Chapter 0484 - Four Seasons Like Spring, Isshiki's True Level!!

"I'll go, how old is Kohei Sojin?" It's amazing to awaken your cooking heart in the first grade! "

"At most fifteen or sixteen years old, this age awakens the heart of cooking, and the future of this son is limitless."

"Hmph~ It's not lucky to meet Boss Chu, otherwise his progress would definitely not be so great."

"It's ~ If I can get Boss Chu's guidance, I can awaken the chef's heart in minutes."

"Sour ~ you guys are sour ~ ~ I really think that you can easily awaken with the teaching of Chef Lin, why don't Takmi and Kurokiba Ryo?"

"Some people just can't eat grapes and grape sour, so it seems that Kohei Sogen's culinary talent is still okay..."

Through the big screen, the words of Xianzuoemon and others were transmitted to the ears of everyone in the audience without missing a word.

Kohei Sojin actually awakened the heart of cooking?

And is it ~ very rare ordinary heart? Elysium!

Although the name is easily misunderstood.

But everyone did not doubt Senzoemon's words.

This neon culinary veteran is known for his sincerity and has never disdained to deceive people.

Xianzuoemen's words are still very convincing.


Even if he exaggerates.

Mr. Jiro and Setsuna's mother-in-law, the two Rinchefs, are also unlikely to lie at such a time, which does not match their identity.


Kohei Sojin has indeed awakened the heart of cooking, and it is true! All the students of Yuanyue were greatly shocked.

Especially for second- and third-year students in the Higher Division.

More than 99 percent of them have not yet reached the threshold of cooking.


The first-grade junior brother in the ring directly took that step and left them far behind.


That's a bit embarrassing.

Most of the seniors were ashamed.

It even gives birth to a feeling that his own talent is not enough.

Of course~

More or envy, envy and hatred.

Everyone has a clear heart.

If it weren't for Chu Feng's guidance.

No matter how talented Kohei Sojin's cooking talent is, it is impossible to awaken his cooking heart at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

His father, the special chef known as 'Shura', was not so strong when he was young.

After the shock, everyone's eyes subconsciously glanced at a certain VIP room on the third floor, and their eyes were particularly fiery.

Chef Lin!

And every day to set up a stall (open a restaurant) so down-to-earth Lin's kitchen.

They want to make friends with them too!

If you can get casual guidance from the other party, won't the level of cooking rise up?

It's a pity that there is no chance...

Chu Feng was condescending, and the fiery gazes of the group of students in the audience were naturally in full view.

Shaking his head slightly and smiling, Chu Feng didn't pay attention to it at all.

Anyway, I don't know this group of people, and everyone has no friendship, so why point them out.

And Xingping Chuangzhen awakened the heart of cooking, and Chu Feng really didn't help much. The ten people who participated in the Wing Halberd Eater were all treated the same in Maple Leaf Pavilion. Chu Feng was just the formation principle of Daoming Chef's heart, and it was left to everyone to comprehend on their own.

For example, Takmi and Kurokiba Ryo and others did not realize anything.

Kohei Sojin comprehends the heart of cooking, and his own understanding and hard work are inseparable from the master leading the door and practicing in the individual.

This sentence is most suitable in the culinary world.

The so-called knife work, carving, fire, etc., are actually just the basics, and there are really not many that can be taught.

Only by practicing hard can we practice all kinds of skills well, integrate them, apply what we have learned and create truth with luck, and the most important thing is hard work and hard work.


On the judges' bench.

Senzoemon has already begun to taste Isshiki's cuisine.

Kei Isshiki makes Japanese cuisine.

This cuisine originated in the neon islands and gradually developed into a dish with a neon specialty.

Washoku requires natural ingredients, bright colors, and a variety of utensils to create a sense of visual premium.

Materials and conditioning methods, with great attention to seasonal changes.

A dish needs to be prepared and plated differently throughout the year.

Isshiki did not choose a cumbersome way of plating.

In itself, this fish is a pot of burning, and it is too different to arrange it on a separate plate.

But in this dish, the fish is clearly arranged, the whole fish is laid out on the plate, and the three vegetables are left on three sides, which is quite a good escort.

At first glance, Isshiki's cuisine is a bit different, not like traditional washoku, but it has important characteristics of washoku, creating a sense of visual premium

Nakamura Thistle was the first to taste the dishes.

Although Isshiki was drawn over under his coercion and lure.

But no matter what, Nakamura Thistle has to personally identify the other party's condition.

He knew that Isshiki was a person with heavy feelings, and he was a little worried that the other party deliberately released water during the competition in order to fulfill his friendship with the window and did not care about his own life or death.

Although this possibility is extremely low, Nakamura Thistle has to guard against it. Now is the time to test Isshiki's loyalty.

Nakamura Thistle did not move the fish at the first time.

Instead, pick up the cabbage.

The crisp taste is reminiscent of the warm summer breeze, and the warm breath fills the entire mouth.

Nakamura Thistle was slightly surprised, and glanced at Isshiki in surprise.

The roasted cabbage also has such a crisp and distinct texture.

This kid's control of the fire is really good.

This is followed by okra.

As an annual herb in subtropical regions.

Okra prefers warm climates, is not hardy, and is grown in deep, fertile soil, sunny places.

Generally, autumn is a good day to harvest okra.

So the okra fired by Isshiki carries a faint autumn breath.

Nakamura Thistle's eyes lit up.

Instantly understand the meaning of this dish.


We pay great attention to seasonal changes.

Isshiki played this set very well.

"So, the cold-loving cauliflower represents winter?"

After guessing Isshiki's thoughts, Nakamura Thistle suddenly laughed, quite a bit of this stable meaning

Having tasted Kohei Sojin's cuisine earlier, he already knew the victory or defeat of this halberd.

Senzoemon did not refute Nakamura Thistle's words, and his attitude towards cuisine was very fair.

"The fish caught in March every year tastes the best, and the one chosen by Isshiki is the one that is the fish caught in March today, with three kinds of vegetables, spring, summer, autumn and winter, which is indeed a special flavor."

The feelings did not affect Senzoemon 's judgment, and Isshiki's cooking was indeed very good, and even made him faintly feel that his clothes were cracked.

But soon, Senzoemon resisted the impulse.

Setsuna's mother-in-law is still around, and she dislikes the secret art of the Kakukiri family.

Well, to be honest, Senzoemon is afraid of being beaten.

In fact, this not too strong crack in his clothes, he still has confidence in restraint.

After all, the level of Isshiki Hui, at best, is a seven-star chef who awakens the heart of the chef, which is not enough to break the determination of the special chef.

At the same time, Shinki also spoke.

"The taste of several seasons changes constantly, and finally converges into the ultimate breath of spring, melting ice and snow and reviving everything, this feeling is like spring in all seasons..."

Her gaze fell on Isshiki, and she continued, "Your cooking heart should be related to the four seasons, right? "

Isshiki replied with a smile: "The four seasons are like spring, which is my cooking heart." "

In fact, at the beginning of the competition.

He had no intention of hiding his hole cards.

Face the Linchu Special Chef and the Tongue of the Former Gods.

His cooking heart, star rating, and cooking level cannot be hidden.

Since he intends to go all out, Isshiki is not afraid of real horizontal exposure.

After all, if he doesn't exert his full strength, he is not sure that he will be able to beat Kohei Sojin, who has improved his cooking level by leaps and bounds...

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