Chapter 0485 - I'm a man who lost more than five hundred games!!

"Good boy, it's almost August now, and you can actually mix such sweet and soft fish meat, the level is already very good."

Jiro nodded slightly to show his approval of Isshiki's dish.

Setsuna's mother-in-law did the same, still with a smile on her face.

"I didn't expect that a halberd between juniors turned out to be a duel between two little guys who awakened their ordinary hearts, which was really interesting."

That's right!

Isshiki's 'four seasons like spring' is also a kind of ordinary heart.

Isn't it also a happy thing for diners to feel the fragrance of spring blossoms?

In front of the judges' table, Isshiki's face was as usual.

There is no arrogance and no humility.

Chef Lin's praise still couldn't shake his heart.

He was originally a person who was indifferent to fame and fortune and extremely low-key.

The evaluation of the outside world, Isshiki has never cared.

If he hadn't been forced to helpless, he would have been able to survive until he was tired of growing old.

Quietly studying cuisine and constantly improving oneself is Isshiki's pursuit.

Kohei Sojin looked at the gentle senior beside him in amazement.

While being shocked in my heart, I couldn't help but admire a little.

He knew that Isshiki was strong.

Perhaps the threshold of the chef's heart has been touched.

It's just that I never expected that the other party had already awakened the cooking heart.

And it's also a rare ordinary mind.

And looking at the reactions of several judges, Isshiki's understanding of the chef's heart seems to be deeper and stronger than him!

Kohei Chuang really couldn't help but 'click' in his heart, and he was faintly uneasy about this game, afraid that he would lose!

Sure enough~

5:0 displayed on the big screen.

Confirmed Kohei's real guess.

He lost.

There is no suspense in losing.

It can even be said that it was completely crushed by Isshiki.


Kohei Sojin's face became a little unpleasant.


Isshiki raised her hand, as if she wanted to say something.

But now in this situation, he says nothing is appropriate.

After wanting to say nothing, Isshiki finally chose to remain silent.

Glancing at Nakamura Thistle with dissatisfaction, he walked off the ring without looking back.

Kohei stood in front of the judges' bench stunned, as if he had not yet recovered from the blow of defeat.

Senzoemon and Xue Chezhen looked at each other, and a rare trace of guilt flashed under their eyes.

After all, in the end, the matter of Yuanyue Academy is only a family affair of the Xue Che clan.

Kohei Sojin and the others were just accidentally involved.

Although Kohei Sojin and others volunteered to fight for the school.

But no matter what, Kohei Sojin is the son of an old friend.

If you really hit hard now, you will be in a slump from now on.

"Senzoemon and Chejin, I don't know how to face Joichiro Kosojin in the future..."

Xianzuoemon opened his mouth slightly, wanting to comfort the other party a little, but he didn't know where to start.


Kohei Sojin quickly got rid of the frustration in his heart, a smile appeared on his face, and a strong fighting intent bloomed under his eyes.

"I didn't expect Senior Isshiki to be so strong, and when he tried with me before, he didn't even use half of his strength."

"It doesn't matter, I must redouble my efforts next, and I will definitely not lose to him next time!"

Kohei Sojin said to himself, not only marveling at Isshiki's true level, but also secretly cheering himself on.


The hand that Immortal Zuoemon had just raised was directly frozen in place.

Nima, this kid doesn't need to be comforted at all.

But why does this operation of quickly adjusting one's mentality after defeat seem so skillful?

Not only Senzoemon couldn't figure it out, but even Nakamura Thistle and Chejin were a little surprised.

For a while, the five judges felt that this kid in front of them was also a strange flower.

Of course they didn't know that Kohei Sojin was a man who lost more than five hundred games to Joichiro...

But even so, when Joichiro regained his strength and his cooking level was better than before, he still dared to challenge without fear.

Although he still loses all the time, he has gained a lot of experience in adjusting his mentality.

Isn't it just to lose the competition, how big a thing, the next time to win back.

It's just that I seem to be a little sorry for Erina, and I am ashamed of Boss Chu's guidance.

But it's okay~

Big deal was Alice, Hayama Liang they taunted a few words.

Anyway, he has thick skin, and he is used to it during this time.

Kohei Sojin, who had a thick nerve, quickly thought of a way to deal with it, and turned his head and walked towards Erina's side.

Sure enough~

Kohei Sojin was quickly held by Ryo Hayama, Kurokiba Ryo and Teruki Kume holding their heads, and Alice was still constantly 'taunting' on the side.

Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo held their hands to their chests, looking at the lively posture, without the slightest intention of persuasion.

Erina's gaze was fixed on Thistle Nakamura on the judges' table.

2:1 overall!

Don't be nervous.

There are also advantages on her side.

As for everyone 'ridiculing' Kohei Sojin.

In fact, it just helps him soothe the knots in his heart.

Even if Kohei Sojin's mentality is good, it will not feel better after losing the 4.1 attempt.

No one scolded him twice, and it is estimated that it is difficult for Kohei Sojin to completely come out of the shadows.

This group of people had known each other for a long time, and they had eaten and lived together in the Maple Leaf Pavilion for three days.

Everyone is well aware of their respective temperaments and naturally knows how to comfort their defeated comrades.

For example, Kohei Sojin, the more fierce he scolds, the stronger his fighting intent, and he will only work harder to hone his level in the future.


There was absolutely no intention of 'punishing' him.

Immediately afterwards, the fourth halberd eating officially began.

Teruki Kume VS Shoko Himeki!

Former 8th seat VS new 8th seat!

This is also a competition full of topics...

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