the Senior and the Junior of the Polar Star Liao!!

"Yes, Erina's side won the first game, his name is Tamik, he didn't expect to be recognized by Chef Lin."

Looking at the shiny 5:0 on the big screen, Sonoko Suzuki in the VIP room on the third floor couldn't help but jump.

Although she doesn't know Takme, it doesn't matter, as long as Erina and Tashoe win here.

Being able to be rated as a good dish by Chef Lin should be regarded as being recognized by the other party.

Akemi Miyano chuckled on the side: "It seems that in the past three days, his efforts have not been in vain. "

The efforts of the ten people of the Halberd Wing have been in her eyes these days.

Although Tamik usually doesn't talk much, he is diligent enough and grinds hard every day.

Even if there is no awakening of the chef's heart, the improvement of the cooking level is also significant.

He could win, Chu Feng and the others were not surprised.

With Tamik and Eizan Edatsu also withdrew.

The second round of halberds immediately begins.

Appearing are Ryo Kurokiba and Toshio Shiratsuki.

Halberd theme - Italian cuisine makes red crimson carp.

Although Shiratsu Shu Toshio is very good at illy Chinese cuisine.

And in order to reflect their "fairness" to a certain extent. Nakamura Thistle finally added the red crimson carp.

After all~

He knew that Alice's little henchman, Kurokiba Ryo, was better at seafood cuisine.


He is also confident in Shiratsuki Toshio's Italian cuisine.


As a result, he slapped Nakamura Thistle hard.

Kurokiba Ryo won the second halberd victory by a narrow margin.

With two rounds in hand, Alice and Tashoe clapped their hands excitedly in celebration, and even Erina's face showed a smile.

Although the Wing Halberd to which the Absolute Far Moon Academy belonged was proposed by itself.

But these days, she has been under great psychological pressure.

Two wins in a row!

Erinai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as everyone plays stably behind, it is not difficult to achieve the final victory...

The third inning officially begins.

Isshiki VS Kohei Sojin! Theme: Rayfish.

"Huh? Unexpectedly, Isshiki Senpai was sent in the third game? "

Seeing the originally sunny senior on the cooking counter turn into a sad look, Tasshoe couldn't help but be a little surprised.

In the seat of the new ten masters, Isshiki Hui is ranked sixth.

Letting him play so early shows that Nakamura Thistle has begun to panic a little.

"Kohei-kun actually ran into Senior Isshiki, and this is a big trouble!"

Erina's face suddenly changed slightly, and she faintly felt a little bad.

Xiao Lin Gentian nodded slowly, and his expression gradually became solemn: "Isshiki has never used his full strength, no one knows what his true level is, and they also don't know what his special cuisine is..."

"Yes, yes..."

Akane Kubo Momo nodded in agreement: "Ah Se is smiling all day, and Butch doesn't know what he really thinks, but Ah Se's strength is still very strong!" "

"Oh, by the way, I remember that Little Peach seems to have had a halberd with him."

Kobayashi Gentian looked at Isshiki on the cooking counter and suddenly said.

"Yes, although Little Peach won that time, Ah Se didn't go all out at all."

Akane Kubo Momo pulled "Butch"'s arm a little angrily, and a pair of eyes were glued to Isshiki on the stage.

She hates others putting water in the competition, hmph, look down on the little peach.

"Don't worry, Xiao Chuangzhen is also working hard, and his strength has improved very quickly, and it is not easy for Isshiki to win him."

Kuga Teruki raised his fist and shouted at the cooking counter: "Come on Xiao Chuangzhen, don't lose ha, otherwise you will look good..."

"Senior Kume, are you sure this is cheering for Kohei-kun?"

Alice glared at Teruki for a long time, and said angrily.

Tian Suoe quickly nodded: "Yes, senior for a long time, don't put too much pressure on Kohei-kun." "

Even if they live together in Polestar Liao, Tashoe and Kohei Sojin do not know the true level of Isshiki.

So the halberd has not yet begun, and no one can predict the outcome.

The moon and day are exactly the center.

Kohei Sojin and Isshiki are far away.


Kohei Sojin quickly saw that Isshiki was completely different from usual. His brows were about to wrinkle together, and he looked extremely entangled.

Kohei Sojin can probably guess a little of the other party's thoughts.

As the senior of Polar Star Liao, Isshiki Hui does not want to go against the cute juniors.

But because Isshiki's industry was suppressed by the food club, he had to win the competition.

Presumably, the seniors who have always loved and cared for their juniors must be very distressed now.

Thinking of this, Kohei Sojin suddenly spoke: "Isshiki-senpai, please show all your strength to compete with me!" "

Not long after Kohei Sojin arrived at Polar Star Liao, he tried fish dishes with Isshiki Keibi.

Although the two were tied, he knew very well that the other party did not give his all, and this time, Kohei really hoped to fight against the senior who was going all out.

Thinking that he had actually had the idea of using magical kitchen utensils to eat halberds before, he suddenly looked down on himself at that time.

Sure enough, it is the most painful thing to face off with the seniors. Facing Kohei Sojin's fiery gaze, Isshiki's body trembled slightly.


Isshiki laughed, looking at his opponent's moonlight with incomparable tenderness.

It is worthy of being my optimistic junior, this motivation is very strong...

"In that case, Kohei-kun should be careful, don't be easily defeated by me. Isshiki returned to her smiling appearance again, and her tone was full of confidence. "

The country of the East Age, the West of Isshiki.

The two famous families in the neon cuisine world are not called for nothing.

Isshikiya is proficient in all kinds of neon cuisine.

Isshiki is the top genius in his family's history, mastering various neon cooking practices since he was a child.

Tea ceremony, Japanese food, honzen cuisine, kaiseki cuisine, kaiseki cuisine...

Whether it is a traditional culture-based cuisine system or a variety of exquisite dishes, Isshiki is very good at it.

Among them, he has a special love for fish cuisine, which he has studied for ten years.

Although it is not shameful of Nakamura Thistle's favoritism towards the theme of halberd, Isshiki has a reason why he must win.

So even if Kohei Sojin doesn't say anything, he will probably do his best in the end.

But now~

Judging from the real performance of Kohei So, the juniors of Polar Star Liao did not blame themselves for their "betrayal."

That's enough...

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