Chapter 0490 - Temporary Truce, Brother and Brother!!

From time to time, there will be a few mocking laughs between the moon and the sky.

Nakamura Thistle couldn't tell who was laughing at him.

Maybe that's true for everyone.

Endless suffocation pressure in the bottom of the heart, there is nowhere to vent.

He can only show people with a straight face.


No matter what Nakamura Thistle is in such a mood.

The scoring still has to go on.

Kume Teruki won without accident.

Shoko Tsumi was no longer willing.

Nor can it change the outcome of failure.

The fifth inning arrived as scheduled.

Ryo Hayama VS Shōaki Saito.

Ryo Hayama, who reached the final four of the autumn selection some time ago.

The level of cooking is not weak.

But he faces the fifth seat of the Ten Masters.

He is known as the best sushi chef among the students of Togetsu.

And it just so happens that the theme of this game is sushi.

Nakamura Thistle makes good use of the rules of halberd.

Almost every game is a project in which the players are good at it.

Although not ashamed of the new commander-in-chief's approach.

Saito also had to accept it.

An hour is fleeting.

In front of the judges.

Saito habitually draped his uniform jacket over his shoulders.

He has a mohican hairstyle on the top of his head and only a black hair in the middle.

Tall, wearing earrings and a horizontal scar on the bridge of his nose, Saito held his large knife in both hands, looking silent and unapproachable, as if he was standing here, just waiting for the final result.

Soaki Saito grew up living with his mother in an environment where the law of the jungle preyed on the jungle.

This leads to the conclusion that the weak must be a protected group.

Although he also somewhat agrees with Nakamura Thistle's philosophy.

But I can't get used to the style of bullying and predation.

If Nakamura Thistle did not join the gourmet party.

Saito may also volunteer to join the new commander-in-chief.

So when Thistle Nakamura approached him and revealed his identity as the head of the gourmet club, Saito originally refused.

Who knew that the shameless Nakamura Thistle dared to threaten him with his family and the alliance of sushi merchants.

As the young owner of the Sushi Merchant Alliance, Saito was forced to agree to Nakamura Thistle's invitation.

Because of this, he did not release water in this competition.

Saito Shumei, who goes all out, is indeed very strong.

At least stronger than Hayama Ryo, who had only studied in Maple Leaf Pavilion for three days.

The fifth duel was not expected by most people, there was no upset, and Hayama Ryo regretted to lose.

The current overall score is 3:2!

With five halberds a day, plus tasting time, the day is over.

Erina took a deep look at Thistle Nakamura and led the people from her side into the passage of the venue.

Although I lost two games, I won three games.

No problem, the advantage is in me!

Erina, Alice and the others looked like this, not worried at all.

The one who should be nervous now is Thistle Nakamura.

Walking out of the moon, Erinai and the others did not leave immediately, but were waiting for Chu Feng to come out.

Everyone knew that without Chu Feng's guidance in the past few days, I am afraid that I would not be able to win three games today.

Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Although half of the people participated in the competition.

But the work that needs to be done still can't run away.

Chu Feng had never had the habit of raising idlers.

Making the most of it is the right way.

So six o'clock in the afternoon.

Maple Leaf Court is open as usual.

Perhaps influenced by the Wing Halberd.

Today there were a few more guests than usual.

After all, the entire neon is paying attention to this halberd.

Most of the celebrities in the culinary world gather in Beijing.

It is rare to come here, and naturally you will not miss the cuisine of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Of course, everyone knew that Chu Feng only cooked fifty dishes a day.

But today I saw the performance of Kohei Sojin and others.

Many people also look forward to their dishes.

Although Kohei Sojin and Ryo Hayama both lost, their level cannot be denied just that.

It can only be said that they were unlucky and ran into the stronger Isshiki and Saito Junaki.

After receiving today's crit cashback and closing the business, Erinai and the others gathered around again to discuss countermeasures for tomorrow.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss, the duel list has long been handed in, and there is no possibility of change.

The only thing that everyone can do is give it their all.

Coincidentally, the list submitted by Erinai is very interesting.

The first to appear were five boys, leaving the girls behind.

"Hayama, Kohei, didn't you two swear that you would win? How did you end up losing so badly? "

Xiao Lin Gentian cocked Erlang's legs, laughing so much that it was called a joy, Xiao Huya's teeth were completely exposed, and the defeat was mentioned again, and he was also the strongest and most domineering Xiaolin Gentian among everyone, what else could Kohei Sojin say, he could only smile bitterly and shake his head.

"Senior Sister Gentian can't blame me, Senior Isshiki who goes all out is too strong, and his understanding of the chef's heart is deeper than mine, I am not an opponent at all."

Although he is not discouraged, Kohei Sojin is not the kind of person who cannot afford to lose.

It's hard to admit that you're not as good as others.

Anyway, Kohei Sojin feels that it is not difficult, and he will pursue it in the future.

Ye Shanliang glanced at the difficult brother, and then also smiled bitterly.

Really fight with Shijie.

Only then did he understand the other party's level of cooking.

Everyone also touched the threshold of cooking.

But Saito can easily defeat him.

This is the suppression of experience.

Even if Hayama Liang has an extraordinary sense of smell.

Even if the use of spices has reached the level of a master.

But in the face of Saito's tofu sushi, he was a failure.

After all, how can the other party say that he is also a third-grade student, or the fifth seat of the ten masters.

Although he failed, Hayama Ryo was not discouraged, just thinking about how to become stronger in the face of Kobayashi Dragon Tian's ridicule, Hayama Ryo and Kohei Sojo were really speechless.

Seeing that the two were a little boring 1.3, Kobayashi Gentian pulled the topic to the two people in the Nakamura Thistle camp who had never seen before.

"Mainstream and Xiaozhu, what do you think?"

Kobayashi Gentian suddenly became serious.

Alice also said squarely: "Indeed, those two people look very strong. "

Tasshoe: "To be honest, I still can't tell who they are who. "

Actually, this is normal.

A stranger who has never met, even if the host mentioned the name when he introduced, Xiaohui is still a little confused.

"The one wearing the red hood is Qianryu, and the man in white clothes with brown hair is called Kotake, and then Erinai spoke."

Since entering the moon between the days.

She began to pay attention to the opponents that she had never met.

The characteristics of two people, it is not difficult to distinguish...

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