Chapter 0492: The theme is ramen again, and Alice has superpowers?!!

About Xiaozhu?

Everyone felt that there was nothing to discuss.

Because there is too little information about the other side.

It is only known that he is from the Yunyin Hotel in the sea of trees.

It was a restaurant made of invisible trees, and when it encountered danger, it would automatically become invisible like the scumbags of Bukiwuz and Ji Limbache, and it was impossible to break through the disguise of the Yunyin Hotel.

It's just that outsiders don't know anything about Xiaozhu's cooking level.

I don't know what kind of cooking he is good at, and what skills do he have?

However, since he can be ranked in the second series of the new ten masters, he is only under the thousands, and his strength is definitely not weak.

At this moment, Tasuo Megumi is ready for a tough fight tomorrow.

After discussing for a while, everyone went back to their rooms to recuperate.

After all, tomorrow's opponents, there is no one to deal with.


The Wing Halberd continued.

Although the first person to appear was expected, it was inevitable to be a little surprised.

Alice VS Fuyusuke Ogijima!

"The sixth inning actually sent Miss Alice?"

"This is also expected, although Miss Alice is known as the son of the god of molecular gastronomy, when it comes to the autumn selection, after all, the ranking is after Tianshohui, and the other few people, the level of cooking should be better than her."

"Yes, even if she is super talented in molecular gastronomy, she still has no chance of winning against Fuyusuke Ongijima, who is the third seat of the ten masters and known as the master of ramen."

"It seems that this Nakamura Thistle side is stable, win this game, the two sides will be tied."

"It's really a dragon and tiger fight, and it also makes me wait to open my eyes."

"Watch the next match, Alice has little chance of winning, but she will definitely give us a wonderful matchup."

"The two players are already in place, and Fuyusuke Ongijima seems to be particularly dignified, it seems that he also values his opponent."

"That's of course, although Alice is still young, she is also a member of the Kakukiri family, and Fuyusuke Ongijima, as the young head of all the ramen shop owners in Neon, naturally knows all this."

In the VIP room and in the auditorium, almost everyone was discussing this game.

Whether it is Alice or Ongijima Fuyusuke, the fame is not small, and naturally it attracts more attention from all parties.

Even Chu Feng was a little interested at this time.

After all~

Last night, Alice sneaked up to the third floor of the Maple Leaf Pavilion and let herself open a small stove for her.

She is not who she was yesterday.

But in Chu Feng's original memory.

Fuyusuke Ongijima should be on Erina's side.

And also killed Shoko Shoko Tsumi in the first round of the Wing Halberd.

In the second battle, I lost to Kobayashi Gentian Crocodile Meat Cuisine.

It's just that now the identities of the two have been reversed, and Kobayashi Gentian is on Erina's side.

Chu Feng was not surprised.

Even if all neon ramen restaurants are united, they are no match for gourmet parties.

Ongijima Fuyusuke has too many worries, and naturally cannot be left alone in this fight.

The halberd officially begins.

There are no surprises.

The theme is still ramen.

The audience naturally turned their attention to Thistle Nakamura on the judges' bench.

I just tried the ramen theme yesterday, and it's shameless to come back today.

But Nakamura Thistle is as stable as Mount Tarzan.

A breezy look.

Apparently has come out of yesterday's humiliation.

A day's success or failure doesn't hurt.

The final victory is the result.

Although now one point behind Erina.

But after figuring it out, Nakamura Thistle is still full of confidence.

The remaining contestants on his side are the best among young chefs, and they can't think of what they can lose.

~, to be exact

Thistle Nakamura has confidence in Chiryu, Kotake and Siyoshi.

Fuyusuke Ongijima still makes African ramen.

With chicken wings and beef as the base, and served with an unparalleled chili olive oil sauce, everyone was stunned.

Wait a minute......

Are there ramen in Africa?

Don't they only have dark cuisine?

What the hell is African ramen?

This group of people present are all leaders in the neon food industry.

Ramen is one of the most popular neon dishes.

They do not allow others to touch the porcelain.

Forget about the Dragon Kingdom.

It is a big country with a rich history.

Even the ramen came from there.

But African ramen?

Sorry, I haven't heard of it.

At this moment, everyone watching the competition couldn't help but have a thought popping up in their minds: Female Kijima Fuyusuke wouldn't deliberately release water, right?

Planning to lose this game yourself?

Typical body in Cao Ying, heart in Han.


Everyone's eyes were once again focused on Nakamura Thistle, wanting to see the reaction of the new commander-in-chief.

Who ever thought ~

The other party still looked light.

It seems that he has long known what Fuyuke Ongijima is going to cook, and there is no surprise at all.

And the other side ~

Alice's selection of materials is also a little incomprehensible.

High-gluten flour, edible alkali, pork, eggs, these are all normal.

But the chicken and shrimp minced are a little incomprehensible.

And there are also fungus and shiitake mushrooms, which are a bit of a mystery.

"This is... Kawanishi cuisine, stuffed ramen? "

When Alice started to do it, knowledgeable people directly said the name of the dish.

Stuffed ramen!

The traditional noodles in western Sichuan are generally used for high-end banquets.

Fill the dough with various fillings, pull it into noodles and cook it.

"Interesting, this kind of ramen is really rare on our neon side, Miss Alice actually learned this?"

"It's normal, following Chu Feng, the Linchef, there is a lot of opportunity to learn the various colors of ramen in the Dragon Kingdom."

"Fuyusuke Ongijima makes alternative African ramen, and Miss Alice chooses a local flavored ramen, and this duel is really interesting."

"Wait, what is Alice doing? Why did the ingredients fly on their own? "

"Groove! Superpowers? Or some kind of food technique? "

"How is that possible? She is a seven-star chef at most, whether she has awakened her cooking heart is not certain, how can she practice her eating skills. "

"It is true that there are very few people who have comprehended the meaning of food in advance by the Nine-Star Chef, let alone the Seven Stars, but how can this situation explain the library now?"

"The old man doesn't know, but the world is so big, even if Alice awakens her superpowers, it's not surprising, after all, she has been messing around with Boss Chu all this time."

"Yes, who knows what that mysterious Lin Chef taught her."

The high-level leaders of the culinary world were shocked, and they were all shocked by Alice's operation.

But when he thought of Chu Feng, who came from a mysterious origin, he seemed to be a little relieved.

However, the Yuanyue students obviously did not have such good concentration.

One by one, they opened their mouths wide, feeling that this scene was a bit mysterious.

I saw that on the cooking counter where Alice was, several kinds of ingredients and kitchenware flew up one after another, as if a pair of invisible big hands were controlling, automatically blending in mid-air, not only orderly, but also flying fast...

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