Chapter 0491 - It's not unusual for girls to be good at ventriloquism!!

"That man in the red hood is the new first seat?"

Tashoe tilted his head, and a hint of confusion appeared in his eyes.

Although Ganryu and Xiaozhu have not shown their own cuisine.

But everyone knows they're strong.

But from the surface alone, it does not mean that these two people are stronger than Senior Si.

Tasho's confusion is also everyone's question.

Alice shook her head: "Anla, now is not the time to think about this, let's think about how to deal with your opponent tomorrow." "

"Yes, my opponent is actually Xiao Yingzi, it seems that he is also very much like Yixue Qianshame."

Xiao Lin Gentian squinted his eyes slightly, and seemed to be very much looking forward to tomorrow's showdown.

After eating fast food truck cuisine and advancing to the seventh star, she has competed with Si Yingshi many times, and she has won more and lost less.

It's just that they are busy during this time, and she is not sure if Si Yingshi has improved recently, or if he has hidden his strength in the past.

Being arranged to his boss Yingshi, Kobayashi Gentian has nothing to say14.

Originally, according to her level, it should be the first two seats.

It's just that Erina's arrangement is a little more secure.

With her and Tasshoe against Ganryu and Kotake, even if they unfortunately lose a round or two, the winning rate of the others increases greatly.

Besides, Erina's current cooking level is no worse than Kobayashi Gentian, and even if they go to the top two seats, they will not necessarily lose.

Akami Kubo Momo, who was sitting in the chair, held the puppet bear Butch′ and muttered in her mouth: "My opponent is Koki, it seems that I can play as much as I like this time because the total score is still one game ahead of my father,"

Erinai didn't have much pressure now, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Tao don't underestimate Ning Ning of Ji no Kuni, as a descendant of the East Ji Country, maybe she, like Senior Isshiki, has never shown her full strength in the past." "

"Of course I know this, Eri Nian, Senior Sister Tao knows Xiao Jiji before you, and I know her strength better than you."

A cold glint flashed under Akane Kubo's eyes, and her expressionless face seemed to have a hint of fighting intent.

"Senior Sister Momo is full of confidence, but my opponent is a little tricky, and it is actually the third female Kijima Fuyusuke."

Alice sighed, then turned her head to look at Erinai very seriously and asked, "If you are so lined up, I won't be the dismounted horse in the Tianji race, right?" "

Although she has made great progress recently, Alice knows very well in her heart that even if she goes all out, she will be a little hanging over Fuyusuke Kaminogishima.

Erina glanced at her cousin lightly: "Just know it in your heart, you don't need to ask, everyone won't laugh at you." "

Kohei Sojin on the side quickly echoed and nodded: "Yes, Alice don't be discouraged, even if you really lose the competition tomorrow, you will be just like me." "

Well, there is no problem with the formation of troops in Erina.

It is that what kind of field horse race, he appeared today to fight off the senior Isshiki and solve a troublesome opponent for his partners.

Well, it must be so.

If it is changed to Shoko Tsuko Tsuki or Tsuya Eizhan, he will definitely win.

Kohei Sojin comforted himself, and there was no consciousness of the loser.

Facing this cheeky guy, the corner of Alice's mouth twitched twice.

If you don't have a face, you are invincible.

In the face of the giggling Kohei Sojin, what else can she say.

Looking at the solemn Erina, Alice sighed and didn't say anything more.

No matter what the outcome is tomorrow, she will always fight a strong opponent.

Who called five girls, her cooking level is not in the top three.

"However, tomorrow's opponents except for Senior Sister Ji Zhiguo, the rest are all boys, and the members of the Ten Masters appointed by Uncle Thistle are a bit yang and yin and yang..."

Alice's eyes rolled around twice, and she quickly changed the subject, she didn't want to admit that she was the weakest.

Erina nodded slightly: "Indeed, tomorrow we must want to prove that women can also hold up half the sky." "

Proud as her, she would definitely not admit that she was inferior to a man, except for Chu Feng.

After all, in the face of the 'demon' Boss Chu, Erinai felt that it would be difficult for him to catch up with the other party after his entire life.

Who knew that as soon as these words came out, Chu Feng, who was sitting quietly listening to the 'interns' discussing countermeasures, suddenly spoke: "Who told you that the main stream is a man?" "

"Uh, uh~~ What does Boss Chu mean by this? Isn't he a man? "

Akane Kubo Momo grabbed Butch's two small hands and pulled hard, and a look of shock appeared on her expressionless face.

A hint of surprise flashed under Xiao Lin's gentian's eyes, and he asked, "Could it be that Qianliu is a girl?" No, during the day between the moon and the sky, I happened to hear him speak, obviously it was a rough man's voice. "

Senior sister gentian was shocked, male voice actress, what is this operation?

"It's not unusual for girls to be good at ventriloquism, you have a lot of monster voice actors on your neon side."

Chu Feng looked calm, did not think that there was any fuss about this kind of thing, although Qianliu hid it well, ventriloquist was also great, wearing a mask seemed to have the effect of optimizing her voice, even the people around her did not find her gender.

But under Chu Feng's spiritual power, her true body could not be hidden.

A hint of surprise also flashed under Erina's eyes.

However, she did not doubt Chu Feng's words.

With Boss Chu's strength, few things could hide from his eyes.

Alice and Tashoe opened their mouths slightly to ease their shock.

How did I not expect that the guy wrapped in a red tights and wearing a red mask was actually a girl?

It shocked them all year.

I really can't figure it out, even if a good girl dresses up, she has to disguise her voice as a bad man, what is the picture?

Everyone quickly realized that maybe Stream is also a person with a story...

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